13. Pluem

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He felt as though his brain experienced an electric shock and in a snap he lost his senses. Pluem fell on his room's floor which was covered with pillows Pluem was arranging earlier. Fortunately or not but thanks to those pillows no one in home realized someone fell. His body started jerking, tears fell from his eyes, inaudibly. After two minute or so, which were longer then last time and felt like an eternity, it ended. Yet, Pluem was still on the floor in the same position as a baby in his mother's womb but it wasn't warm. It was cold as an ice making his whole body freeze. After all winter and cold floors never got along, even the pillows were of no help. This was the second time and Pluem knew better he shouldn't be ignoring all these symptoms. This seizures are not something to be taken lightly. Not when the reasons are unknown. But what to do? He didn't feel like visiting a hospital alone after all the things he has experienced there and he didn't want to bother his family with his things when he has always burdened them so much since he was a baby. He has always tried to ease their worries since the day he started understanding things.

All muscles in his body stiffened which made it almost impossible for Pluem to move. His heart was dashing to be out. His one shaky hand holding the other together. It wasn't helping. Not at all. He was afraid but had no one to comfort him. He was alone in his icy cold room. He wanted to scream out his pain, he wanted to release it violently. He needed to, desperately. But he couldn't. Even moving a single finger felt difficult. Pluem thinks he is always a bother to others. That was one of the reason too why he never reciprocated Chimon's feeling. But at the end he wasn't able to break his chi's heart again and again and finally surprised him by initiating the confession himself and finally they became each others only one. He is happy spending every second with him but what if misfortune follows. He is always afraid of what if Chimon gets harmed because of him like his Papa.

Pluem had weak liver since birth but it wasn't that bad. It was an OK liver to live with just that Pluem had tons of things to avoid, still has to and a lot of medicines to live with. But one day when he was seven, his abdominal pain got too unbearable with vomitings that the Pluem, who always had smiles even while getting injections, cried. All Pluem wanted was the pain to be away and it did felt a little less painful when his Papa embraced him in a warm hug. He didn't know when his Papa entered the room or when he realized Pluem crying but the hug was definitely helping and his Papa's small 'you're OK, Papa got your back' whispers were doing excellent jobs. Another minute and Pluem was in the doctor's cabin. After check-up Pluem along with his two four year old brothers was in the waiting area, waiting for their Papa who was talking about something to the doctor, probably about his health. His four years twin brothers were enjoying themselves even in the hospital and here was Pluem all drained out. He was so tired that all he wanted was to sleep but he had to keep an eye on his brothers. Right now, their parents were not there and Pluem was their only bodyguard. His Papa came in with a smile and kissed Pluem's cheek. Pluem knew something was wrong but he didn't dare ask. "Kids, let's go home." The kids came running to New's direction.

Once they reached home his Papa wasn't his usual self. He would glance at Pluem, who was covered in a blanket watching his favorite 'pinky and the brain' with sleepy and tired face, and smile weirdly. Definitely, fishy, Pluem thought. His Dad came back from the office earlier than usual, even weirder. His Papa and Dad had some talk in their room and when they came out Pluem noticed his Papa's wet eyes and Dad's tensed look. He still didn't dare to ask what was wrong. Pluem felt he shouldn't know. At night when Pluem needed to use washroom he realized his parents were still in the living room, after putting the twins to bed, talking about some surgery and stuff which Pluem didn't understand but one thing was for sure the headline of their talk was Pluem. Next day his parents told him how his liver was not working properly and he needed transplant and Pluem tried to understand what it meant. Pluem didn't realize what it was until his the pain got truly unbearable for him. Pluem got admitted and his family and known people tested for donor along with putting his name for organ recipient in the hopelessly long list. Fortunately, they got the donor in home. His Papa's got matched. When Tay told Pluem what was going to happen in the surgery Pluem refused to have his Papa's liver. He was facing the symptoms and he knew how hard liver pain is. He didn't want his Papa to suffer the same pain. His refusal took violent turn. Whenever Tay tried to explain Pluem how important that surgery was he would start throwing things at his Dad. He didn't intent to hurt anyone and would carefully pick the least harmless things. He just wanted to stop the topic.

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