16. Big bro Pluem

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"Edgar Allan Poe says 'I remained too much inside my head and ended up losing my brain." Drake said taking Frank's book away from his hands. Frank took only some twenty minutes nap and now got too immersed in his book while everyone else were enjoying each other's company. Drake wanted Frank to be like that too. To laugh at Nanon's lame jokes so much that he won't even be able to hear Ohm's later comments. He wanted Frank to notice Pluem and Chimon's secret, silent communication. He doesn't want Frank to miss any of this.

"And J.K. Rowling says 'I do believe something magical can happen when you read a good book.' " Frank gave Drake a mocking smirk. He tried grabbing his book back yet failed.

"Magic is already happening Frank you just need to look around. See, your brothers are smiling, laughing, giggling while here you are burying your head in this-" Drake turned his head to read the title of the book and all of a sudden he became blue. "-Autopcy of a suicidal mind." Suddenly Drake's talks turned to whispers to none.

"Don't Panic just because you saw a book with 'suicidal' written on it." Frank put his hand around Drake's neck pulling him closer to himself and whispered in his ear "I won't be doing the same shit again if I have promised you not to do so." It didn't help Drake. It didn't help Drake's mind that was in a turmoil now.


Drake still has those memories of Frank's lifeless body lying on his bed with an empty bottle of sleeping pills. Frank's body was slowly turning cold. Frank's breaths were almost out, almost like he has died..., died in Drake's own house yet Drake didn't had any idea. Drake was oblivious about what to do. His Frank committed Suicide. His Frank wants to die. He doesn't want to keep on living not even for Drake's sake. Frank committed suicide but... but he is Drake's last hope to live a happy life. So, should he die too? Should he end this painful life too like how Frank has chosen to end this here and be in peace of that death. Frank emptied all the contents inside that small white plastic. There were none for Drake to do the same shit. Seeing his love in that state made him realize how peaceful he was looking. No crying or wailing, no nightmares, no pain. Everything in that state looked so peaceful. He wanted to have that peace too. He wanted to be with Frank in that too. The scissors on the drafting table caught Drake's eyes. Shining like a star of hope to let him be with his love. Drake so desperately wanted it's sharp blades to be pierced thoroughly through his wrist slitting his hand away from his arm. He wanted to see the red blood oozing out of his radial artery and with each drop of blood he would be closer to his love and peace. Drake went near the table to grab the scissors when Frank's phone rang. 'Big bro Pluem ❤😁' Pluem was calling Frank.


"Dr-drake" Frank was sobbing. His voice was cracking yet he didn't stop. "pr..promise me you won't let my family know about any of this. Promise me you will co-cover all this for me. I want them to keep smiling. I don't want them to look at me with pity. Drake help me if I ever make a wrong choice. Help me Drake, please."


Those words of Frank from the past echoed in Drake's head. It tore Drake's heart out. It felt like his heart twisted into a knot so tight that he felt a stop on his blood flow. Drake rolled his fingers into his palms until his nails dug in it. What was he even thinking? Peace in death? Screw it. He needed to hurry. Frank needed help. He promised Frank to help him if he ever made a wrong choice and this was a wrong one. He needed to help Frank. Drake finally came back to his senses and reached to the nearest hospital with Frank. Doctors said it was late Frank might die but Drake didn't loss the hope. Finally, Frank was saved that day. He promised Drake to never do any of such foolish Bullshits.


Those memories play vividly from time to time like a video recording in Drake's head giving him shivers down his spine. Drake never expected Frank to do something like that. Neither did he expected himself to think like that. Just a few seconds difference and both would have left the world. Pluem did something so big for Frank and Drake yet he may never know it. Drake was just a eighteen year old teenager with no knowledge of such situations and no one to help. Pluem's one missed phone call became his way to overcome the dark thoughts he had. But he doesn't ever want something like that to happen again. Not to Frank, not to him.

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