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Days, weeks,months passed quickly.....the secret friendship which started a year ago by a nervous jungkook is now going really well....and slowly blooming into more than just a friendship..

Jackson and jungkook did very well in hiding thier friendship from everyone in school...no one except them know about this...the subtle glance ,a small smile to each other, sometimes blushing looking at eachother were going smoothly without anyone's notice.....they will talk in night through calls...in school when they get any free hour ,jungkook and Jackson will spend that time in library.....

Jungkook really wanted to disclose his friendship to Taehyung and others but he hesitated thinking about the outcome...he knows very well that tae don't like the presence of Jackson but he still chosed this path...and now he knows that he have to face tae for breaking his promise....

Taehyung after that day thought his kookie is keeping his promise well...he never doubted on jungkook whenever he saw younger in night on his balcony with phone....he never asked jungkook about this....

Taehyung was waiting for thier graduation day....that day he planned to propose jungkook and tell him his feelings which he hiding for years....he was positive about his confession

Taehyung heard the loud series of claps and cheers when he received his graduation certificate and the award for best student of the year...he turned to the audience in that big auditorium...his eyes stopped on the row where his mom, his uncle and aunt and his kookie looking at him with a proud smile...Taehyung himself can't control his smile....

Yuna had tears in her eyes when she saw her son in stage...the boy once who don't even know what a school means, now getting the award for best student....she wiped her happy tears knowing her hardwok through all these years didn't went in waste....she is proud of her son....

Next was jungkook who was climbing the stairs toward stage with his bunny smile...he got his certificate and roamed his eyes in audience...he saw the eyes of his loved ones on him with a proud smile...

His eyes locked with Jackson who was sitting in first row with his dad...the privilege row for vip guests...he blushed while climbing down the stairs...

" Taehyung..teacher is asking for you in office " a student informed him when he was about to exit the auditorium with his family...he went to office room and others started to walk out from there...

Jungkook heard a notification popped on his phone....

" appa..I will come with tae...you go " he told them and ran inside the school building...other continued their walk...

Taehyung was coming out from staff room when he saw a blurry image of jungkook running towards the parking lot...

' kookie....where is going " Taehyung asked to himself and followed the path of younger...he reached at the parking lot and the scene infront of him made him clench of the trofy in his hands tightly....jungkook was hugging Jackson.....

" I will miss you " jungkook said backing away from others grip...Jackson caressed his head while looking at him softly...

" I will miss you more...and it's not for long kookie....I have to go America to complete some paper works with dad so that I can take admission here in college which you will choose "

" so you will join the course which I choose?"

" no doubt on this...inform me when you decide which college and course you will select so that I can take admission there..."

Jungkook nodded his head

" jungkook....you know nah how I feel for you...I already told you Many times in subtle ways...but today I really want to ask you if you feel same for me...I really like you jungkook and I hope your answer is also positive..." Jackson said while holding jungkook's shoulders...jungkook looked at him and shyly nodded his head...a big smile curved on Jackson face when he got the answer which he was expecting....he was about to hug jungkook but flinched when they heard the sound behind them...

Jungkook turned around and his eyes went wide when he saw Taehyung standing just some steps away from them...the trofy was on floor rolling down....

Taehyung felt like all his body cells died in one word...his body felt lifeless when he saw his kookie on Jackson arms...the betrayal he felt while jungkook nodded his head positively for Jackson's every question....the pang on his heart felt same as the day when jungkook forget about him one year ago that day....

" Tae.. Tae...please..please let me explain...please " jungkook took slow steps towards elder while tears started to fill his eyes....Taehyung looked at teary eyes of jungkook and then behind him Jackson....

" there is nothing to explain jungkook...I saw everything " Taehyung said with a smile which jungkook realized very well....jungkook shook his head again walking towards Tae....Tae showed his palm telling him stop on his way....

" I am happy if you are happy jungkook...nothing more to explain....I will go to others..they will be waiting for us...you must have told them you are with me right....don't worry..I will tell them you went to washroom....come after you finish..." Taehyung said and started to walk away from them.... he stopped and turned to jungkook...

" jungkook....don't make promises if you can't keep it...not to me only but to anyone....oh sorry...you just broke my promise not his..." Tae chuckled and left the place....

" don't worry kookie....let him know...he have to know this one day..." Jackson said holding the shoulders of boy who is crying now....

" but..but.."

" no buts jungkook....he should know this...and this way is better though...we don't have to narrate all the story to him...don't worry about him much...he will understand after all he is your best friend..." Jackson said and hugged the boy.....

" Tae.....what happened to your hands...." Yuna ran towards Taehyung when she saw Taehyung coming towards them with a bleeding knuckles....Elders where standing at the exit waiting for kids....

" nothing mom..accidently  hit on something " Tae said with blank face...only if the wall of the empty corridor can say the truth...




Hope you guys don't hate me for making them like this....sorry in advance....

Taehyung is silent....but is this silence is a warning or something....🤨🤨🤨

By the way guys...I want to clear something about story....I saw many of you hating jungkook and it's normal because it's what I  felt when I read what I wrote...but if we think by jk side, he never told he love tae or he didn't showed any kind of love emotion towards him..it was tae who have feelings for jk and jk still don't know...he can't read mind of course....so making another friend is not crime or cheating but yeah he shouldn't have lied to tae..thats his mistake...he still immature...and he is doing all this in his excitement....Jackson is the boy who can get everyone attention with his charm and all..like perfect boyfriend material so jk also thought like this...just think...if you have a BFF   so won't you look for a life partner....I will...because my BFF is my BFF till he say something about his feelings....so that's the case with jk...I hope you guys understanding what I mean.....so let's enjoy the story as a story only.....you can still comment whatever you want because it's making us happy that you guys taking interest in our characters....

See you soon

Stay happy and healthy 💗😊

Bye bye ❤ 👋👋👋👋👋

Chinnu 💜 & Crystal 🔮

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