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Jack POV
-----just witnessed time to kill------
What have they done?! Jake looks down at his/my hands that are covered in blood...
'Oh now look at what you did jack,letting me hurt our own friends...' Jake chuckled and walked up to a broken mirror. He was covered in blood.
'GO TO H*LL!!!' I shouted at him in tears.
'Already am' Jake said then left his thoughts.

Jake POV
I chuckled at how much of a crybaby jack is...and to think we're the same person. I heard sniffles coming from behind me. I turned around to see Asle crying.
"What's wrong Asle?" I walk over to the crying Asle,and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Nothing,it's just Elsa. Your crying too,ya know." Right after Asle said that I put my hands on my face and felt that my face was wet.
THUD! Our heads spun around to the source of the noise...
"Who's there?! SHOW YOUR SELF!!..Asle..."Asle was covering her mouth...WAIT A MINUTE!!
"NOW!!" Asle yelled. Just then a blonde,strawberry blonde,and a red head jumped out.
"ASLE WHAT THE HE---"I was cut off by Asle kissing me,making me loose focus....and black out.

Asle POV
I waited until surge of nightmare sand completely knocked Jake out,to stop the kiss.
"Ewwwwwwwww"I looked over to see all the girls with disgust on their faces.
"Just tie him up already..." I demanded with a faint blush on my face.
"Okay Elsa..." The name Elsa made my twitch.
"For your information my name is Asle" I gritted through my teeth.
"Then where's my sister?" The strawberry blonde said
(a/n Asle and Jake only have the memories of when their in control,and share no memories.)
I tapped my head
"In your head?" I nodded 'yes'
"may I see her?" I nodded 'no'
"Soul switching is hard on the mind and body" I explained...I saw her frown.
"But you can talk to her later..right now we need to focus on tying up Jake and healing everyone" I stated motioning to the unconscious group.
"K" they started their jobs....if your wondering,wait why is Asle helping Elsa? Why are the girls(tooth is here) uninjured? Well, I'm helping Elsa against pitch because I found out that Mr.Moon can give me my own physical body,and me and the girls faked it. There explanation done. Now on with the story.I decide to wale up Elsa and tell her my plan.
'What do you want?' Elsa said with disgust.
'Well look I'm trying to help you and jack so I would stop with the attitude...don't believe me ,take control' I gave up control of our body and let Elsa control.
'This better not be a trap?!!'
'Its not!'
'Okay then' I felt my soul being pulled out of control...she gasped
"You really let me take control!" She said in control
"Yeah yeah just don't try changing the body just yet I still need it" I admitted
"So there is a catch!"
"ELSA!!!" The girls ran and hugged us.
"AHH PHYSICAL CONTACT!!" I yelled out loud
"Oh shut up Asle" Elsa scolded me.
"What ever did you guys heal every one yet?" I said,they all nodded (a/n tooth is here now)
"Hey I thought I was in control?!"
"We're both in control,drains less energy...any way I need to talk to manny so let's wake up the old man." I walked over to the big guy,and had a puzzled look on m-'our' face.
"So how are we gonna wake him up?" I saw red head smile.
" I know!!" Red head set her hand on fire and held it up to the smoke detector.....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRREEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRR
"MERIDA!!!!!" He woke up quick.
"I got it" Elsa froze the smoke detector and soon regretted it. I felt her soul waver.
'Don't use your powers when we're both in control,you could kill your self'
'Good to know'
"AWWWW JOY KILL" me and red yelled/whined
'Really Asle?'
'Really Elsa'
"WHAT THE HECK IS GOIN----ASLE!!! JAKE!!! " Nobody moved
"...what are you doing? Tooth explain!" Mr.Moon demanded,all tooth did was point at me...then all the girls pointed at me. Elsa controlled our left hand and pointed at us. I smirked.
"Get the message?" I chuckled.
"Explain."He held his light staff to my throat.
"1) kill me,kill Elsa 2) I'm here to help 3) I need your help" I held my hands up in surrender.
"Why would I help you? " He slowly lowered his weapon.
"I heard that you can make me  my own physical body.If you make me and Jake our own bodies...we'll tell you everything we know..." I plainly stated.
"What's the catch? What happens if I refuse?" He said cautiously. I smirked.
"Smart. I want you to make a students at DisenyWorks. And if you disagree....I'll activate the insanity sand that's in all of the schools blood. Causing the entire school to have a slow painful death from their own insanity" I smiled wickedly,making my eyes go insane black.
"But you only...what?"
"While me and Jake are here,the mare army attacked the school. Pitch wanted to inject his nightmare sand into the students,but I switched out the sand with my own." I laughed hysterically.
"Hmmmmm...And what are your intentions if I do give you two your own bodies and let you be students?" He asked,my eyes changed back to their normal blue.
"Hmmmm, I just to be free from my father...My dad made me,to prevent himself from going insane. And one day he disassembled me and injected me into the chip in elsa's eye... Long story short, I want to be human again. Same goes for Jake,he has no memories of his own and I want him to be able to make his own decisions with out being controlled by pitch. Pitch was controlling Jake when ever Jack was talking to elsa,but jack was stronger..until he gave into fear." I was in tears by the end.
"Hmmmmm...Deal." I gasped and looked up at him...and hugged him
"thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou"I was so excited.
"Okay okay i think we get it...you can get off me now" Mr.Moon said
"Ughhhhhhhhhh my head hurts" (Eugene)
"What happened?"(Kristoff)
"What in the name of Odan happen?"(hiccup)
"In the name of moon my my head hurts"(north)
"Oie meh head"(bunny)
"Baymax?" (Hiro)
-----big hero 6 wakes up----
"Asle...." I look over at Jake wide awake glaring at me.
"You betrayed me..."Jake stared at me dead eyed.
"No I betrayed pitch,and soon you will too" I gave a genuine smile.
"I'll take this as my cue" Mr.moon said and next thing I saw was a bright light....When the light went away, I opened my eyes and saw regular Elsa standing in from of me....
"No way" we said at the same time.....*hugs elsa* We pull away from the hug
"Your free"...we sat in silence....until
"HOLY SH!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jack and Jake
"ELSA!"*jack tackles Elsa in a kiss*
"ASLE!"*jake tackles me and does the same*
--------finally free---------
Elsa POV
-------finally free---------
Jake POV
-----finally free? Idk-------
Jack POV
-----finally free-----

Author note
Hey my icey souls(idek), So before you ask this is not the end of the book.....I'm just gonna leave it at that....

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