Thirteen: late

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Zara's POV:
"Thanks again!" I said, standing in front of my house, about to get grounded for the rest of my life.
"Yeah it's not a problem, call me if you need anything." Thomas said.
I told him what happened with my parents. I didn't want to in the first place, since I realized it was my own fault it had happened.
Me and my mom fall out a lot, when we do I don't really know what I'm saying, I just yell. I was indeed mad at her, because she gets mad over the most stupid things, but it's not completely her fault.
"Thanks, I'll take you up on that." I said, waving goodbye before he left off.

I decided it would be best to go home, and not to Olivia's because otherwise my mom would be too worried.
I closed the door behind me, walking towards the stairs before hearing someone behind me.

"Not so fast." I heard my mom say.
"Mom, Im so sorry." I said, feeling the guilt in my stomach.
"You know, I don't get why you're so upset about this. But talk to me if you want, we'll just leave it now, okay?" She said.
That was close.
"Goodnight, love you mom." I said with a slight smile on my face.
"Goodnight sweetie."


"Are you kidding me!" I yelled.
"Why does this always happen for fucks sake!" I complained.
I slept through my alarm, again.
I already missed first period, this will be another detention for sure.
I rushed to the bathroom, quickly putting on some concealer and mascara before putting on a hoodie and some jeans.
I ran downstairs to put on some shoes and got my phone out of my pocket.

5 missed calls: Bree
2 missed calls: Olivia
10 new messages: Bree and Olivia
2 new messages: Thomas

I'll just check this later.
I ran out the door, got my bike out and raced to school.

Authors note:
Shit chapter 😭 I'm sorry but I don't have any time to write. If u have ideas lmk!!
- F

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