ray of hope

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" please come inside " Mrs jeon said opening the door of the house which is just next to their  house...

The door opened and Mrs jeon felt like she is entering in this house for first time like  when she walked in this house years ago...her sweet memories flashed infront of her eyes...

Mr and Mrs jeon come to this house after getting married and started thier new journey of life ....and after some years they got the best gift of thier life..thier bunny....

She felt happy when she realized that now she going to share this house with a mother and son who is also wanted to start a new chapter of their life...

Yuna and jisoo also entered inside...Taehyung still holding hands of his mother..

Yuna looked around...this house is much bigger and spacious than the old home where they used to live...she felt like a fish who saw ocean after living her life in a small ball of glass...

The house was almost furnished and have enough of kitchen wares...so it was really helpful for Yuna...she don't have to bother about buying those  things ...

Yuna , jisoo and Mrs jeon were busy looking around in the house......Taehyung stood in side when his mom left his hand ...but he didn't noticed a pair of eyes who were looking at him for a while now...

Jungkook's eyes were fixed on tall boy who just ignored him like nothing...no one ever did that to him...so it trigger the ego of little bunny...he slowly walked towards Taehyung...

" hey..." jungkook poked his little finger to Taehyung arms to get his attention....

Taehyung took a step backwards...and looked at the little boy ...

" gimme that tiggy.." jungkook said pointing to soft toy in elders hand...

" no " Taehyung said sternly...he don't know how to interact with other kids...so he just said that to protect his fav toy from a bunny....

Jungkook frowned....

" if you gimme that ..I will give you something "

Taehyung looked confused...he don't know what younger wanted to say...

Jungkook smiled and come closer to elder...he pecked his cheeks and back away.....this trick always work on his parents...so he thought it will work on this big boy too...but...

Taehyung's little eyes become wide when he felt the soft lips on his cheeks...and when he saw younger looking at him...his eyes filled with tears....no one except his mom kissed him...and this little boy....he don't know what do react ...so he started to cry......

Jungkook looked confused when he saw elder crying....why....

By hearing the crying sound ..Yuna come back to Taehyung....

" what happened tae... why are you crying..."

The said boy was only crying..and rubbing his cheeks furiously.....

Mrs jeon eyes her son who was standing close to Taehyung....

" kookie...what you did...why is he crying..."

" I give him po po...but he is crying "

Yuna and jisoo looked at little boy in confusion....they don't know what is po po....

Mrs jeon shook his head and looked at Taehyung....

" what is po po..." jisoo asked ..

" I think kookie kissed tae on his cheeks...and may be tae didn't like that...thats why he is crying...."

Yuna looked at her crying son who nodded his head....

Elders can't do anything but laugh.....Yuna sighed...she thought something happened to her son...

" why you kissed him"

" I want that tiggy....when I give po po to mom and appa..you always give me everything...." little Jungkook explained his theory  ....

Elders started to laugh....

" Tae never went to play with other kids...he always stays in home...so he don't know how to interact with other kids...may be that's why he felt uncomfortable....I am sorry  " Yuna said ...

" no no..it's completely fine...but don't worry...he will get used to this..I don't think my son gonna leave tae alone..." Mrs jeon said looking at the kids...jungkook was trying to get attention of Taehyung who running away from him...

" so ...do you like this house..." Mrs jeon asked....Yuna looked at her friend jisoo...jisoo nodded her head...

" yes Mrs jeon...it's really beautiful and suitable for us...I will shift here soon..."

" oh that's nice...and please don't call me Mrs jeon...Aera will be fine...."

Finally they came back to jeon house and started to talk about thier life n all...after some time they were ready to go...

Yuna and jisoo were talking to Mrs jeon...Taehyung was standing a little far from them...he was waiting for his mom...

Taehyung was busy with his toy and looked at his side when he felt a movement near him...

Jungkook was standing beside him...Tae flinched because he don't know from where this little bunny appears....

Tae was still in confusion but his eyes went wide when little jungkook kissed him on his cheek again and ran towards his house....

Tae stood there in shock....he looked at little bunny who is showing his tongue to tease elder....and ran inside the house....

" baby...lets go home...." yuna said to her son who was looking like a statue....


Hey buddies.....

I know this is boring chapter.....actually my mind is fully blank and I am not getting the words which I want to express.....hope it will get better next time...

See you in next chapter....

Stay happy and healthy

Bye bye 👋👋👋👋👋👋

Chinnu 💜 & Crystal 🔮

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