Eleven: Nervous

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Zara's POV:
I sat in the car, moving my right leg up and down.
I watched the trees pass by and listening to the music playing on the radio: Little Lies - Fleetwood Mac.
My mom was quietly singing along to the lyrics.
She took a turn and I could see the big building nearing us.
The car drove onto the property, the parking filled with trailers, people and horses.

I had my first competition today.
Loading Diomedes went well, he walked straight into the trailer and was very relaxed.

I got out of the car, closing the door behind me and opening the little trailer door, Diomedes' head lowering to see me.
"Hello Dio." I whispered softly whilst stroking his head.

"If u go put on your stuff I'll put his bridle on." My mom said.
I nodded in agreement and turned around to go get my jacket, helmet and gloves.
My jacket was dark navy, with a few navy rhinestones lining the collar and seams.
My helmet and boots were also dark blue, matching with the jacket.

I put on my jacket and helmet before helping my mom unloading Diomedes.
I got out his tack and started putting on his white saddlepad, after that putting on his saddle and tightening his girth went fine.
He was looking around, taking in everything happening around him. His neck was sitting tall on his body, his dark brown coat shining in the sun.

I put on my white gloves and walked towards the warming up arena.
It was a small indoor arena, the bigger arena was opposite of it in the big white building.
My mom held his reins whilst I mounted him before walking into the arena.
There were only two others, since I was the last to start.

I usually wasn't nervous for competitions, but today I was. I don't know why, maybe because he wasn't with me.
I shook my head, not wanting to think about it. He was gone, I have to move on. Those endless nights spent crying were over now. He is in good hands now.

I regained focus and walked around the arena for a few minutes. Diomedes was a bit tense at first but he relaxed after walking for a bit.
We started trotting. His trot was way more active today, probably because he was a bit nervous, just like me. This was his first competition.

I cantered on both sides before I got called into the arena.
"Good luck!" My mom told me before I walked into the main arena.
I greeted the jury, introducing myself before trotting on. The bell rang and my mom started reading the test aloud.
I was concentrating on my horse, and where I needed to go.
Diomedes felt great, we rode through the test like we've done it a million times before.
We went onto the A-C line and stopped between X and G, greeting the jury one last time before going out of the ring. I patted Diomedes, extremely happy with how it went.
"Good job! It looked great!" My mom said.
"Thanks." I said, walking my horse to cool him down.
After a few minutes I got off, untacking him and putting him back in the trailer.

We went into the building, about 20 people sitting there; riders, friends and family members all eager for the results.
I wasn't focused on winning, especially since it's a though participant field.

A woman called out for the attention, reading out the top 3 riders.
My name wasn't called out, so I walked to the results list. I came fifth out of fifteen, with a score of 69,864%.
I was very pleased, and so was my mom.

We went home, putting Diomedes back in his box and doing a few chores before heading home.

I walked into the house together with my mom.
"Hey!" I yelled. No response.
"Your dad is working so he won't be back until late and James is at a friends house." My mom explained.
"Oh that's fine." I said.

I walked upstairs closing my rooms door behind me and falling onto the soft bed.

A text.
I didn't really want to look, I just wanted to lay in my bed for the rest of the day and do nothing.
Another one, okay then.

Are you doing anything today?

I didn't want to do anything, but I know she's being annoying about me not spending time with her. I get it, but sometimes I'm just tired.

Are you doing anything today?

I don't really have time today? Maybe Sunday?

A little lie won't hurt.

Authors note:
Okay I'm so bad at writing riding scenes because English isn't my first language and idk all the names and stuff😭
But hope you liked it!

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