Five: Diomedes

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Zara's POV:

I made my way to the front door, putting my key in the lock and twisting it open.

Stepping into the hallway I closed the door behind me and put my shoes aside. I made my way to the kitchen where my parents were already sitting.
"Hey sweetie, had a good day?" My dad asked me. He looked really tired. I am grateful for him, he works really hard to make everything possible for us. But sometimes he's just a bit too much. We don't get along that often.
"Yes. How about you?" I asked.
"Fine,fine. Are you exited for Thursday?" He asked.
"Yes! Really exited." I said.

A few minutes later my brother came downstairs and we all started eating.

I went to bed and had a good night of sleep.

The next few days went by quickly. I went to school, studied, did my homework and hung out with my friends.
So Thursday came by quick.

"We're leaving in 20 minutes Zara!" My mother yelled from downstairs.
"Yes, I'm almost done!" I yelled back.
I wasn't almost done. I still had to get dressed and put on some makeup.
I quickly put on a long sleeved riding shirt and some black breeches.

I sat down at my desk and put on some concealer and mascara.
I liked doing my makeup, I liked playing around with different products and how they accentuated and made my features better.
When I went riding I didn't put on a lot, but I haven't gotten a lot of sleep so I just put on something to cover that up.
I looked at myself in the mirror one more time before I went downstairs.

I slipped on my boots and got into the car with my mother. After 25 minutes we arrived at a big house with endless fields laying behind it. Behind the house was a small little stable with not a lot of horses. There were paddocks, fields, a horse walker and a beautiful outdoor arena.
The house was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. It gave a calming feeling to anyone entering.

The driveways was lined with beautiful big trees and a huge iron gate, very prestigious.

In front of the big, beautiful farmhouse stood a smaller, old man. I couldn't see his face properly but he had gray hair and was wearing a checkers button-up with jeans and black boots.

We got out of the car and he walked over to us.
"Hello, I'm Frank Westminster, nice to finally meet u." He said.
"Hello, I'm Lauren Johnston, this is my daughter Zara. Thank you for having us." My mom said.
I know my mom really wanted this to work out. She also rode horses until she was 35, but when she gave birth to my brother she stopped. She told me she misses it, but she enjoys watching me.

"Hello, I'm Zara." I finally spoke up.
"Shall we go see the horses now?" Frank asked.
"Yes, that would be great!" I said. I really was exited for this. I haven't ridden in some time, since my pony got sold. So I really do miss it.

We walked to the small stables. It was really pretty. It felt really calming. The stables were a small little cottage-ey building, with 4 stables and 2 washing stations inside. At the back there were a few saddles and bridles hung op.

The horses all looked out of their stable with their heads.
They all looked beautiful, they were well cared for and amazing sport horses.
My trainer told me has bred multiple really good sport horses, they have been sold to places all over the world achieving great things.

One dark brown horse really caught my eye. He had thick dark brown mane and his head had a white star marking.

"This is Diomedes, you can try him out if u want today." Frank pointed at the dark bay.
"Yes, that would be lovely!" I said.

Frank gave me his halter and I lead him to one of the washing stations.
I attached the two ropes to his halter and Frank handed me a brush.
Diomedes had light dapples over his stomach and his back was dark brown. He was absolutely beautiful.
He was also really sweet and stood still the entire time.

After I brushed him Frank gave me a saddle pad, a saddle and a bridle.
I tacked the horse up and I put on my own helmet and gloves.

Me, my mom, Frank and the horse walked towards the outdoor arena. The arena was on one side lined with the same trees that lined the driveway and you could see cows and sheep grazing in nearby fields.

Frank helped me got on Diomedes.
He was a big horse, atleast 1.73 (17.0 hands).
He immediately felt really safe.
I walked on and he felt so loose under me. He moved very gracefully and it felt amazing.

After a little bit I started trotting. It was different from anything I've ever done. He trotted with a really big stride, his knees moving up.

We also cantered a little, his strides were enormous . It was a bit difficult at first but I got used to it very quickly.

"You're doing really well Zara" this was the first thing Frank had said since I got on.                "Thank you, he's absolutely amazing!" I told him. I walked with him for about 5 minutes before I dismounted.

I took Diomedes bak to the stable and untacked him. My mom and Frank were stood outside, probably discussing if I can ride him more often. I honestly would love to. If I can ride here I will probably ride a few of the other horses as well.

I put Diomedes back in his stable and walked toward Frank and my mom.                                          "So, me and your mom have discussed some things and I would be delighted if you want to ride a few of my horses from now on." Frank said.

"I would love to! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed happily.

We discussed some more about how often I would come ride his horses and which ones.

When we finally got home I was tired, but really happy. This would be a new beginning and i was super exited. Before I got the chance to think about it more my eyes closed and I fell into a deep slumber.

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"Pursuing you passions makes you more interesting, and interesting people are enchanting."


Another chapter, I hope you like it!!

- F

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