new friend

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Jungkook looked at fairy with bored expression....the angel was walking back and forth infront of jungkook for a long time now and it's making jungkook feel dizzy....

Soon they heard a girl calling for fairy...and walking towards them...fairy panicked and tried to hide her small frame behind jungkook...

" please hide me...." fairy whinned...jungkook looked at her with done expression again..

" did you forget you are a fairy and can vanish in seconds "

Rosé smiled foolishly and next moments she was disappeared from the place...jungkook shook his head ...the fairy is silly sometimes....

Jungkook's attention went towards the girl who was walking towards him..

" did you saw rosé??"

" yeah...she just disappeared now seeing you coming " jungkook said and he can feel the glares on him from somewhere...


The girl sighed...she sat beside jungkook on bench in garden...

" are you new here ?" Jungkook asked...he was seeing her around  these days....

" yes...I came here two weeks ago.."

" oh...anyways..I am jungkook....and you..?"

" I am Jennie..." girl introduced herself....both started to talk with each other...

Jungkook told her about he died n all his life stories...

He got to know about her too...

Jennie was an orphan...she doesn't have anyone in her life beside her girlfriend Lisa....they both grown up in same orphanage and then becomes lovers...

It was Jennie's birthday and Lisa wanted to take her to mountain sight seeing....they both climbed the mountains and reached at peak...both are having fun ..then Jennie asked Lisa to click her some pictures...Jennie was standing near the cliff and her foot slipped and she fell down from a great hight and died....

Jungkook felt really sad hearing about her was somehow like his story but in different way....

" so are you ready to go to palace?" Jennie asked to jungkook...jungkook shook his head as no..

" My parents are trying thier best to move on from my death...but my fiance..Jackson..he blame himself for my death...I don't think he will get over me any soon..."

" oh...just like my Lisa..."

" what do you mean??"

" My girlfriend lisa think she is the one behind my demise...she was the one who insisted for going on hiking on mountain...and everything happened...she blames herself for my death....she don't have anyone with her to share her pain...."

Both jungkook and Jennie looked at the golden gate which was opening for a soul who got peace....they looked at soul with a smile on thier face....

" I got to know that our angel can help us to find peace" Jennie said not moving her gaze from the Golden gate which is closing slowly...jungkook looked at her confusingly..he didn't get what other trying to say...

" what"

" if someone is not moving on from our death then we can use a power of angel to go to earth...and talk to our loved one ...and we can console them...."

" really..... can we do that ...???"

" yes...but for that our angel have to loose her powers for some hours for helping us...I was looking for her for a time being to help me but she is hiding from me..." Jennie said with sadness all around her....jungkook now got why rosé was panicking when Jennie was looking for her....

" it's not that I afraid to loose my power for some mere hours ....I was just protecting you..."

Jennie and jungkook looked back when they heard the timid voice of thier guardian fairy...rosé standing behind them with head hung low....jungkook felt sad looking at the gloomy face of her...because jungkook always seen her smiling and goofing around with souls...she is just  like them...a pure little angel....

Jungkook went towards her and held her hand and walk back to bench..he made her sit between him and Jennie....Jennie was cutely glaring at her which made the fairy to scoot closer to jungkook.....

After some moments of silence...rosé spoke...

" it's a privilege rule of heaven....if a person taking  too much time to move on...or blaming themselves for a fault which is not thier..then the soul in heaven can go to earth and talk to them...the human in earth will think you are talking to them in this you can convey your message to them..." rosé looked left and right...trying to find the change in expression of two souls who were listening to her words keenly....she continued...

" for that privilege...for you to go to human world..I have to give up on my any power for a time being as a compensation for allowing you to go to earth..." rosé looked at Jennie...

" I am not hiding from you because  I am afraid of losing my power...I am just afraid about are just came to heaven...only two weeks...and if you go there and loose control over your emotions and stay there for more than the time which allowed to have to face punishment for's not about's about you...thats why I was hiding from you...."

Rosé said and Jennie felt bad for thinking bad about the fairy who was only concerned about her..nothing else...she hugged rosé.....asking for forgiveness.....rosé hugged back...

Jungkook smiled looking at them...he felt like home here....suddenly something clicks in his mind...

" rosé....can I go to Jackson...?"

Rosé looked at jungkook with confused look..

" I wanna talk to Jackson...I want to say that he is not the reason of my death...that was my destiny and not to blame himself....I want to see him happy just like my parents..."

" will you follow the rules and come back on time without loosing control on your emotions...."  rosé asked with serious expression....going in human world after death is not that easy like what it sound ....the soul was going near to thier loved one whom they have to left on a sudden situation.....the soul have to keep a great hold on thier emotions for seeing them again...

Jungkook nodded his head ...he wanted his family and Jackson to move on and live their life happily...only that way he can get the peace.....


Hi guys....

So how's the chapter ...

Was it confusing??? I hope no...

If you ask about the rules in's all made up by don't take that too seriously...just enjoy the story ....

So what you will jungkook react when he go to human world again....

Let's see in next chapter soon...

Stay happy and healthy 💗😊

Bye bye 👋👋👋👋

Chinnu 💜 & Crystal 🔮

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