Meet the gaurdians 2

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Jack POV
------time skip,in front of mansion-----------
Sandy,North,and I were still carrying the girls.Bunny and Tooth had caught up to us and now we're standing in front of Elsa's mansion with no way in....great
"Great Now how are we gonna get in?"I groaned with Elsa in my arms
"Ye just have to knock"Merida suddenly opened the door,Hiccup,Flynn,and Kristof were standing behind her
"We got this..."Flynn took Punize from North's arms,and Kristof took Anna from Sandy
"I'll take her..."Kristof glared at Sandy
'she's all your,is she normally this heavy?'Sandy handed Kristof,Anna
"I told her to cut down on the chocolate..."He kissed Anna on the forehead
"Like that's ever gonna happen"I chuckled while walking into the mansion
"Hahahahahahahahahahaha"Everyone started laughing at my comment,waking up the fangirls
"*yawn*What the......JELSA!!!!!!!"Punzie jumped out of Flynn's arms,pulled out her iPhone and took pictures
"JELSA!?!?! WHERE????*flash goes off*"Anna had her iPhone out too
"JELSA FOR LIFE!!!"Oh No...Not Tooth too,Tooth pulled out her iPhone,took pictures and joined the group of giggling fangirls...5 seconds later I was blinded by a ton of flashes...I felt like the deer in the head lights...The flashing stopped and I looked down at the stirring Elsa in my arms...crap she's waking up
"She's waking up..."I had a mini panic attack,while Elsa started yawning and rubbing her eyes.The four seasons and the guardians formed a circle around me and Elsa...Elsa had finally woken up when...
"*yawn**opens eyes* what the?....*looks at Jack sleepy eyed* did I...*sleepily looks at her surroundings*...AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH*noticed all the people surrounding her,frightening her*"Elsa screamed while choking me,with her death grip on my neck
"Can't breath..."Elsa still had her death grip and I could feel my face turning purple,Elsa looked down at me and gave me a weird look
"What the Heck!!!"She put a hand on my face,struggling to get out of my arms.

Elsa POV
"JELSA FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!"I heard some one scream,causing me to wake up
"She's waking up..."Who ever was carrying me,started trembling.I yawned and opened my eyes to be surrounded by 11 people,including the person carrying me.
"what the?*I look at Jack,who is holding me* did I...AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH"I screamed due to a giant... bunny? and people I didn't recognize surrounding
"Can't breath..."Jack's face was turning an unnatural shade of purple,and released the death grip from his neck,while giving him a weird look
"What The Heck!!!"I struggled to get out of his arms...
"That's my face!!!"Jack yelled from under neath my hand
"I know,it would be easier if you let go of me"I still stuck in my arms
"I know..."Jack had pinned my arms to my sides with his arms
"Then why won't you let me go?!"I yelled still trying to escape
"Because I also know that if I let you go,your just gonna freeze us and run I right?"He gave a smirk knowing he hit a nerve
"..."I stayed quiet,admitting defeat
"Okay then now let me explain..."I cut him off
"Explain what..."He put one of his hands over my mouth,I tried to get him to remove his hand from my mouth
"That doesn't work on me Elsa...your not the first to try that"Jack shot death glares to every one except the teen in the red coat,a kangaroo,and what looks like a teen made out of sand
"Now as I was saying,these new people here are Nicholas but we call North,he has the ability to give wonder to any one he meets..."He removed his hand from my mouth so he could point to the teen in the red coat
"thank you...Who's the kangaroo?"I said as I stared at the hairy creature
"A What?...I am NOT A KANGAROO MATE!!!"The hairy creature was now face to face with me,I felt Jack let go of me
"OH REALLY I COULDN'T,I COULDN'T TELL!!!!"I got right back up in his face,and I noticed Jack was on the ground rolling around with laughter
"You told her to say that,didn't you?!?!!"Kangaroo
"Nope,She said that all on her own Bunny"Jack
"YOUR A BUNNY??!!"I'm in be honest
"YES,Thanks for noticing...shesh"Apparently the 'Bunny' said
"Bah hahahah...Okay I'm done...So Bunny has the ability to give joy to any one he meets and he's a master of Teakwondo ,Tia Chi,and other things I don't know..."Jack said
"This is Sand Man or Sandy.He has this special dream sand and can see into peoples dreams and can alter them at his own will...and has a tendency to doze off"Jack pointed to the golden blond teen leaning on the wall,taking a snooze
"He's also muted so he uses his sand to express his thoughts"He added on
"and this is Toothina"a girl walked up to me, she had short blonde hair that has light green, magenta,and violet high lights/low lights,magenta eyes,silver fairy wings tattooed on her back, slim and tall, wearing a white sleeve less shirt,with a dark green knee length shirt,a gold belt,and black combat boots...I like her style
"Hi hi,I'm Toothina but every one calls me Tooth.I have the ability to see the memories of any person and their past...I've heard so much about you..."Tooth started
"How much?"I questioned,because I have a lot of haters
"Don't worry,I know the rumors aren't true...but there's one rumor I want to know if it's wide"She pryed my mouth open
"Wha--"I said with shock...
"They were right,your teeth are as white freshly fallen snow...maybe whiter that Jack's teeth"She rambled to her self with her hands in my mouth
"What?! No one has whiter teeth than me!!"Jack spoke up after being quick for a while,he finally noticed that Tooth has her hands in my mouth
"a ittle elp ease"I struggled to say
"Tooth hands off"Jack pulled Tooth away from me
"Sorry,Their just so pretty"Tooth finally removed her hands from my mouth
"Thank you"I massaged my jaw
"Well it's nice to meet you all..."I said
"Hey Elsie,since their here know...sleep over?"Anna asked me
"Yeah could they please?"Punize joined in on the begging...
"Oie your whining is annoying..."Merida covered her ears,the boys also covered their ears
"Okay they can sleep would you stop whining"I gave in
"Yea"all of the girls jumped up and down with joy except me and Merida
"Are they always like this?"I asked
"sadly yes" All of the boys said in unison,causing me and Merida to start laughing

-------I think,this is a start of a beautiful friend ship--------

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