Six: Bree

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Zara's POV:
The loud sound of my alarm woke me up.
I opened my eyes to put out my alarm.
My room was still dark, with a little bit of light creeping through the blinds.

With a sigh I finally got myself out of bed, I opened the curtains and walked to the bathroom.
I looked at myself in the mirror, I had large dark circles under my eyes, my lips were chapped and my skin was pale. I had a few spots on my forehead and chin. Nothing too bad. I never found myself ugly, but I never considered myself pretty.
I was taller than most of my friends, I had mid-length dark brown hair and my eyes were brown and very, very tired.
I had pale skin, I never really got a tan, it was always like this.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on some makeup.
After I was done in the bathroom I went back to my room and got dressed. I never dressed really fancy for school. I didn't really know what kind of style I had. I wore basic shirts and tops with jeans most of the time.
I never really felt insecure, but I did feel a bit sad when I compared myself to my friends.
Olivia had beautiful green eyes, Bree had an amazing fashion sense and Jade had gorgeous blonde hair.

It wasn't that I didn't want put any effort in my appearance, I just didn't know how to.
I was pretty good at doing my makeup, I looked definitely more awake and it defined my features. But clothing wise I had absolutely no idea. I spent most of my time in riding clothes so it really didn't matter to me, until I started high school. It was just so different.

I ate some breakfast, got my bike and went over to the spot where Bree and I always meet up to go to school.

"Hey Zara!" Said Bree.
Bree was a nice girl, we've know eachother for about 3 years now. We met in our first year of highschool. She has dark chocolate brown skin, she has her hair in braids most of the time and she has the most amazing clothes. Bree and I hang out pretty frequently. She's a lot of fun to be around.

"Hey Bree!" I greeted the girl with a smile.
We started biking, it's about 25 minutes to our school, so we have a little time to catch up with eachother.

"So, how did it go with the horses?" She asked.
"Really well! I think this may be it." I told her.
"That's amazing! Tell me all about it when you know for sure!" Bree said.
"I will! How about tennis? Still running in the championship?" I asked the girl.
"Yep! It's going really well, I'm training 4 times a week now with my new trainer so I'm hoping for that win this year!" She told me, she was so exited.
Bree was a really good tennis player. She has been playing since she was 8 years old, and she never quit. I guess we're kind of the same in that way.

We talked a bit more about what we will be doing this weekend, our teacher and the people in our class.

"So, how are things going with Thomas?" Bree asked with a little mischievous wink.
"I mean, he's a good friend, if that's what you mean." I said. Bree was convinced that Thomas liked me. I'm not so sure about that.
We met last year at school, he's a really nice guy. I like how he's so passionate about his sport. He's a formula 4 driver, so he travels quite a bit with his team. But when he's home we hang out pretty often.

"You know what I mean Zara!" She said.
"Okay, okay. We have been hanging out a bit lately, but we're just friends!" I said.
"Sure..." said Bree, but she didn't sound fully convinced.
Honestly, I didn't find Thomas unattractive or anything, but I really don't want anything like that right now. I'm focusing on my sport. These are the most important 4 years if I want to continue doing this professionally, and that's what I want to do.

We arrived at school and both walked to our classrooms.
I walked to my classroom and took my seat next to Olivia.
Olivia is my best friend. We have known eachother for a long time.
She also rides horses, so we have that in common. Olivia enjoys being with her friends, she's definitely an extrovert. We definitely don't have that in common.
I'm alone a lot of the time, and I like it like that. I want to focus on the things that are important for me.

After 4 lessons we finally had break, me and Olivia walked to the cafeteria and sat down at a table, waiting for Bree and Jade.

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"What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth."

Another chapter!
This one is quite short but more will come later.
Do you guys want more school and friends chapters or more horseriding chapters? Let me know in the comments!!
- F.

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