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So finally Taehyung and jungkook joined's been more than 2 months now...

The pair of a silent tiger and hyperactive bunny is very famous in school as every teacher loves them....both behave nicely in class and with thier classmates too...

Taehyung was really good in studies....he is 2 years older than his other classmates his brain work more faster than them....his mom told him that to become a good person in future he have to study well and that's what he is doing...

By seeing his great excellence in studies...teachers proposed a class promotion idea for that he can study with his age kids...2 grade ahead but Taehyung refused saying he don't wanna leave kookie....

Jungkook ....the hyperactive bunny who is apple of thier eyes...every teachers and kids adore him a little more because that's how he is....every other kid wanted to friends with him but a sharp tiger eyes which always stay beside him scare the poor kids....

But still kids with guts try to talk Jungkook and Taehyung...jungkook gets happy when he get to know others and like to friend with other...but Taehyung...he don't like the presence of other kids around him and his kookie....for him jungkook is his only friend and he is happy with that.....he don't want any other person to invade in thier little bubble of friendship....

Things going smoothly.....till one day....

Jungkook was in washroom and Taehyung was waiting outside for him...

Jungkook heard some loud noise out and he come of from washroom to only get surprised to see Taehyung beating a boy whose name is Kai and they are classmates too....

He stood thier in his feets are glued to floor...he never saw Tae like this..yes he is silent most of the time...he don't talk to any other kids except him...but he never saw Tae this much angry....

Taehyung was punching the kid Kai with his small fist using his all strength....some kids started to cry seeing this scene infront of them...of course they will get scared...they are just 5 or 6 years toddlers...

" Tae...leave...leave. " Jungkook said trying to separate them but his was weak infront of them....

Soon teachers come and separated them forcefully....

The shirt which Kai wearing was almost torn...his face have bruises but no blood...he was crying loudly.....

Taehyung was stood in teacher's hold...breathing heavily...trying to calm himself......

" Both of you...come with us to principal office and ...others get to your classroom now..." teacher scolded them and dragged Taehyung and Kai towards principals cabin...

Jungkook stood thier looking at the fading figure of elder...he can't register what happened now....he went to his classroom and sat thier....

" excuse me...can you tell me where is principals office " Yuna asked a teacher whom she saw while entering in school building...

She was working in factory when she got a call from school informing that principals wants to meet her as soon as she left her all work and came to school after informing Mr jeon...

She knocked on the door and entered in the cabin of principal.. she saw Taehyung and another child standing beside thier classroom teacher and principal was waiting for her in his chair...

She noticed the torn clothes of other kids and some bruises too. She looked at Taehyung and he was looking down ..not wanting to face his mom....

A unwanted fear was building up in her heart...the fear she was hiding for some days now....

" Mrs Kim...please have a seat.. "

" sir...what happened... "

" Mrs Kim...your son Taehyung...he is one of the best student in his class and every teacher likes him for his nature...but today what happened is not acceptable...we never thought that a child like Taehyung who is calm and composed will act like this...can you see..this is Kai...and look at him...this is all caused by Taehyung...."

Yuna looked at kids ...she was feeling embarrassed in front of principal ...she don't know what to say...

" we are asking Taehyung why he did that but he is not uttering a word......Mrs Kim...because this is first time...we are excusing him...but if this kind of things get repeated then I am sorry but we have to expale him ..."

" no sir....he won't repeat that...I promise...."

" hmm...hope you will make him understand this...and Kai ...his parents were really furious over this incident but we somehow managed it..but you have to give them money of hospital it fine with you?".

" yes sir...of course I will do that...this is all caused by my son so I will take the responsibility....thank you so much sir for the help..."

" it's ok Mrs can leave now..."

Yuna walked towards kids...

" I am saying sorry on his behalf...." she said to Kai.. and turned to Taehyung...

" let's go..." she said in cold voice and held Taehyung hand and started to walk away ...

" mom...kookie " Taehyung tried to say in his weak voice...

" his appa will pick him ..." she said without looking at tae and come out from school....


The whole ride from school to home in can was like pin drop one uttered a single word.. Tae was looking outside with tears in his eyes...same for Yuna.....but her mind was filled with unwanted thoughts...

They entered in home...Taehyung stood near the couch when he saw his mom turning toward him...

" why you did that...?"

Taehyung only looking at floor...


Taehyung flinched when she yelled loudly...his mom never raised her voice with him...but today...

" what you doing tae....I am working hard to give you a good future and life ...I want you to be a wise and gentle man in future....but look at are behaving life your  father....his anger...his possessiveness...and now you started to beat others too......of course you will do have his genes in you....I am making sure to give you good morals and you becoming a monster like your father....."  Yuna shouted loudly without realizing what words coming out from her mouth and what impact that words can have on a child...

She was holding this fear for some days now....the way tae get angry and possessive whenever someone get close to kookie...she started to noticed the change in his behavior.....and that was her fear...will Taehyung  become like his dad.....and today incident added fuel in the fire of her thoughts..

Yuna noticed tae was still standing there without saying anything..  and it made her more angry....

" Kim Taehyung I am asking you something...can't you open your mouth---"

"  YUNA...."


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Stay happy and healthy 💗

Bye bye ❤

Chinnu 💜 & Crystal 🔮

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