Sick Sleepover

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Elsa POV
I look over at Tooth,Anna,and Punize,who are talking,laughing,and giggling at each others jokes and that's what a friendship looks like...
"What ya looking at?"Jack had caught me staring at the group of friends,startling me
"Ah wha...nothing"I looked down at the ground in embarrassment.When I thought Jack took his gaze off of me,I slowly looked back up at the giggling group.Jack used two fingers to follow my gaze,his face brightened when he found out I was looking at the group of girls.
"They're great friends you know?..why don't you talk to them?" He bumped my shoulder,with his shoulder...causing me blush, and he seemed to notice

Tooth POV (A/N didn't see that coming)

I'm standing with Anna and Punize,on the other side of the room...
"Punize!Annie! It's so good to see you again..."I brought them into a group hug
"Toothie!!"They cheered,while hugging back...We broke the hug and we formed a group huddle
"Hey guys...looks like Jack has a crush"I whispered,while softly giggling
"I know right,aren't they so cute"Anna pointed to the cute couple that was talking,Jack said something that we couldn't hear and bumped shoulders with Elsa, causing her to blush
"Awwww....cute"We all said in unison,then we broke out laughing due to our synchronization
"What is their ship name or do they still need one?"I asked Punize
"What kind of fan girl wouldn't already have a ship name for them ?"Punize did a small hair flip
"A..."Anna opened her mouth to answer,the rhetorical question
"Don't answer that..."Anna closed her mouth,and hung her head in embarrassment
"Jelsa...their ship name is Jelsa"Punize whispered
"We have a plan to make Jelsa happen,you in?"Anna spoke up
"Operation Jelsa is go" We but our hands in,and did a cheer like a sports team,except we're team JELSA
"Step 1:Confirm Crush meaning lets see if they are crushing on each other..."Punize stared
"Since Elsa is my sister,it should be easier for me to find out"Anna stated
"Since I've know Jack the longest,it should be easier for me to out"I stated
"Good plan for step 1...Step 2 will be formed when Step 1 is complete,are we clear?"Punize is going full out cupid
"Crystal"Me and Anna saluted,I noticed Elsa walking over to us
"Elsa, 2 o' clock act natural"Anna looked at her watch
"It's not 2 o' clock"Anna scratched her head in confusion
*face palm* Me and Punize face palmed
"Just act natural"Punize groaned

Elsa POV
"Just Go Talk To Them"Jack was pushing me towards the girls,Merida and all of the Boys were staring...
"No! I don't want to!!"I grabbed on Merida's shoulder and dragged her with me
"Ay Why Ye dragging me with you?"Merida yelled
"After this,I need some one to help me beat the crap out of Jack!!!"I yelled
"Oh...I'm in"We fist bumped
"Mate,Are they always this violent?"Bunny raised an eyebrow
"Yeah,Merida has set Jack on fire before because he frosted her hair in her sleep"Hiccup stated
"And trust me all the girls are pretty violent if you decide to cross them...Punize has given me multiple concussions from hitting me with her frying pan"Flynn stated
"And that one time when Anna beat Hans black and blue with my guitar"All the boys broke out laughing
"Have fun!!"All the boys shoved me and Merida into the girls and ran off
"Oh ELSA and MERIDA we have so much planed for you"They dragged us out of the living room...
"we've heard that before"Hiccup+Jack...that was the last I heard,before the glitter bomb gals dragged us to our doom

Jack POV
-----25 minutes later----
"Ugggg what's taking the girls so long??!!"I slouched on the couch
"Some one's is inpatient"Kristof elbowed my stomach
"So,Jack..."Here come the questions...
"What do you think about your dad's most dangerous experiment?"North put his feet up on the coffee table and closed his eyes with his arms under his head
"I knew she was an experiment,but my dad didn't Elsa...did he?"I put my head in my hands
"I remember Tooth telling me something about the scientist that conducted the experiment was fired a week after...and when they tried to remove the chip...she went partly blind in her left eye...they tried every thing,nothing worked...Sorry Mate"Bunny put a paw on my back
'She doesn't have a choice whether or not she wants to be controlled' Sandy made words and figures with his sand
"Well whether or not she has a choice,I still don't trust her"Everyone shot death glares at Flynn...I froze his mouth shut
"Jackie you still haven't answered me question?"North said in his Russian accent
"First off...My name is Jack....and Elsa does have her full blown demon moments,but she doesn't know any other way to act because people treat her like a monster,but in reality she's delicate like a snowflake,prettier than a fresh snow fall,clever,cunning,smart,caring,kind,strong...very strong,and she gives me a warm feeling...but she's very isolated"I looked up to see everyone's jaws dropped
"Just talking about her,is making your heart melt "Flynn spoke...wait I froze his mouth shut!!...I froze his mouth shut again
"Your in love Mate"Bunny gave me one of my own smirks
"No I'm not,and you guys know that I can't fall in love...I'm immortal remember"My face dropped into a frown
"So what,we're guardians...we're immortal too"North spoke up
"Yeah,but The 4 seasons are mortal...and so is Elsa..."I felt warm tears run down my face
"So what,Jack this is once in a life time opportunity..."Hiccup stated
"If you don't do some thing,we will"He finished
"Great,The girls are playing cupid and now you guys too....I don't need any more people messing with my love life"I stopped when I realized what I just said
"dang it...I'm leaving..."I stood up and walked o the door,right as my hand was about to touch the door knob...
"Where do you think your going?"I gasped in shock to hear Elsa's voice,but I kept my back to her
"Frost Butt WHERE ARE YOU?!!!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!"You could feel the heat radiating off of Merida,I still had my back to them
"Where do you think your going Frost?!?"Elsa tone changed to demonic tone
"I just need some fresh air"Punize ran right behind me across the room,for some reason
"If you don't remember I'm under direct orders to keep an eye on all of you,so you can't leave with out my permission"Elsa was now right behind me,with Merida by her side
"Could you just leave me alone..."I turned around to face Elsa,but then I tripped on...Punize's hair.
"What the??"Merida ran in the opposite direction
"Ahhh...."Elsa screamed because...I landed right on top of her...My feet were caught up in Punize's hair, and some how I got some of her hair wrapped around my wrists.I looked up at Punize who had a fist full of her hair,taunting to pull it
"You wouldn't dare..."I emptily threatened her
"Oh I'll thank me later"She pulled the hair....
When she pulled the hair,I braced for impact and a fist to the face from Elsa.I closed my eyes,waiting for the fist.But Instead I felt some thing on my lips,cold,minty,soft...I opened my eyes to see me and Elsa both wide eyed,because we...were...kissing...I tried to pull away,but Punzie pulled harder on her hair...only pulling me and Elsa deeper into the kiss.I feel my heart beat faster and faster,until I couldn't resist any more...My eyes slowly fluttered shut,as so did Elsa.Punize released the hair from my wrists,I wrapped arms around Elsa's waist.I felt Elsa run her hands through my hair,she tugged on my hair,I licked her bottom lip for entrance and she let me in...but right as she let me in...we snapped back to reality and pulled away...
I jumped 3 feet away from Elsa in pain and Elsa did the same.
"awwww,why did you stop thing were just getting interesting...?"Punize had her phone out....
"SHUT UP!!!" I yelled in pain scaring her...and worse I start coughing up large amounts of blood
"I CAN'T SEE"I looked up to see Elsa run out off the room with blood dripping from her left eye..she ran into the wall
"We'll help her out"Anna,Punize,and Tooth ran over to Elsa and helped her to the bathroom
"I need a bucket"I yelled trying not to vomit
"Why?"Kristof questioned me...I vomited blood in my hands
"Too late"I said as my lap was now bloody vomit
"Does this have to do with you being immortal?"North said as sandy handed me a bucket
"Yep get me to a bathroom,and call the janitor"I threw up in the bucket 1 more time and then they helped me to a bathroom

---------- This Is Gonna Be One Long Night----------

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