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Jungkook come out from his house, ready for school..first thing his eyes caught was Taehyung...standing next to gate for him....a bunny smile bloomed on his face and he ran towards elder....

" good morning tae..." jungkook greeted with smile and it made tae also smile..

" anything special today? You look so happy?" Taehyung asked taking younger homework from his bag  and placing in jungkook's bag....

" everything is special from today....come let's go..." jungkook said holding elders hand in his...he walked swaying thier hands....the hand he hesitated to hold once because of his stupidity.....

" kookie....look you want...?" Taehyung asked when he saw a ice-cream cart near the road....jungkook nodded his head vigorously...both walked towards the cart....

" one mint chocolate " Taehyung said taking money from his wallet  .

" mint chocolate..I want strawberry today " jungkook said when he noticed tae was not getting ice-cream for him....

Jungkook looked at Taehyung's side profile....he remembered the days when tae always buy him ice-cream and banana milk using his pocket money....Tae will never spend that money for himself.....a tear fall from jungkook's eyes , thinking how stupid was he to not notice such things....he blinded himself with his foolish misunderstandings....

Jungkook got the ice-cream and both resumed thier walk...jungkook forward his ice-cream to Taehyung who looking at him with confusion....

" take a bite...please " his puppy eyes worked on tae...Taehyung took a small bite and returned it to jungkook....but his eyes went wide when he saw jungkook eat that ice-cream from the same place where is took a bite....Taehyung halted in his step looking at younger who bouncing ahead....he felt so many butterfly in his stomach....he looked around with  his red cheeks and ran towards the younger who already hiding his blushed face because he knows what he did.....a small indirect kiss....

Time skips ...

" what's up with him today ?" Jin asked jimin who was already looking at jungkook and Taehyung who were waiting at counter to collect thier lunch....

" don't know hyung....he was glued to Taehyung from morning....usually he is not that clingy but today he was in extreme level...." jimin replied because he felt the difference in jungkook's behavior from morning...younger was not leaving  Taehyung for a minute....holding his hands all the time...following him in staff room and everywhere like a love sick puppy....

" may be he realized his feelings for tae..." jin said smiling and jimin nodded his head...

" and that happiness is showing in Taehyung's face too..look how happy he is looking with jungkook...he is smiling more today " jimin said looking at duo who were walking towards them with food tray .....

Jungkook was looking out from window, sitting in class, but he turned his head towards the door when he heard principal sir voice....he smiled....

Soon principal announced a new entry of student and Jackson come inside with a smile...

Taehyung looked around when he heard the whispers of girls and boys saying how handsome is new boy who introducing himself to class....Taehyung turned his head slowly to look at younger but smiled when he found jungkook was already looking at him....

Jungkook smiled and hold his hand...he held his palm and started to doodle something in elders hands...Taehyung was looking at his kookie with a whipped smile...both lost in thier own world....

Principal asked Jackson to take his seat..Jackson was walking towards a empty seat in back when he eyes landed on this duo who were completely lost in each other....

" cute " he smiled looking at duo thinking they are couple and walked to his seat....class resumed........

The group of 4 boys  , tae   jungkook,  Jin and jimin were enjoying thier lunch....

" is he is that new guy ?" Jin asked pointing at Jackson who was taking seat near window with his lunch plate  sitting alone....

" hmmm...I don't think he have friends...he is sitting alone for 2 days....and those girls...just go to him to annoy him " jimin said looking at a group of girls who were giggling looking at Jackson....

Taehyung and jungkook turned thier head to see what other saying....

" I think he is nice would be nice if we can company him " jungkook said a little hesitantly....

" you wanted to be friends with him ?" Taehyung asked with a blank face...jungkook shook his head...

" not only my friend...all of us....but only if you want..." jungkook said with a genuine smile which can melt any ice....Taehyung nodded his head and stood up from his seat walking towards Jackson....

" hey...wanna join us for lunch " Taehyung said tapping on Jackson's shoulder and pointing towards the table where three other boys waved at him cutely.....Jackson smiled and nodded his head....Taehyung helped him to carry his lunch plate to thier table....

" hello...I am Jackson " Jackson bowed to them before taking his seat...

" jin...your senior " jin said with his sweet smile...

" jimin.." jimin showed his eyes smile....

" I am jungkook...and this is Taehyung " jungkook said holding Taehyung arms close to him...Taehyung was shocked because jungkook never introduced them like this before...but did this make him was beyond happy.....

" you both look cute together " Jackson compliment making the duo to blush....

Jimin and jin looked at each other with  a soft smile....

" what's in the air...." jimin whisper to jin...

" love..." jin replied....



So finally....jungkook took his decision....are you guys happy???

Stay happy and healthy 💗

Bye 👋👋

Chinnu 💜 & Crystal 🔮

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