Eight: Work

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Zara's POV:
(Time skip; around 4 to 5 weeks)
I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping in my ear. I groaned as I sat up and turned it off.
I opened my eyes. "6:30".
I sighed and got up from my bed, walking towards the light switch and turning it on.
It took a few seconds for my eyes to get used to the bright light.
I walked towards the bathroom locking the door behind me as I turned on the light switch and looking at myself in the mirror.
My dark circles had gotten worse, I looked very pale, my nose and eyelids were a bit swollen up and my eyes were dull.
I got my clothes off and stepped into the shower, feeling the warm water on my skin and instantly relaxing.

I got out of the shower, did my makeup and put on some clothes, before heading downstairs I quickly put my hair in a ponytail.

When I got downstairs I walked towards the kitchen, grabbing all the things I needed to make a sandwich. I looked towards the clock on the oven. In red numbers it said "7:03".
Okay. I still had atleast half an hour before I had to leave.
I grabbed a slice of bread and opened the peanut butter jar, and putting the peanut butter on the bread.

I sat there in silence. Everyone was still asleep as it was early in the morning on a Saturday.

I grabbed my phone, checking it for any important messages.

Hey, I was just wondering if you have time to do something together this weekend, lmk!
*yesterday 23:09*

My heart started beating a bit faster. It's been a while since we hung out, mainly because neither of us had any time to do anything.
I decided to respond:

Hey, I was just wondering if you have time to do something together this weekend, lmk!
*yesterday 23:09*

Yes that would be nice!
How about tomorrow? Xx
*today 7:10*

I responded to a few messages of friends and family.
I finished eating my sandwich and stood up from my chair.
Walking towards the hallway I grabbed my stable shoes and jacket and headed outside to grab my bike.
The cold winter air hit me right in the face as I walked outside. I grabbed my bike from the garage and started biking my way towards the stables.

I have been riding Frank Westminster's horses for a bit over a month now and it has been going great. But it has been hard work especially since I also do the stable chores around the farm and I have to keep up with my schoolwork and friends too. But I enjoyed it. I was tired but it definitely was worth it and I enjoyed every minute of it.

After about 10 minutes I arrived at the big iron gate in front of the abnormally long driveway. The oak trees that are usually glowing with beautiful green leaves were now bald and covered with a thin layer of frost, so was the ground. It was cold, I regretted not putting on gloves and a hat, but I'll do that next time.

I only had to do the stables in the morning on the weekends, and Frank did it on the weekdays.

I biked past the old farmhouse where Frank lived, the curtains were closed and there were no lights on, so I assumed he was still asleep.
I continued my way to the stable block.

It was really relaxing and calming here. The only sounds being the horses chewing on their hay and the wind blowing over the premises. I stalled my bike next to the entrance door and got my keys out of my pocket, the silver things dangling off of the key cord. I put the key into the lock and twisting it, sliding the two big wooden doors apart and entering the building.

The stable block wasn't extremely big, it had four stables, two washing stalls and at the end there was storage for tack and feeding supplies, the hay storage was on the back outside of the block. As i turned the light switch on all four of the horses turned their heads towards me, their ears pinned forward. They all neighed quite loudly, eager for their food.
I walked all the way to the end, got their feed and gave all of them their assigned grains.

I sat down on the bench at the end of the stables, waiting for all of them to finish eating. It was always very relaxing, hearing the horses eat their food. I waited for about twenty minutes in which I also fed the two cats.

I got four lead ropes and started getting the horses outside. The fields were behind the stables, and lined out with wooden fences; very classy.
I first got Diomedes outside, who was very exited and was trotting in place. I continued with the other three and watched them for a few minutes until I went back inside again.

I got out just the dirty hay and put some fresh in all of the stables, so it wasn't a lot of work. I did a few other things before I first got Dèja inside to tack her up. Dèja Vu is a 8 year old chestnut, Swedish warmblood mare.
She is a very sweet horse and really wants to work for you. I ride three of the four horses, because Solo, "Solo Star", is only 2. So he's just enjoying being in the field most of the time until we start doing anything with him.

I got Dèja's tack after I groomed her and tacked her up. I put on my own boots and helmet before taking her reins and walking towards the outdoor arena, mounting her and walking away.
I rode her for about 35 minutes, stretching her and doing some dressage exercises, she's a good learner and takes up everything you tell her very easily.

I got her back into the stables after cooling her down, untacking her before putting her back into the field and grabbing Equador "Equador FWB", he's a big, muscular horse. He is a 11 year old Dutch warmblood, imported from the Netherlands.
I rode him and Diomedes before locking all the doors and heading home again.

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"Work hard in silence, let succes be your noise."

Authors note:
A bit of a longer chapter!
Do you guys want more chapters with horses or more about school/ friends? Lmk!
- F

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