Fourteen: Friendship Problems

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Zara's POV:
I speed walked into the school toward the classroom.
"Sorry I'm late miss!" I say to the teacher.
I'm never late, so I'm hoping she'll just let it slide.
"Ah there you are, I would let it go Zara but you're more than ten minutes late, so you'll have to stay after school." She says.
Just my luck.
"Yeah okay." I say, quickly sitting down.

"Where the hell were you?!" Olivia asks me. I haven't talked to her in two days, I feel bad, I really do but I just didn't have time.
"I'm sorry I just had a lot going on." I apologize, why am I so stupid.
"Couldn't even call me huh, or anyone else for that matter. We've been calling and texting you nonstop and you didn't even reply once!" She whispered to me.
"Zara, Olivia, be quiet please." The teacher scolded us.
Olivia kept quiet after that. When the bell rung she just walked away to her next class. I get she's mad at me, I'd be too, but can't she just talk to me.

During lunch she didn't bring it up, neither did Bree or Jade, but already they talked to me.
I apologized to all three of them, Bree and Jade were nice about it, but Olivia just scoffed at me.
What the hell.

"Liv I'm so sorry." I said, walking behind her.
"Just stop apologizing, what's really going on?"
"Nothing, just some problems with mom, but I really did forget to reply!"
Before she could say anything back Thomas walked towards us.
"Hey Zara, you okay? I was worried about you yesterday." He said.
"Uhm yeah I'm fine! Thanks again!"
"No problem! See you later."

"Yesterday?" Olivia asked. "You were with him yesterday?"
I tried to talk, but before I could say anything she started again.
"You couldn't let us know anything because you were with him?" She said , she looked mad, which I get. But it wasn't like that.
"It wasn't like that Liv, I.." I tried to talk but she interrupted me.
"Don't even start Zara, I gotta go." She said with anger in her voice.
"Liv!" I said, but she just walked away.
Seriously Thomas, couldn't have come to me any other time huh.

What do I do?

A/N: I'm backkk I really didn't have any ideas but now I dooo! Hope you guys like it!!
The chapter short I'm sorry!!

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