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The next morning Gabriel's alarm went off at 3:30 am. He turned it off then rubbed his eyes as he slowly sat up on the coach.

Raymond had agreed that Gabrel could stay at the apartment with him as long as helped pay the rent. And since he no longer went to Shontail High anymore and all the rooms at S-Tech were full he had no choice but to stay at this apartment. Even though he slept on the couch. But he at least got his own bathroom.

Gabriel grabbed his glasses, putting them on before he stood up and went to his bathroom. He closed the door and locked it before he stripped from his clothes and hopped in the shower, rinsing off for a few minutes then dried off. He brushed his teeth, splashed water on his face then blow dried his hair. Without bothering to do anything with it he left the bathroom, grabbed his things then left the apartment.

Once he got to S-Tech he saw Vincent parked by the curb with his back leaning against the passenger side of his car with his arms crossed. Gabriel let out a breath before he approached Vincent.

"Good mor-"

"You're late," Vincent spoke, pushing off his car.

"What are you talking about," Gabriel asked, sounding and looking confused. "It's only." He paused to pull out his phone and check the time. "4:58."

"Which is late," Vincent stated as he headed towards the entrance of the main building.

"I'm sorry I'm confused," Gabriel spoke, pulling his bag strap on his shoulder as he struggled to keep with Vincent.

"I said we start at 5," Vincent remarked, opening the door. "And since you got here at 4:58- you're late."

"Still confused," Gabriel muttered and once again he struggled with keeping the strap of his bag on his shoulder.

Vincent stopped suddenly and turned to face Gabriel. "Listen closely because I'm only going to say this once. By the time you get here you have two minutes to walk through those doors." He pointed at the entrance. "Then you have five minutes to get to the locker room. Three minutes to change, four minutes to walk through the exit doors and fifteen to walk through the entrance doors of the ice rink. And it's 4:58. You're. Late."

He turned on his heel and continued walking towards the locker room. Once Gabriel snapped back to reality he followed after him and struggled with his bag.

"Sorry," he muttered under his breath with his head down, but it was still loud enough for Vincent to hear.

Once they got to the locker room Vincent waited for Gabriel to get there. He didn't have to wait long but once Gabriel caught up to him- Vincent stopped him before he could go inside.

"Gabriel look at me," Vincent spoke lightly and slowly Gabriel raised his head up. Vincent sighed. "Look. I don't know how you used to do things at Shontail High but here- we do things professionally. On time is late. Okay."

Gabriel nodded his head. Vincent opened the locker room door for Gabriel and motioned his head inside.

"Hurry up and get changed," Vincent spoke. "I'll meet you at the ice rink in fifteen."

Gabriel nodded again then walked past Vincent but stopped when he heard him say his name. Gabriel turned to face Vincent and saw a warm smile on his face.

"I'm sorry," Vincent spoke.

"I forgive you," Gabriel said, then a grin appeared on his face too.

Once Vincent closed the door Gabriel turned on his heel and yet again- he struggled to keep the strap of his bag on his shoulder. As soon as he got it, he headed towards his locker to change.


"Up," Vincent yelled at Gabriel. "You need to get up on that jump, Amore!"

Vincent sighed then shook his head and the sound of Sergio clicking his tongue filled Vincent's ears as he neared him.

"You expect this guy to win the next title with these baby jumps," Sergio said once he stopped to stand by Vincent's side.

"Why don't you focus on Nico and teach him how to skate with his feet and not his ass," Vincent snapped back.

The two glared at one another but Sergio's face softened as he slowly grinned then chuckled faintly. "Watch yourself, Vince," he spoke, darkly before walking away from him.

Vincent exhaled then turned to focus on Gabriel but was surprised by how close he was in front of him.

"Run it again," Vincent spoke, then Gabriel pushed off the barricade to continue practicing.

After practicing for eight hours, everyone was taking a break. Vincent and Gabriel were both in the cafe along with several other members of S-Tech. Gabriel took a sip of his water while he watched Vincent focus intensely at whatever was on his iPad.

"What are you looking at," Gabriel finally asked.

"Your 2021 nationals routine," Vincent replied.

Gabriel snickered. "Why?"

Vincent tapped the screen then slid his finger across the bottom of it before turning it around to show Gabriel. "Watch."

"Vincent I-"

"Just shut up and look," Vincent snapped, cutting Gabriel off.

Gabriel huffed then watched the video play on the iPad.

"Right," Vincent spoke, preparing to pause the video. "There."

He stopped it when Gabriel jumped in the air on the video. "Yeah and," Gabriel spoke, looking at Vincent. "I've done that jump a million times."

"But listen," Vincent spoke. He replayed the video then turned up the volume before playing it again.

"Wow," the announcer in the video exclaimed. "That's the highest I've seen anyone jump in figure skating history."

Vincent paused the video again then placed the iPad on the table. "You've done that jump a million times and yet- you're jumping like you're scared in there," Vincent stated.

"I just don't want to injure myself before the competition," Gabriel replied.

Vincent stood up. "It's now or never, Amore," he spoke dully.

He walked away from Gabriel without looking back and Gabriel looked over his shoulder watching him leave. He turned around then pulled the iPad closer to him. He slid his finger back then played it at the same spot Vincent did.

"Wow," the announcer in the video exclaimed. "That's the highest I've seen anyone jump in figure skating history."

"Gabriel Amore always finds a way to impress," the other announcer in the video stated.

Gabriel paused the video then looked up at the vending machine and sighed.

"Alright great practice everyone," Keiway spoke once all the S-Tech members gathered in the main building. "Eat. Get some rest and we'll see you tomorrow."

Chatter broke out as everyone made their way around the room. Some headed to the locker room while others left the building. Keiway walked through the crowd to get to his office and once he got there, he was startled by who he saw.


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