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"Caesar," he spoke, closing the door behind him. "What on Earth are you doing in my office?"

"Joshua Creed," Caesar spoke, walking around Keiway's desk.

"What about him," Keiway spoke, sitting at his desk.

"Joshua Creed joined Baytone High," Caesar spoke and Keiway stared at him blankly.

"See," Caesar spoke, stepping closer to Keiway. He placed his laptop on the desk in front of Keiway. "Right there," he said, pointing at an article underneath the photo of Joshua and the coach shaking hands.

"We are proud to welcome our newest member of Baytone High and former member of S-Tech, Joshua Creed," Keiway read off the article on the laptop. "They let a good one go but we were lucky enough to get him and build him up to be the best."

Keiway looked up at Caesar and shrugged his shoulders. "They can try," Keiway spoke. "But Vincent will always be number one."

"But he's not in it this competition season," Caesar stated.

"He's training Amore. We'll be fine."

The two locked eyes without saying another word, staring at each other with no clear expression but Caesar was definitely nervous.

"Practice at 5," Vincent said once he and Gabriel got outside the building.

"Okay," Gabriel spoke, struggling to keep the strap of his bag on his shoulder.

Vincent chuckled then stepped closer to Gabriel. He grabbed Gabriel's bag strap, bringing it over his head so it rested on his other shoulder to wrap across his body.

"There," Vincent spoke with a grin. "Now you don't have to struggle."

The two chuckled and Gabriel looked down at his feet. Why am I blushing? He thought in his head.

"Thanks," Gabriel finally spoke.

"You're welcome," Vincent replied.

Gabriel eventually looked up at Vincent then walked around him. "Amore," he called out, turning around to look over his shoulder to face Gabriel.

"Yeah," Gabriel spoke in a nervous tone.

Vincent grinned. "Don't be late."

A nervous smile appeared on Gabriel's face as he watched Vincent walk away.

"-and then he told me "don't be late," Gabriel concluded.

He was back at the apartment with Raymond and Kyhun as they sat at the table eating noodles with a roll on the side.

"So just wake up earlier then," Raymond spoke.

"How early though," Gabriel questioned, then took a bite from his roll. "He didn't even give me a time," he added with his mouth full.

"So then text him," Raymond suggested. "You have his number don't 'cha?"

Gabriel nodded then finally swallowed the bread. "But-"

"Gabe," Kyhun said with annoyance in his tone. "If the S-Tech standards are too high then come back to Shontail. I'm sure the team misses you."

"As much as I wish I could, Kyhun." Gabriel paused then shrugged. "I can't."

"What?" Raymond spoke.

"Why!?" Kyhun exclaimed.

"Because I'm already on the competition list under S-Tech," Gabriel stated. "I can't switch now."

Gabriel shook his head. "I can't risk it." He stood up with his empty bowl in his hand then went to the kitchen.

"You can't or you won't," Kyhun snapped, causing Gabriel to look at him. "Because there's a difference. You know- between skating because you enjoy it and skating because you want to become famous."

"Okay and what if I want that," Gabriel snapped back, tossing his bowl in the kitchen sink. "There's no rule saying I can't have fun and enjoy it while becoming famous and making a name for myself! Doesn't matter which team I'm on. Shontail or S-Tech; I'm still skating!"

"But if you had to choose- you'd pick S-Tech over Shontail." He paused. "Over me." His voice cracked. "I'm your best friend, Gabriel. And for you to pick fame over family really says a lot about you."

"Kyhun," Gabriel spoke softly, realizing that he hurt his friend.

"Who helped you push yourself day and night to get better?" Kyhun snapped. "Who pushed you through every exam so you could continue skating?" His tone rose as the anger began to get to him. "And who picked you up off the street, brought you to a safe place to live, cared for you when you blacked out!? ME!" he shouted. "I did! Not Vincent Maze. Not any of those S-Tech egotistic, self-centered skaters!"

The room fell silent.

"Wow," Gabriel spoke in a hush tone, feeling taken aback. "Is that how you see me? As another egotistic, self-centered S-Tech skater."

Kyhun clicked his tongue. "If the skate fits."

"Guys," Raymond finally spoke up.

"No," Gabriel spoke, cutting Raymond off. "It's fine."

He walked out of the kitchen, heading to the living room, grabbing all his things. While he was gathering his things, he could hear Raymond and Kyhun arguing back and forth in the kitchen.

"No Gabriel don't leave," Raymond spoke once Gabriel went back to the kitchen area.

"Let him go," Kyhun spoke, standing up. "Don't want paparazzi showing up."

"Kyhun," Raymond remarked, snapping a shut-up look in his direction.

Gabriel scoffed then opened the door but before he left, he looked back at them to say one more thing.

"And for the record," Gabriel spoke. "I never asked for your help. I didn't need you. Ever."

"Then don't think about coming back," Kyhun spoke harshly.

Gabriel turned away; hearing Raymond say his name telling him to come back before he slammed the door shut right behind him.

And the next day when Vincent walked through the entrance door of the ice rink, he saw that Gabriel was already running through the routine. He dropped his bag on the floor which caused Gabriel to stop and look at him. Gabriel looked to his right at the clock on the wall which read 5:37 am. He faced Vincent then tossed his arms up.

"This better," Gabriel called out so Vincent could hear him.

The two both couldn't help but grin and chuckle as Vincent made his way to the ice rink with Gabriel.

"Run it back," Vincent spoke in a low tone that was still loud enough for Gabriel to hear.


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