Ten: It's her choice.

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Olivia's POV:

"Very well. Sit back, sit back."
I focused on the jump in front of me, my trainers voice disappearing in the wind.
As my horse took off I sat forward in my saddle, flying over it.
"Good job Olivia! I think we'll end it for today, cool him down and I'll see you Friday." My trainer said to me, I said my goodbyes to her before continuing to walk my horse until he was cooled down.

I had my own horse, 'Last War', or Lessy as I liked to call him.
He was stood at the local stables, Olivia used to ride her too, before she went elsewhere a few moths ago. We started riding here actually, when we were 6 years old.

I dismounted and walked my horse back one of the stable blocks, where Lessy was stood.
I untacked him before putting his rug on and leading him back to his stable.
I gave him a carrot and watched him eat it. I stayed for a few minutes, taking in the silence of the morning before I headed home.

It was Sunday, and we had a lot of tests starting Monday so I had to study.
I always studied alone, otherwise I couldn't concentrate. I put my phone on silent, laying it under my pillow before walking over to my desk, getting the books I need to use: history and science.
I looked around my room, my eyes fell on the picture of me and Zara on my wall. We were 9 years old, not a care in the world. Best friends, forever.
I guess Zara is my best friend, we do a lot together. Well, we did. Atleast before we started highschool.
Zara mainly spends time with the horses, she always says she doesn't have time to hang out, but I don't think she even tries to make time anymore. Life is not all about sport, have a little fun. That's what I told her.
She sighed, stood up and left without saying another word. She didn't look mad, just annoyed, like I wasn't understanding something.
Zara has been quite distant these past few weeks, she doesn't make time to hang out anymore, she barely talks and she looks very tired.
I wonder what's going on, but she won't tell me. She won't tell anyone.
I considered asking her brother, James. James and Zara have a pretty good bond, they don't talk about everything, but quite a bit.
I refrained doing so after giving it some thought because Thomas would definitely tell that to Zara.
He isn't a snitch, and I get that he would tell Zara. After all it would be kinda weird if I suddenly started talking to him out of the blue, we're not friends after all.

I turned back to my study books and started reading, not being able to concentrate.

I missed my friend. Everything has changed so much over the past few months, I wish she never went to ride elsewhere, I wish her pony never got sold, I wish she would tell me everything again, like she used to do.
We told eachother everything, all our secrets.

But that was then.
I wanted to talk to her but she wouldn't budge.
I'll just leave it then.
It's her choice.

Authors note:
This is so bad but I genuinely didn't know what to write so I'm sorry for that!!
Do you guys have any ideas?
- F🫶🏼

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