Lock Down

900 35 4

Jack POV
I'm sitting at the kitchen's breakfast bar,thinking about what Elsa told me
--flash back--
"My name is Elsa, and I like frozen hearts"
I was snapped out of thought by a fist slammed on the counter
"OW!! you crushed my hand"Hiccup yelled while he hissed pain
"Merida,could you try not to break any ones hands until after we Jack fixed up?"Anna scolded Merida
"I can't help it that all ye boys are weak"Merida leaned back in her chair,I looked back at North,Bunny,Hiccup,Kristof,and Flynn holding ice packs on their right hands...
"Guys I'm fine,come on I want to arm wrestle"I whined,really wanting in on the action.
"Really Mate?"Bunny gave me an unsure face.
"I'm perfectly fine"I leaned back in my chair.
"Here's your soup..."Elsa put a hand on my shoulder and set down the soup...I felt some thing warm drip out of my nose.I reached for the area underneath my nose...blood.Elsa handed me a box of Kleenex,and sat down next to me.
"I think you might need this..."I looked up at her and took a tissue from the box and shoved it up my nose...
"thanks..." I mumbled as I hear Bunny laughing his furry head off.
"What happened to you guys?"Elsa arched an eye brow while pointing towards the handicap hands section.
"I CRUSHED them in arm wrestling"Merida emphasized 'crushed' just to rub it into everyone's face.
"I'll verse you..."Elsa said plainly...wait?! did she just say,what I think she said?
"What!?!"Every one yelled in unison,except Merida who was grinning like cheshire cat...and he is one messed up kid
"I'll verse Merida,How hard could it be?"Elsa stood up and sat in the chair across from Merida.
"Very Hard"
"Only Odin knows"We all stare at Hiccup...
"No,Okay....I think I should go feed Toothless and take him out for a ride,stretch his wings...I'm gonna go"Hiccup headed to the back door,leading to the stables.
"Okay then...Lets get started shall we?!"Elsa cracked her knuckles and slammed her fist on the table,shaking the entire table.
"Heck yeah"Merida cracked her knuckles and slammed her left elbow on the table,putting her hand up in position.Elsa put her right hand up and placed her hand inside on Merida's hand.Sandy was the referee,he did '3' '2' '1'...'GO!'...Merida and Elsa were at a stand still and it stayed that way for about 5 minutes.Then Elsa's hand started going to the right,but she refused to admit defeat.Right as her hand was about to hit the table,she quickly slammed Merida's hand on the table...but she didn't stop.Elsa still had grip on Merida's hand,continuing to slam her hand on the table...
"Elsa what are you doing?"As soon as I asked her,she slammed Merida's hand one last time and broke broke the table into two. She let go of Merida's hand and when I tried to get a glimpse of Elsa's face,when she looked up,I saw something I didn't want to see...both of her eyes were pitch black along with a dark sinister smile.She started to approach me,I tried to back away but my body still hasn't completely recorvered,she held her hand up in the air and an ice dagger formed in her hand and said,
"I must finish,what my master started..."Before she could finish,Hiro used a tranquilizer dart on her.She collapsed to the floor.
"Hiro.Hiro Hamada.Aren't you a sight for sore eyes"He helped me stand up
"Well,Just going my job.But I didn't expect to get a call from the Snow Queen"He lightly nudged Elsa's arm with his foot.I was about to talk but...
"But Elsa is an old friend of my Brother Tadashi,so it's the least I could do"So he has a back ground with Elsa...well his brother did any way.
"Tadashi...wait?! wasn't he Dr.Black's assistant in the lab?"He nodded
"Yeah,but he went missing after Dr.Black was fired..."We stood in an awkward silence for a few seconds,then I realized how quiet it was and looked around to see every one had left the room.
"Where did everyone go?"I questioned
"Oh BayMax is calming every one down and taking care of their injuries...in a few minutes I'll get you fixed up,but in the main time help me get Elsa to her room"And with that,me and Hiro carried Elsa to her bed...
"Honestly,you'd think this girl would have a clean room"Hiro set Elsa down in the bed and looked at the mess I made on the floor
"actually me and Elsa share the room"I admitted
"I thought you lived in your dad's mansion,not Elsa's mansion..."Hiro pulled the bed sheets over the peaceful sleeping Elsa.
"I do...it's just that Me and the gang got in trouble,and this is our 1 month 'punishment'"I picked up some candy bar wrapper off the floor,I looked underneath Elsa's bed and saw the most beautiful thing...stacks of gourmet milk chocolate underneath her bed along with empty chocolate wrappers.I rolled my eyes at how similar Anna is to Elsa...two words 'chocolate obsessed'.
"I thought she stopped doing 'punishment' due to how badly hurt they were"Hiro handed me a waste can,so I could throw the wrappers out.
"She only agreed to it one more time,because she was promised her family records and freedom for the chip implanted in her left eye that they can control her with...but what you witnessed was a side effect of the chip,so she tends to go rouge sometimes"I explained
"Hiro,your friends are now in better condition and their recover rate is steady.Is there any thing else for me to do?"BayMax was stuck in the door way,due to him be a walking ballon robot thing?
"Yes,I have to more patients for you.Your first one is Jackson Overland Frost Moon"Hiro introduced me by my full name.
"I will and Jackson Overland Frost Moon to my data base"Baymax added me to his data base
"Did you really have to use my full name?"I said as Baymax,lifted my arms up and walked in a circle around examining me.
"Yup"Hiro popped the 'p' and pointed at Baymax.
"I will scan you now..."Baymax started scanning me....wait?! What!!?
"Don't scan me"I pointed my finger at Baymax in disapproval,I heard Hiro laughing at my actions.Baymax quickly nodded his head down and up.
"Scan complete"Baymax pointed a finger at the ceiling,as a sign of completion.
"Unbelievable"I pinched the bridge of my nose,while Hiro was still laughing his head off.
"What's so funny?!"Hiro's laughing is starting to tick me off.
"Nothing,It's just that the first time Baymax scanned me for the first time I had the same reaction"His laughing had faded a little,while he was trying to catch his breathe from laughing so hard.
"Results ready"Hiro walked over to Baymax,and looked at the screen on Baymax's stomach.
"Well if what Elsa said is true,you should be suffering major blood lose...but on here there are no signs of blood lose...hm,oh well.I am seeing a few strained/pulled muscles,here's a pain killer take one right after you wake up and one right before you go to bed"Hiro typed something on Baymax's stomach screen and a small bottle that held the pills appeared in Baymax's hand,Baymax handed me the bottle.
"Oh,there is one more thing you should know...This thing appeared in Baymax's scan,do you know what it is?or how this happened?"I walked over and stood next to Hiro,who was pointing at the scan.I looked at to where he was pointing,and he was pointing at my heart,and it showed my heart completely frozen over.And every time it would beat,a blue icy aura would pulse off of it as well.I looked down my shirt and saw the huge scar from the terrible of when I was experimented on.
"It's my heart.I used to be an experiment,and one day I woke up strapped to a table...Dr.Black tinkered with my heart trying find the origin of my ice powers but in the process accidentally making me immortal and making my powers freeze over my heart...he must of implanted a control chip inside of my heart too"I explained,leaving Hiro with a dumbfounded expression on his face.
"hm for once I don't know what to do"Hiro shrugged his shoulder in defeat...leaving us in an uncomfortable silence
"Well enough about me,Do what you do.."I motioned to the sleeping Elsa.
"Right.Baymax add Elizabeth Winters Arendelle to your data base,along with a scan"Hiro said professionally,pointing towards Elsa.Baymax did as Hiro said,and nodded his head down and up,quickly scanning Elsa.
"Scan Complete"Baymax announced,as Hiro quickly rushed over in front of Baymax with a small smile,but his smile quickly disappeared into disbelief and concern.
"Baymax contact Mr.Moon right now and tell his this is urgent,we got company"Hiro ordered Baymax with urgency.Hiro's eyes scanned the screen in horror.
"What's going on?! Why is Baymax contacting my dad?! What is happening to Elsa?!"I asked wanting answers now.
"Dr.Black has the ability to read a person's deepest fear and has nightmare sand that he can control to give people their worst nightmare.And when Baymax scanned Elsa,He found that the control device imbedded itself into her eye releasing the nightmare sand into her blood stream. This is Dr.Black getting revenge on DisneyWorks,and Elsa is his first line of attack!"Hiro didn't move from his spot in front of Baymax.
Me and Hiro both quickly turned our heads towards the origin of the noise.Hiro's phone rang
"Hello"Hiro quickly answered the phone.
"Yes sir"
"Right away, Sir"Hiro ran out of the room,I heard a door open.
"Welcome,Sir"Hiro greeted who ever was at the door...
"Where is she?"I heard a really deep voice speak...oh no.
"Follow me,Sir"Hiro reappeared in the room along with...
"Hello,Father"I greeted my dad,with a straight face.
"Hello,Son"He returned the greeting,with the expression on his face.We were looking each other in the eye,and neither of us dared to look away...
"Excuse me Sir,but shouldn't we deal with the task at hand?"Hiro seemed to notice the tension between the two of us.
"Correct Mr.Hamada,where is she?"My dad looked away,and brought his attention to Hiro.
"Right here,Sir"Hiro motioned towards the bed Elsa was sleeping in.
"Secure her,and move her down to her cell"My dad handed Hiro hand cuffs,Hiro put the cuffs on Elsa
"Her cell?! What's going on?!! and I want ANSWERS NOW"I picked up my staff,that was laying on the ground and slammed it down on the ground,freezing what wasn't already frozen.
"Oh no."Baymax was completely covered in frost.
"Elsa is on lock down.Along with the rest of school.they're coming.."My answered hastily
"WHO'S COMING?!"I yelled in anger.
"The NightMare,along with their leader Pitch Black.The only thing to complete his army is Elsa.We have to prepare the students and staff for the battle I've feared would come"I could think of what to say next...so I hung my head in silence.
"Do you understand?"I shock my head in agreement
"Good.Carry Elsa to the training area in the basement,her cell is hidden down there"I picked up elsa and put her over my shoulder,and carried her down stairs with Dad,Hiro,and Baymax following behind me.When I walked into the Living Room I saw The Guardians and The 4 Seasons sitting there(a/n Hiccup is back now)
"Hey Jack ho-WHY ARE YOU CARRYING MY SISTER LIKE THAT?!?"Anna shot up from her seat,I ignored her and kept walking.
"just ignored them and keep walking"My dad whispered in my ear.
"Sir"All of the guardians stood up and followed behind my dad.I saw The 4 seasons stand up and try to follow,but then Sandy knocked them all out with his sand.
"Pitch is back,alert the staff and send all the students to their dorms until further notice"My dad informed them...leaving me wondering,why can't my other friends know?...I shouldn't wonder,my dad has his reasons for every thing he does.We arrived at her cell.A solid white room,one way in one way out.My friends took Elsa and I watched as they locked her up.I stood there wondering what has yet to come...

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