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Jungkook felt heavy....physically and mentally too....his body was laying on flat surface...he tried to wake up...he tried to open his eyes..but it felt difficult....his mind started to rewind the things he heard and he saw in that crystal globe....tears started to slip from his closed eyelids....Taehyung's face was clear in his mind....he tried...he used his whole force to wake up...and he succeeded....

Jungkook sat on the flat surface ...he tried to touch things around him with closed eyes....where are those soft clouds....he can't feel them...he slowly opened his eyes.....looking at a familiar place with shocked expression.....

' His room...his own bedroom...but wait....something is different.....why there are iron man posters all over....why this room look like it belong to a teenager ..or specifically teenager jungkook....' thought were running inside his small brain...jungkook looked at himself....he was clad in his night pj's....and he was looking small.???.. jungkook put his leg down and ran towards the big size mirror in his room....

He looked at his reflection with tear filled eyes...he was looking like the same jungkook as few years back...a 15 years old jungkook....he checked his hands and legs....he turned round and round infront of mirror...again looking at himself....thats when his eyes landed on the calendar.....

Year 2017....

Again jungkook stared at his reflection....

" was all that a I still a high school student....but..but everything felt so" jungkook was mumbling looking confused....thats when suddenly a golden light fall on him...the surrounding was filled with white cloud like fog....jungkook looked at mirror with  his shivering body....the mirror infront of him started to melt and another face come there...a face which is very familiar to jungkook....

" r..rose...." the name come out as whisper looking at the pretty girl inside the mirror....but something...somethings felt missing in her.....but jungkook's focused went to her smile....

" jungkook.....I hope you didn't forget me this early...." rose said smiling...jungkook shook his head...

" jungkook...I am here to say some last words to you....I know you must be feeling confused...but don't...what you saw and experienced was all real...not a dream...your death and everything....but....after hearing what happened in your life.....what you missed in your life.....I thought you deserve a second chance...a chance to make everything better....make all lives happy which is ruined by your mistakes.....I hope you will choose precisely this have to  choose  what you actually need in your life...whom you don't waste this chance....not everyone get this chance.....but you got....I...I send you back in the time where all things started to mess up.....please realize your mistakes and correct them..."

Jungkook's tears were flowing from his eyes to  cheeks.....he nodded his head vigorously   not knowing how to thank this angel infront of her for giving him a second life ..a second chance....

" rose....I...I don't know how to thank gave me a second life....and..and...I promise...I will  make everyone happy..." jungkook said smiling through his tears....rose nodded his head...but jungkook felt something missing in her smile...thats when something hit his mind.....

" rose...rose...what you did...what you sacrificed to give me this life.. tell me...." jungkook looked at her with fearful eyes.....rose smiled...

" I am not a angel anymore powers....only a soul...a soul which will be roam in heaven without getting  peace....but..but I am happy  ..I am more than happy jungkook.... for you...because if my powers , my sacrifice can make many lives happy through you..then I am the happiest don't think too much...." rosé said when she saw jungkook tearing again...

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