Three: A new chapter

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Zara's POV:

I opened my eyes and my head was still spinning.
While my eyes were still adjusting to the daylight creeping through the blinds, my hands threw my blanket away from me.
Finally adjusting I saw my room, with all its pictures and clothes, all these memories.
I love my room.
It reminds me off that time where I was happy and had just started out, no blocks but a world full of opportunities and no care in the world.

After getting out of my bed I picked out my clothes and went downstairs getting greeted by my brother who was eating his breakfast.
"Slept well?" He asked.
"Pretty good, I'm leaving now see you later!" I said while walking towards the door and putting on my shoes.
Closing the door behind me the cold winter air smacked me in the face.
I shivered a bit and hid behind my jacket.
I walked toward the garage and got my bike out.
My mom was already at the stables, discussing some things with my trainer.

I arrived at the stables no later than 10 minutes and walked towards the canteen where my mom and trainer were sat talking and drinking a cup of coffee.

I walked in and sat next to my mom.

My trainer started talking. "Okay Zara, I have talked to Frank Westminster and he would love to have you ride one of his horses. He said you could try it out for a while until you make your final decision but I think this would be a great opportunity for you."

I knew this would in fact would be a great opportunity, but it just felt like we were taking this too fast.

It has only been a few months since my pony left our stables, and it still hurts. It hurts when I walk past that empty stable. It hurts when I see the pictures in my room, and it hurts to see his old saddle and bridle. His stuff.

But as my mom told me: 'you'll get over it, but you have to choose for the sport if you really want this."

My mom was sure of it, but I have started to question it all.
For the past few months I haven't known anything for sure.
He was my rock. He was my surety.
I knew it all, I was sure.
I was sure until that all changed 3 months ago.

"Okay, perfect! We'll call him later today to confirm and we'll set a date to go see the horse." My mom spoke up suddenly.
"Amazing! I'm sure he'll be thrilled." My trainer said.

It was only now that I realized I hadn't said a word since I came in
"Amazing, thanks for everything." I said to my trainer.
I really was grateful for her. She helped me a lot.
But when she saw I was getting taller she started hinting to my mom my pony should be on for sale soon.
My mom just brushed it off for a little while until it got worse.

I have always been taller than other people my age, it never really bothered me until then.
My mom started talking to my trainer about it and she helped us take some sales videos and pictures.

Someone from the United States responded and she bought him for her little son.
I was absolutely devastated, but my mom told me it's for the best.

Him getting picked up was horrible.
His last neigh from out of that truck was agonizing.
I was on the verge of breaking.
But everyone else seemed not bothered, quite happy even.

My mom stood up and I followed behind her.
"So, are you exited to meet your possible new horse?" She asked me.
"Yes, I can't wait!" I spoke up. It wasn't that I was not exited at all. It was just a lot to take in in such a short span of time.

My mom went to her car to drive to her office.

I walked to my bike, past one of the stables.
His stable.
I stood there for a little bit, tears prickling in my eyes.
I came back to my senses and walked outside.

I grabbed my bike and went away.

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"My heart wanted nothing more than for you to stay. "

Authors note:
Thats the second real chapter! I hope you guys liked it!
Let me know if u have any tips!

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