Seven: Thomas

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Bree's POV:

Jade and I walked tot he cafeteria, we were supposed to meet up with Zara and Olivia there.

"So, anything new?"Jade asked. Jade was one of my best friends. She has blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. She was you typical popular girl. I still wonder how she's friends with me, Olivia and Zara. Jade has a lot of friends and still she chooses to hang out wiht us. Jade is really nice, but I do feel like she's starting to hang out with us less, I still dont know why.

"Nope. Hey, there are Zara and Olivia!" I said whilst waving to the two girls. Zara and Olivia both ride horses, I don't know anything about them, what I do know is that Zara puts a lot of time into them. Olivia does too, but she tends to do more stuff with friends than spent most of her day with her horse.

"Hey guys!" Olivia said.
"Hey!" Jade and I said.

Lunch wasn't really eventful, we just talked about what we would be doing the next few days, some stuff about school and teachers and boys.
Speaking of which, there was Thomas. Walking towards our table.

Thomas was definitely a good looking guy, just not my type. He has blonde hair and blue eyes, was pretty tall, he's also really nice may I add.
We're pretty okay, I wouldn't classify us as friends but we talk pretty frequently, especially since we have a few classes together.
He definitely likes Zara, and I think that she's the exact reason why he's walking over to us.

"Hey guys, Zara could I talk to you for a minute?" He asked. It's probably about the project they're doing together, but still.
"Uhm, yeah sure!" Zara said whilst standing up.
They walked towards the lockers, we couldn't really see them, nothing had been said until Jade started speaking.
"I wonder what they're talking about." She spoke up.
"Probably just the history group project, speaking of which, have you guys started yet?" Olivia said. Olivia took different classes than the rest of us, so the only time we really see her is during breaks.
"Yes, but it's way too difficult, I really don't care for it either." I said. I've never been good in history, it's way too boring.

After a little while Zara walked back towards the table, she said it was about the group project, but I could definitely see them laughing in the hallway so I'm not too sure that it was only about that.

The rest of the day went as normal, I had my last few classes and went back home together with Zara and went back to my house.

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"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today."

Authors note:
Quite a short chapter. Next one will be with the horses again!!

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