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Elsa POV
I woke up to light shining in my eyes.I slowly opened my eyes and look around to see I'm in my-our Ice room.I try to sit up,only to be pulled roughly back down by the one and only Jack Frost.He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist,and buried his face deep into my side. I tried to wiggle out of his arms,only for him to increase his grip and give a small grunt.I smirked and moved a little more,this time I earned a growl from him .
"Stop moving"Jack gritted through his teeth,half asleep.
"Good Morning to you too,thanks for asking"I rolled my eyes,and attempted to sit up again...this time I slammed back down back on the bed.
"Ow! what was that for ?!?!....jack what are you doing?"I arched and eyebrow as jack just laid on top of me.
"Sleeping with my girl friend. what does it like?"He said while placing soft kisses behind my ear tracing down my cheek bone then stoping o my lips.I pushed him off of me.
"You look like a hungry wild animal eyeing it's pray..."Jack quickly climbed back on top of me before I could even sit up.He crashed his lips on mine before I could even finished 'my sentence.
"mnmffmfmmmmJack!mnffffmmmfnnGet!mmffOFFmmmfME!!!"I shoved him off of me.He went flying and hit the wall.Right as he stood up,I froze him to the wall.
"What is wrong with you this morning?"I questioned him.
"The actual question you should be asking me is,what ISN'T wrong with me?"He chuckled with a creepy smirk on his face.When he finally looked me in the eyes,his eyes were droppy and had dark blue hues in his eyes.Night mare sand was the first thing came to mind.
"Many,Sandy,Hiro...ANY ONE COME HERE"I yelled at the top of my lungs. Just then manny,sandy,Hiro,and baymax came in.
"What is it Elsa?"Manny asked in a panicked tone.
"Jack" I pointed at the dark eyed jack,iced up against the wall.
'I'm still trying to figure out how to reverse/remove the effects of the nightmare sand' Sandy signed,giving me a friendly hug.
"Thanks Sandy" I said returning the hug. I could feel jack staring holes into the back of my head. I started to what sounded like cracking ice,I turn around to see the ice that's holding jack in place cracking. He was emitting a dark blue glow,just then the ice blasted all across the room. Jack tackled Sandy down to the ground,with a snarl on his face.
"Jack Stop It Right Now Your Hurting Him" I said grabbing onto jacks shoulder,trying to pull him off of Sandy. Jack's snarl turned into a wicked twisted grin.SNAP!!!!! I'd never heard Sandy talk,let alone scream. But i'll tell you ,it breaks glass...literally all the glassware and Windows broke,even my glasses. Even with broken glasses you could tell clear as day,that jack had broken/dislocated his shoulder,along with a broken shoulder blade.
"JACK YOU BETTER RUN BEFORE THIS PLACE IS A BLOODY WRECK" I yelled as I prayed him off of Sandy,and punched him square in the jaw.
"You wanna go princess? Cause I know this is not a fight your gonna win." I was enraged. Jack smirked with a chuckle knowing he just pushed a button. I calmly approached him,completely confusing him,then judo flipped him over my shoulder. And don't forget to twist the arm,I thought to myself in victory...but boy was I wrong. Jack untwisted his arm and threw me across the room...knocking me out.
Jack POV
SOME BODY HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M IN A LIVING NIGHT MARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(a/n ha see what I did there...no okay never mind)
SOME BODY GET ME OUT OF THIS-----------(a/n OOps sorry some technical difficulties..*glares at jack*)
Wait! I'm back in control!!!! YAY! Oh no. I look up to see Hiro holding a syringe,next thing I was knocked out cold(a/n See what I did again?!....no, I give up)

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