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Jungkook and fairy was looking at the red crystal ball eagerly.....jungkook was holding his breath...he don't know what's  this glass ball gonna show....

The red fog inside the crystal started to disappear  and a small boy ..almost 6 years old appeared there....

A small boy was sitting on the ground...playing with his tiger plusie which is torn for some sides...still it is his favorite toy...

The boy was playing in front yard of his house...but flinched when the gate of that small house opened with a loud screeching noise...the boy quickly hide in the small bushes in the yard...

His eyes following the man who entered inside the gate and walked towards the door with wobbly leg...definitely drunk.....that man pushed the door and get inside....

The small boy sat on the ground again...his fav toy abandoned on the ground too...he closed his ears with his small hands...trying hard not to hear the painful screams coming from inside.....

Tears started to flow from his eyes when he heard the screams getting louder...he remembered his mother's words...saying not to get inside the house when his father is drunk.....
The boy was crying silently hoping to get inside the house soon....

He opened his eyes when he heard the slamming noise of door again and he saw the drunk man...his father walk out from the gate...boy held his toy and ran inside the house with his tiny legs....

His eyes searching for his mother in living room ..then in kitchen....finally he found her in bedroom.....she was sitting in the corner of the room...her body and face have red marks of bruises ...eyes shedding warm tears thinking about the misery of her life.....

His tiny steps towards her got her attention....she tried to sit properly and smile but failed when she saw tears filled eyes of her son...

" here....don't cry...." she embraced her son to herself....trying to calm the little soul who was afraid to see her mother in this situation everyday.....

Both shedding tears....without knowing how to control them...she don't know why she crying....for the pain in her body or thinking about this life where her husband beats her whenever he wants just to release his frustration after getting drunk....

After some moments...Tae pull away from her..he wiped her tears with his soft tiny hands which made a small smile on her bruised lips....

" mama....let's go from here....I don't wanna live with appa..." Tae said...he is just 6 years old but he know what his mother going through daily in this house...his father never showed any love or affection towards him...that man hate whenever he see his child around him...he even try to hit him but always his mother come to save him ....

Fresh tears gathered in her eyes...she pulled him toward her ...hugging him tightly.....

" we can't Tae....we don't have anywhere to go....we don't have any other options other than living in this hell....sorry my son...with me you also have to suffer all this...." she said holding her  son Kim Taehyung...a 6 years old boy in her warm....

She remembered the words of her parents when she went to them saying she can't live with this man who torture her everyday...

" life is like this only should know how to adjust..."  her mom said not even looking at her bruised face..

" we are not in a condition where we can afford you and your son.. it's better you stay with your husband "  her father's words still ring in her head....

She wiped her tears....tried to smile for her son....

" baby...are you you wanna eat something  " Tae shook his head as no....

She smiled ...she get up from the floor with her son and took him towards the kitchen....

Tae sat on the single chair in the small kitchen...his mother looked around...she sighed....there is no more food for her son...her husband throws everything out....she searched in the cabinet and found a packet which have 2 pieces of dry bread...

She placed  that bread in a plate and give it to her son with a cup of warm milk...

" this quickly before your father comes...."

The small boy nodded his head started to munch on the dry bread ....his mother looked at him with a weak smile....

The clear globe again started to fill with red smoke inside it...

Fairy looked at jungkook who was sobbing beside her....

" I...I...I never knew about this ....i..." the shattered voice of jungkook was proof that he really don't know the other side of coin...

" there is many more things which are hidden from you..."

Fairy said when she saw the red smoke started to disappear and showed something else......


Hi guys.....

So how's the chapter

The small boy Taehyung going through a lot....

I hope there is no any confusion in story....if you have any confusion...pls feel free to ask...I will try to improve that in upcoming chapters....

So let's wait for next scene in crystal

Till then.

Stay happy and healthy

Bye bye 👋👋

Chinnu 💜 & Crystal 🔮

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