Wedding shopping

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Jungkook looked himself in big mirror of dressing room in the shop...he smiled looking at himself....he can't wait to know what compliments he gonna get ...

He walk out from the small room and come to lounge where his soon to be husband..waiting for him...he cleared his throat to gain the attention of the male sitting on couch ..scrolling on his phone...

The mentioned guy turns towards the direction of his fiance and a sweet smile blossom on his face..he can't take his eyes from his baby who is clad in pastel pink color three piece suit...

" you look gorgeous...." he was too stunned to say more...

" tell me something which I don't know..." jungkook Sassed...flipping his small hair him his famous bunny smile....that made other one to smile too..

" now I gonna change to last one...wait.." jungkook said and ran towards the trial room again...his fiance chuckled at his cute behavior..he sat down again ..waiting  for his jungkook....

Jungkook came back ...he locked the door and turned towards the mirror..he stripped from the current clothes and took the other one...a bright red three piece suit which got his attention the moment he entered the showroom....he touched the fabric...he smiled feeling the softness under his palm...he quickly started to wear it....

He looked at himself again in mirror...his smile was the proof that he loved the outfit...he is sure that is dear fiance ..Jackson   gonna faint after seeing him like this...he grinned and started to walk towards his fiance...

Jackson was talking to someone on phone about the decoration of wedding venue...jungkook and he selected other things like cake and outfits for jungkook's outfit and rings are left ...

He turned when he heard the clicking sound of shoes stopped a little far from jungkook assumed...Jackson was in verge of fainting seeing his fiance clad in bright red fabric..his pale white skin giving the best contrast match with the outfit....

Jungkook looked down...can't handle the intense gaze on him...he look up to Jackson..shows his best smile ....he raised his eyebrow..asking how he looking...

" kookie...I don't have words to describe how beautiful you are looking....there is no word in dictionary which I can use to compliment you...."

Jungkook clapped his hands excitedly...he was pleased to hear those words...but his stopped when he saw the smile on his fiance face disappeared...

" you look too good in this outfit kookie but don't you think it won't match with the theme and decoration of the wedding..." Jackson said...he know his words gonna hurt kookie but he have to say that...jungkook didn't utter a word..he stood straight infront of Jackson...

" babe...I think the last one you will look best with wedding theme and it also look really pretty on you..." Jackson tried to coax his love...

Jungkook just nodded his head and went back to trail room..he stripped from his favorite outfit and change into his casual clothes...

He looked in mirror...he knows that Jackson liked him alot in this red outfit but he said to change it into pink one just for the sake of the theme which is choosed by his mother in law...Jackson mother....

He picked both the suits and went out...he put the red one on his previous position and gave pink one for billing...Jackson paid for it....they got the bags and went out from shops...but jungkook's eyes where still on that red one...

" I will buy that to wear at some other event.." he thought and smiled...he held Jackson hand they walked towards the jewelry shop...

The moment they entered the shop...jungkook started to roam around looking at those tiny tiny sparkling rings ...Jackson smiled looking at his fiance and went towards the Manger of the shop..

" hello..I am Jackson mother ordered to customize Two wedding rings...are they ready.."

" yes sir...please wait a minute  " saying that Manger went to take the customized rings...

Jungkook was looking at some rings ..thats when his eyes fell on a beautiful rings...he smiled and asked someone to help him to get it...

Jungkook looked at the ring in his hand...he smiled...he turned his head to find his fiance to show him what he liked...before he can reach at Jackson..he saw Manger giving two rings boxes to him...he looked confused..he went near him...

" kookie...look...isn't beautiful " Jackson asked showing the rings to jungkook...jungkook looked at those rings infront of him ...then he looked at the ring in his hand...Jackson noticed that
.and he understood what's going on here...he sighed..

" customized these rings for us..."

Jungkook looked at Jackson with black face...he put the ring in his hand on table and walk back towards the waiting area of the shop...

" this is fine...please pack them " Jackson said to the manager giving the customized rings for billing...he walked towards jungkook and sat beside him..he looked at his sulking fiance...

" I will buy your chosen ring on your birthday.." Jackson said...jungkook snapped his head towards his fiance..glaring at him...

" why not in our wedding...?"

" because mom already chose rings for us..."

Jungkook sighed ...

" wedding venue is decided by her, decoration decided by her, wedding outfit have to take according to her....I can't take a ring of my choice...?"

" know nah how difficult was it too convince her for our marriage..."

" yeah yeah...and you were ready to leave me when she rejected me  " jungkook said rolling his eyes back...

" you know it's not like already know how I I respect and obey my parents...but I never said I will leave you jungkook..." Jackson explained himself...

He remembered how much they gone through to reach here...just a week away from thier marriage....they love eachother and wanted to spend life together...jungkook was sure his family won't say no because his family which consists his parents only..loves him a lot....but Jackson...his parents rejected jungkook the moment he introduced them.....they had to go through a lot those day..but suddenly one day his mom agreed for marriage but she put one condition...everything will be decided by they didn't argue more and accepted her condition....

" whatever..." jungkook said sulking....Jackson come out from his thoughts and looked at his love...

" what about a ice-cream date after shopping " Jackson know how to bring around jungkook very well....

Jungkook smiled happily....nothing is more important than ice-cream for him....they walk out from jewelry shop after getting thier rings ..they walked towards the nearby ice-cream parlor to get his fav ice-cream.....


Helo my dear readers....

So here is the first chapter of this story...I know ..many of you won't like how I paired jk with Jackson...but it's just for plot....

Still if anyone wanna stop here without knowing the can offense...

Others please enjoy the book...

See you in next chapter...

Stay healthy and happy 💜😊

Chinnu 💜 & Crystal 🔮

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