Four: I trust you more than anyone

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Zara's POV:

Tears threatened to fall whilst I was riding my bike.
I hate how it got to me as bad as it did.
I didn't know how to talk about, let alone who to talk to.
My parents didn't really care and my brother most definitely wouldn't understand.
He plays football, he doesn't really care about horses. That's fine, I don't really care about football either.

There were two persons I could talk to, my grandma and my best friend, Olivia.
I have known Liv for 6 years. We met at school, we were both ten.
She also liked horses and we started talking about it. It was so easy to make friends then.

When I needed to get something off my chest I went to Liv. I trust her more than anyone.

After 20 minutes I arrived at her house.
I rang the doorbell and heard footsteps walking towards the front door.
"Zara!" She yelled a bit too hard.
"Liv!" I yelled back, infulging her in a big hug.
"Are you okay? Have you cried?" She asked.
She knew me better than anyone. It's the small things she notices that others don't.

"It's nothing I'm fine, honestly." I said, so she just let it go. She knows when I don't want to talk.

"So, what did your trainer tell you?" I had already told her about it.
"My mom is scheduling a meeting with Frank Westminster this week and I'm going to try out one of his horses to see if I can ride one or two of them for him." I said.
"That's amazing!" She exclaimed happily.

"You know, sometimes I wonder why I'm still doing this." I said.
"You know, if u really wanted to quit you would've already. Besides, you're just going through a though time right now. In a few months you won't feel this way anymore, trust me." She told me.
"Thanks for listening. You know, I trust you more than anyone." I said.
"No problem, I know I can always talk to you when I need it." She said.
Liv really did help me with everything.

We talked a bit more when my mom called me.
"Hey mom!"
"Hey sweetie! I have just talked to Frank and he said we can go to his on Thursday evening, is that okay with you?"
"Yes, perfect!"
"Okay! See you tonight, love you."
"Love you too mom."
I heard the beeping of the phone two more times before it stopped.

I turned to Olivia.
"That's amazing Zara!" She said.
"Yes! I'm really exited!" I said.

A few hours later I decided to go home, preparing myself for a chaotic dinner with my family.
When my dad is tired from work it never goes that well.
It's not that I don't like him, he just doesn't get me. Besides, he's never home that much anyway so what does it matter.

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"You're going to go through tough times - that's life."

Another chapter!! I think I will be updating 3 times a week or something but I'm not sure yet!

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