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When Gabriel arrived at S-Tech he noticed that everyone was crowded around. He scanned out the group and noticed Leo and as he made his way over to him- someone got a hold of his arm. And when Gabriel turned around to look at them, he was surprised to see that it was Vincent.

"What's going on," Gabriel asked.

"Everyone," Keiway spoke. "Listen up."

It fell silent immediately and Gabriel faced Keiway along with the rest of the team members.

"In three weeks from now is our first competition after the World Championships," Keiway carried on. "There will be some changes." He paused and locked his focus on Gabriel. "To the team."

"That's you," Vincent whispered in Gabriel's ear.

The two looked at each other and a grin appeared on Vincent's face but a nervous one appeared on Gabriel's.

"Listen closely for when you hit the ice," Keiway finished.

A male with light brown hair stepped up with an iPad in his hand. "Alright," he spoke. "Hi everyone. I'm Caesar Lite. I'm new so bear with me."

Anyone could tell that he was nervous by the way he laughed nervously at the end. He was maybe even more nervous than Gabriel. After all, he was standing in front of the whole team.

"So first to hit the ice on our team will be Leo Reece," Caesar spoke, and everyone clapped. "You will be number twenty-one, right after Kai Anders. Then we have Nico Peters, and you are number thirty; right after Scott Detz."

"Sergio's brother," Keiway spoke. "Let's not have a repeat of that competition."

Gabriel looked at Nico who stood only a few feet away from him and noticed that Sergio was whispering in Nico's ear. He looked away from them, listening to Caesar as he called out more names but none of them were his.

Gabriel looked at Vincent. "I thought you said I was skating our next competition back," he whispered.

"I didn't promise it," Vincent said, not making eye contact with Gabriel.

"Then why am I here," Gabriel questioned, sounding angry. "At least at Shontail I know I'll be on the ice."

"Then go back," Vincent snapped and finally looked at Gabriel.

The two of them stared intensely at one another without saying a word and eventually Vincent looked away.

"And finally," Caesar spoke, getting Gabriel's attention. "Our newest member, Gabriel Amore, you will be number one oh eight; right after DeMarcus Skylar." Caesar looked up from his iPad. "Good luck everyone and train hard."

Keiway shouted "dismissed" and everyone broke out into chatter, scattering out around the main room.

Gabriel faced Vincent. "Hey," he started but was cut off.

"We start at 5 am," he spoke sharply then snapped a look at Gabriel. "Don't be late."

Vincent stepped around him and Gabriel watched as he went to the locker room.

"Keiway," Gabriel heard a male voice call out, then he saw the male who was around Gabriel's age with light blue hair standing only a couple feet away from him.

"For the last time, Joshua," Keiway snapped, looking at the blue haired male. "You're not skating this competition season. Not after your coma the last time."

"So, you'd rather put in that newbie Amore whole won't even last a week in my spot?" Joshua snapped.

"He came closer to winning that title than you ever have in your whole life," Keiway stated sharply, and Joshua's face dropped. "Are we done here?" Keiway walked away from Joshua with Caesar following right behind him.

Joshua looked over at Gabriel and their eyes locked. Gabriel swallowed hard, feeling scared but Joshua only rolled his eyes and left the building. And once he was out of Gabriel's line of sight, he let out all the air he was holding in feeling relieved.

After Gabriel got all his things, he left the building and saw Leo was only a few feet ahead of him.

"Hey Leo wait up," Gabriel called out, jogging to catch up with him.

"What is it, Gabriel," Leo asked once he caught up.

"You ready for the competition," Gabriel asked, pulling his bag strap up on his shoulder.

Leo shrugged. "I guess," he spoke. "No need to get so excited. It's just the first out of eight."

"Yeah. You're right."

The two continued walking in silence for a while then Gabriel broke the silence.

"I always wondered what the S in S-tech stood for."

"Beats me," Leo said with a shrug.

"You don't ever wonder that?" Gabriel asked, looking at Leo.

"Nope. And I don't really care."

Silence again then a voice spoke behind them giving them a startle. "Superior," he spoke, and the two boys turned to face him then noticed that it was Sergio.

"The S," Sergio spoke again. "It stands for superior."

"Because we're superior," Gabriel said, making sense of it.

"No," Sergio spoke immediately. "We," he corrected Gabriel, pointing at Leo then himself. "Are superior. You." He pointed at Gabriel. "Are not. You are deferential. Demure. Compliant. Meek. The opposite of superior."

"You didn't have to go that far Sergio," Leo said.

Sergio shrugged. "It's true," he stated. "Yeah, you won two titles. And so what you're the tenth person Vincent Maze recruited to the team. But there's no way in hell that you'll still be on the team before the competition season is over."

Gabriel stood frozen once those words rolled out of Sergio's mouth. Sergio only chuckled as he continued walking away from them.

"He's right," Gabriel whispered to himself.

"Don't let him bring you down, Amore," Leo remarked. He looked at Sergio walking then spoke again. "He's always jealous of anyone that ever joined the team. And his brother, although he's not on the team he's always hated him because he's so much better than Sergio." Leo looked at Gabriel. "That's why he doesn't skate."

Gabriel snapped a look at Leo. "If he doesn't skate then why is he on the team," he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because he coaches Nico," Leo replied. "And every competition- Nico always beats his brother. But only once Scott beat him when Nico fell flat on his ass. And after that- Sergio never heard the end of it from his brother."

Gabriel and Leo looked away from each other and watched as Sergio turned the corner out of their sight.

"Best bet," Leo said, which caused Gabriel to look at him again. "Is to beat Nico." Now Leo faced Gabriel and their eyes locked. "To shut Sergio up."


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