Twelve: Problems

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Zara's POV:

"Shit." I whispered under my breath, the cold air almost freezing my tear stained cheeks off.
"Shit,shit,shit!" I whisper-yelled, my voice pitched on a high note.
I hid my face further into my winter jacket, the coat warming my face.

I walked for a few minutes until I realized what I'd done.
How could I be so stupid.
It's dumb really.
Stupid even.
I took a deep breath trying to calm myself.
The sidewalk was covered with snow, the road was empty and the sun was going down.

I stood there, on the road, not knowing where to go.
A hundred problems clouding my mind.
I continued walking, knowing where I was headed.
My hands were red and purple from the cold, my feet frozen and my breath warm.

I opened the gate, but instead of heading straight ahead I went to the left, into the trees.
It was shorter, I found out a few weeks ago.

With the building coming in sight my feet started moving faster, but not yet fast enough to run.

I got the key out of my pocket and opened the big wooden door, revealing four curious faces.
"Hello guys." I slightly chuckled at their ears pinned forward.
"Hello Dio." I whispered, stroking the dark bays' face. He relaxed into my arms, the feeling of warmth and safety flooding me instantly.
I opened his stable door, walking into his box and sitting down against the door after closing it again.
He sniffed at my face curiously before continuing munching on his hay.
I sat there in silence for god knows how long until my phone started ringing.

I pushed the red button on my phone, declining the call before putting my phone on airplane mode.

A few more hours passed, it was completely dark outside.
I heard the door creak open.
I stood up, being met with the friendly eyes of Frank.
"Oh, hello Zara what are you doing here so late?" He asked, concern washing over is face.
"I was just going to head home, I just thought I'd spend some time with the horses." I said, not wanting to talk about what happened at home.
"Okay, I'll take you home then, it's already dark outside." Frank said. Frank was a good man. Everyone who was around him was always comfortable in his presence.
"Oh no it's fine really!" I said, not wanting to go home.
"Okay, just make sure you get home safely." He said.
"I will! See you tomorrow!" I said, leaving the stable block.

I walked towards the gate, opening it and walking away.
It was indeed very dark outside.
I decided to check my phone and text Olivia.

29 missed calls: mom.
A new chat from Liv🤍
Bree 🤍 send you a snap
More messages

I fucked up then.

I walked for what felt like hours, it's was cold outside, it was dark and I was on a country road in the middle of nowhere.
I felt like crying.
Why was I so stupid.
I heard something behind me, I turned around, afraid of what it was.
In the distance I could see a light, it was from a bike.

The bike came closer to me, it slowed down and came to a halt right in front of me.
"Zara?" The boy asked.
It was Thomas.
"What are your doing out here so late? It's 23:00?" He said.

"Uhm, I was just with the horses." I said.
"This late?" He questioned.
"Yeah, lost track of time." I answered.
"Do you need a ride home?" He said.
"If it's alright with you then yes please." I said.

Authors note:
Okayyy not the longest chapter but thought I'd add some drama! Anything in particular you want to see?

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