Waking up

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Asle POV
Ughhhh my headddddd. I opened my eyes only to close them again due to the sudden exposure to light...wait where am I? I look around to see tanish beige walls, monitors, and machines surrounding the hospital bed I was in.......WAIT!! I jerk forward in the bed only to get tangled in Ivs and pain.
"Hey! I heard something!" I heard Jake outside the door. I also heard some shuffling of feet.
"I'm going in." He assumed he headed towards the door.
"No! I bet your mind is playing tricks on you again...and anyway Tadishi said not to go in there." Jack sounded annoyed by Jake's ambition.
"Don't care going in." Jake being stubborn and ignorant...nothing new there...
"Jake I know your worried about her we all are.... But we need to be patient." Elsa tried calming him down.
"It's been 2 and a half months since she slipped into her coma....Every one else has moved on except her! AND SHE COULD BE DEAD FOR ALL I KNOW!! I JUST, I JUST...GAHHH!!" And that's when he blew up...literally, his hair was flaming orange and he punched down the door. I jumped when he stormed into the room. I hide under the covers. I heard the sound of ice crackling. I peeked out from underneath, wide eyed.
"Asle?" Jake's eyes matched mine, and he immediately calmed down.
"...hi?" I forced out, due my throat being really dry.
"ASLE!!!" Jake was about to pounce on me, when Jack grabbed the back of his shirt.
"Hey!!!!" Jake struggled against Jack.
"There's a glass of water and the bed remote to sit yourself up a bit." Jack told me and pulled back Jake.
"She just woke up give her time." Jack let go jake's collar.
"Fine." Jake crossed his arms and pouted like a child put on time out. I grabbed the glass of water and drank it down. I sat up a bit and opened my arms. Jake looked up at me.
"Come here!!" Jake just 'bout tackled me into the hug. He started sobbing......manly
"Shhhhhh it's okay, I'm right here. Don't cry." I rubbed his back and patted his head.
"IM NOT CRYING!!" He pushed me away.
"OH REALLY!?" I yelled back.
"YES REALLY" Jake yelled.
"SURREEEEE" I laughed
"SHUT UP" Jake grabbed my shoulders and crashed his on top of mine.
Elsa POV
"Hey I'm back~um did I miss something?" I walked into the room to see jasle making out and Jack standing there awkwardly.
"They were hugging, he was sobbing, the fought, they kissed.....then this" Jack motioned to the couple making out.
"Angsty." I earned a laugh out of Jack.
"Nice one....did you tell the others?" He asked, still chuckling.
"Yes, but they're not coming quite yet....." I chuckled nervously.
"You own everyone $20 don't you?" Jack asked as a joke.....I nodded yes. A blush spread throughout my face and neck. Jack noticed and bursted out laughing.
"Your too cute." Jack put his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. He only made my blush worse.
"Let's leave these two alone and head back. K ?" Jack kissed my nose, teasing me.
"Sure but first..." I pulled his head down and planted a firm kiss on his lips. He seemed shocked but instantly kissed back. I pulled away and grabbed his hand.
"Are you wearing peppermint lip balm? " He tasted his lips.
"Maybe." I smirked at him, lacing my fingers with his.
"Hey smirking is my thing!! You little thief!" He pouted.
"I just returning the favor. Because you stole my heart." I gave him a cheesy smile. He had a faint blush dusted on his cheeks.
"I'm rubbing off on you, aren't I?" We started walking back.
"Yup, is a good thing or bad thing?" I said playfully, copying his smirk.
"Both, I'm not sure if I can handle that smirk much more....." He mumbled the last part.
"Oh, is that so?" I leaned into his ear.
"Careful, I might have come over and wipe that smirk off your face for you." Jack countered.
"I'd like to see you try!" I let go of his hand and sprinted off.
"Oh it's on!!!" Jack chased after me.
Asle is awake.
Jasle is reunited.
And everything is going back to normal.
....or as normal  as things can get around a magic school..
A/n Hey guys! Respect  here!
So here is your chapter that has been long delayed.
This book is coming to an end and the next chapter will probally be the last.
But anyway all of you be sure to thank @_molly2435_
For this chapter because she did what it took for me to update........ Please update soon.
And boom!!!!  Here's your chappy!!!!
So yeah same as last time comment please update soon and I will.....hopefully.....
For now
❄️❄️💙💙KEEEP READING💙💙❄️❄️
💙💙❄️❄️AND LOVE JELSA❄️❄️💙💙

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