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The train stops....Taehyung and his mom come out from train with other people....they walked towards the exit gate...her eyes searching for a particular person....

Taehyung who was holding his mother's hand , looking around the new place....he saw someone running towards them...he recognized who is that when that lady came near to them...

" Yuna...." Taehyung's mother turned around to see her friend jisoo standing infront of's been a long time they met....may be almost 3 years ago....

Jisoo hugged her tightly....that hug was a really comforting for Yuna....

They pull away...jisoo sat on her knees to face Taehyung....

" Tae tae you remember me..." she asked pinching his cheeks...little Tae nodded his head...he showed her his tiger plushie...which caused a wide smile on his aunt face....

" still have sweet of you baby..." she hugged the little boy....

After some time they are in taxi...going to jisoo's house....Yuna looking out from the window...this place is where she have to start her new life...a new journey for her child...for his better future.....she caressed Taehyung's hair who was looking out excitedly.....

Soon they reached the small apartment of jisoo and her husband...she welcomed both of them in her house wholeheartedly....she provided them a small room...she went to cook this meantime Taehyung and his mom both get fresh and come to living room...

Taehyung's eyes went wide seeing so many dishes infront of him...many of them he never saw....

Jisoo noticed the tears in her friend's eyes....

" Yuna...what happened....."

" My child didn't even get to eat good food....." she cried...thinking about their past ...

" this is not a time to think about it....let's fill this little tummy now..." jisoo said and pick Taehyung and let him sit on the chair....she served him all the dishes  ....yuna had a big smile when she saw the kid eating all the food with smile on his face......

It's night time....

Dinner is done...everyone went to sleep...

Jisoo's husband came early today as he knew they have guests...he meet with Taehyung and his mom...he was a nice man so he didn't object thier stay here....

Taehyung was sleeping beside his mother....but his mother was awake....she was thinking about the things happened recently....she still can't believe that she is out of that hell....

But now she don't have time to think about the past because she have so much to think about thier future.....she saw the relaxed face of Taehyung who was sleeping near her....she hugged her child and closed her eyes ..praying for a good start.....

Two days later....

Jisoo came back from supermarket...she went to buy some groceries....when she entered in house...Taehyung was playing with his toy....she smiled to him and give him a chocolate which made the little boy excited...

She went to kitchen...Yuna was standing there...cutting some vegetables for dinner....but what jisoo noticed that ..there is nod veggies in her hand and if she keep chopping then it gonna chop her fingers....

" Yuna....what are you doing  " jisoo asked taking the knife away from her....

Yuna looked shock to see her friend...she was in her own world that she didn't noticed when jisoo came....

" what happened....." jisoo asked when she noticed the nervousness in her face....

" hmm...I was thinking to shift from know..."

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