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Taehyung looked at phone again before running inside the jeon house...

" come here asap .."

He was walking back to house from park when he got a message from jungkook and the next moment he started to run towards thier home with a fear in his heart why his kookie calling him in this hour of night....

He saw the door are open when he entered the jeon house compound..he rushed inside only to see his mom and jungkook's parents with jungkook sitting in living room....he noticed the confused gaze of elders on him....but his eyes found the boy who was sitting on the couch with blank face....Taehyung's heart felt a pang when he saw the red eyes of jungkook when younger looked up to face him...

" jungkook....what happened...why are you you have fever...." Taehyung said walking towards younger...he touched younger forehead but it was felt like ice cold to him...he again looked at those Bambi eyes which are staring at him blankly....

" what said something...should I need to talk to him?" Tae whispered this to jungkook because elders were around....jungkook get up from his place and moved a little away from elder...he was standing in the middle of the room and others were circling him...Taehyung get up from his place and looked at younger in confusion...he found the gaze of his mom on him..he raised his eyebrow asking what's the matter..she raised her shoulder shaking her head as no....

" I called you...but you didn't received it...where were you ?" Jungkook asked and his voice was not near his real voice felt really deep to others like it's holding a lot of pain...

" I...I.. I went to meet a friend.."

A loud slap echoed in that room at night....

Taehyung stood there holding his cheeks where he just felt a warm touch of jungkook's hand but that was not a sweet touch....

" jungkook..." Mrs jeon rushed towards them when she saw what her son did...Mr jeon was beyond shocked...he was still trying to figure out what  happened...on the other hand Yuna was looking between jungkook and Taehyung repeatedly....jungkook was breathing heavily after giving a tight slap on elders cheeks and Taehyung looking at him in confusion.....

" why...why..why you did this to me...huh...what wrong I did to were my best friend right...we grow up together...we spend our childhood together ...then why you tried to ruin my relation...." jungkook screamed on elder face....his parents were confused looking at thier kids not knowing what are they talking about....

Taehyung realized what jungkook trying to say..he looked down without meeting those fire in eyes of jungkook.....

"'s not what you think...I.. "

" what you did everything planned all the incident between dami and Jackson...just to make us apart....why tae....can't you see me happy....can't you see me in a relationship....were you jealous...because I got a boyfriend before you....of course that will be the reason ...because other than this why my best friend do this kind of cheap acts to spoil my know how much  pain I felt when I got to know it was you behind all you have an idea how much I cried these days....I thought you will never make me cry...but today you are the reason of my tears.....aunt was right....she was right when she called you monster years ago are monster tae...a monster who can't see anyone  wants to ruin everything because you can't get that happiness in your life...." Jungkook's voice was echoed in the house ....

Jungkook's parents were looking at each other....they are getting to know about their son's relationship with some Jackson boy from this argument....they don't know a single things what going on thier kids life....tears flowing from his mom eyes ...Mr jeon was more shocked to hear such harsh words coming from his son...he never expected jungkook will call tae a monster....he wanted to stop his son but he felt like someone holding his tongue to speak....

Yuna crying while covering her mouth ...tears were streaming like a river from her eyes....the fear she buried years ago , again started to come up....she was afraid one day someone will reuse her words to her son....she don't know what her son did to Jungkook, she don't know why jungkook calling tae a monster...but she only blaming herself for this situation....

Taehyung was silent....he was silent because this is what he feared...the hate in jungkook eyes and voice...this is what he never wanted to see and hear...he did all this stunts to get Jungkook to himself but not like this....he tried to look at jungkook whose face is red because of continuously crying and shouting....his breathing pattern was abnormal....he was struggling to get breath normally...

" jungkook..I.. "

" don't you dare to come near me....just stay away....from me life....I don't want a monster near me.....I...I trusted ruined broke my trust broke our broke me....I don't want to see you again....never...ever...." jungkook said crying....his legs are shaking...he was struggling to stay still...he held the chair near him ...

" kookie...I am sorry...please...please give me one chance to explain...please...."..

" what to explain tae....for others it will look some silly act of you...but for was my blind trust on you ..which you broke that easily....all these years I was with you...If I wanted to I could have made many friends...but no...I stood with you...because you were afraid to make new I also thought why I need someone else if you are with were my best friend,  my soulmate  my family....but today you broke every single connection between us....if...if..if you had prblm with my relationship you could have told me....I would have convinced you why I am in this relationship....but you never said a word when you get to know about us...then why...why you did all this tae...." jungkook broke down on his knees , crying like no tomorrow.....Tae didn't dared to utter a single word....others also let jungkook to pour out his pain...

After some moments...jungkook wiped his tears and stand up from his position...

" Kim Taehyung...sorry to say but I don't want to see you again in my my it will be great if you leave that house of us.." jungkook said making others shocked...

"'s me who told them to stay there...not can't order them to leave from that house..." Jungkook's father broke the silence he was keeping for a long time now....

" then decide dad ..whom you or them..." saying this while looking at Taehyung's eyes..jungkook ran towards his room and slammed the door harshly...

" Yuna...don't take his words don't have to leave.." Mr jeon said to Yuna who was stunned after all this scene happened infront of her....

" no oppa....I think it's time for us to leave....I don't wanna see my jungkookie crying like this....if he get a little bit of peace by us going from here..then let it be...and...I son gave him the reason to say such I am not blaming kookie....thank you...thank you so much for everything you did for us ...we will be always grateful to you...." Yuna said bowing to jeon couple....she held Taehyung's hand who was standing there like a dead person....she started to drag him toward the door...Mr and Mrs jeon looking at them with tearful eyes...

" STOP !!!!!" 



how's the chapter......breakups between best friends hurts much more than anything else....

Let's wait for next chapter...

Stay happy and healthy 💗😊

Bye bye  👋 👋👋👋👋👋👋

Chinnu 💜 & Crystal 🔮

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