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" hey Jackson "...

Jungkook closed his eyes tightly trying to control his anger...this voice...this voice is the only reason of misery nowadays...anywhere he go with Jackson and others in college he can hear this girl....and it's been going on for more than a week now....

Jungkook opened his eyes and shoot a glare on dami who was standing near Jackson...

" can I sit here...hahha...of course I can " dami sassed and pulled a empty chair from other table towards her and sat beside Jackson....jungkook looked around the cafeteria...there are many empty tables and chair but this girl has to come between them....jungkook looked infront of him where jimin sitting...jimin blinked his eyes..asking jungkook to be calm...Tae was busy with his lunch and phone....

" jack...are you coming for party tonight?" Dami asked...Jackson looked at her confusingly and jungkook curiously...

" don't you remember.?...but my dad said you will be there too..."

" just skipped from my mind.."

" oh...but you have to come know I don't know others there and you will be good company for me "

" hmm..I will think..." Jackson nodded focusing on his meal...jungkook's attention was on their conversation more rather than his food...

" by the way  jack...why don't you invite your boyfriend and your friends too for the know just to raise the temperature " dami said checking Taehyung who was peacefully having his lunch...

Jackson just ignored her words but jungkook was shooting daggers towards her...

" ok then see you soon " dami said getting up from her place with half left meal on the plate...she looked at jungkook and smirked before going away....

" this girl is trouble " jimin said looking at her back...jungkook nodded his head on the comment..

" I am not getting any good vibes from her...Jackson...please stay away from her...I really don't like her " jungkook said holding his boyfriend's arm...Jackson nodded his head smiling...

Their moment breaks when Taehyung's phone ringed...he answered the call and ended it next second...

" teacher is asking for me...I will join you in class." Taehyung said before going out the cafeteria..others resumed their eating as it's nothing special because teachers always calls Tae for some helps....

" so class we already decided..on this Saturday we are going for camping...."

Students clapped after hearing the announcement made by thier professor in will be refreshing for all of them after a lot of assignments n all...

" like all time, there will be some competitions and games so you guys should prepare yourself..but remember it's a healthy competition no fighting n all....the groups will be divide as pairs..."

Jungkook looked at Jackson who was sitting back when he heard about the pairing...he smiled when he saw Jackson was already looking at him...

" and this time pairs will be chosen by computer systems and--"

"May I come in sir "

Professor looked at the entrance where Taehyung was asking permission to enter the class holding a laptop...he nodded and tae walked towards him.

" sir this..." Taehyung said and placed the laptop on the desk before walking towards his seat...

" where were you ?" Jungkook whisper to elder who sat beside him..Tae pointed toward the laptop and jungkook understood may be teacher asked him any help with computer as tae is really good in it...

" so we have all yours names here and it will make pairs randomly and there will be no any Changes in let's start "

Every student was excited to know who they will be getting as pair...professor started to take names of pairs...some were happy because they got their friends and some were grumpy because they didn't get what they wished...

" so next pair is Taehyung and jungkook  "

Jungkook smiled when he heard the names..Taehyung looked at his face then back to professor...

" next one Jackson and dami "

Jungkook shut his eyes ...this is not going correctly....why he....jungkook thought opening his eyes when he heard the giggling of that girl...he looked back at Jackson who was sitting there without any special expression...

" and final pair is jimin and mark.." jimin looked at the said guy who was giving him a full voltage smile...jimin shook his head smiling..he don't have any objection with this pairing as he knows other is a good guy...

" so final information...the travel towards the destination will be by bus and you have to sit with your paired I clear...." professor said closing his laptop...he walk out from the class after getting the positive response...

The next moment sir went out the class..dami was standing next to Jackson's desk

" jack...we will gonna know I loves to play games and I win them too " dami said looking at jungkook who was staring at her...

" sorry to break your bubble dami...but you don't know our bonding....Tae will never let me loose...isn't tae " jungkook said holding Taehyung arms and smirked at girl when Taehyung nodded to his statement...

" so you trust him more than your boyfriend " dami mocked and jungkook smiled...

" I know him very well ...and yes ..I trust him more than anything..."

" let's see then who will get the crown " dami said and left the class...

" kookie...are you sad about that we are a pair..?" Jackson asked when he saw jungkook still looking at the way dami went out...jungkook turned and shook his head...

" just stay careful around her...thats it..." jungkook said and started to write some notes...Taehyung was sitting beside him without saying anything and happily writing his notes...


Helo guys...

So I am here to inform something....actually there won't be any updates for one week as my mom is hospitalized and I am really not in a position to think straight.......I hope our readers will understand my situation....I hope  the situation will get better in a week...I will update as soon as I get out from here...I have some drafts but network here is really please guys...wait for us ...

And those who were waiting for qna ...I am really sorry...we thought to answer your questions on 1st don't think  I can do now...but I promise we will do that as soon as possible....

-crystal 🔮       

Stay happy and healthy 💗😊

Bye bye 👋👋👋👋👋👋

Chinnu 💜 & Crystal 🔮

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