Two: Memories

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Ever since I could remember I've wanted this. This career.
This sport.
This life.
I wanted this.
But did I really?

I've wanted this ever since I was little.
From my earliest memories I have been sat on a horses back, riding around, dreaming about what I could achieve.

First it was trotting.
A great achievement at that time.

I felt so free, I wanted this.

My first ride off the lead rope.
I could do it on my own, without anyone else, just me and the horse. I felt free.

My first competition.
Winning didn't matter, my parents were so proud of me.

My first pony.
I was happier then ever. Honestly I can't remember a time where I was happier then that.

My first ribbon.
It felt amazing. I wanted to win. I had to win.

My first training.
It was though, but hard work makes the dream right?

My first real dressage test.
Me and my pony were one, we knew eachother like no one else.

My first hack in the woods.
My pony's ears forward the whole time, the forest air entering my lungs. It was amazing.

Things not working out.
I got older, taller and then, suddenly it went too fast.

He was gone.
I had never cried so hard. Ever.
He went away, to the other side of the world.
But hey, dreams don't come for free.
This sport is hard.
This world is though.

But I want this.

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"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up."

Authors note:
Thats the first chapter, I hope you like it!

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