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𝙑𝙞𝙤𝙡𝙚𝙩'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

"And... yeah. That's what happened tonight."

Kat's jaw was left slightly opened, "Oh. My. God. And I fucking missed all of that?! Dammit!"

"Told youuu that you should've come."

"I can't believe he touched you like that. What did it feel like to you? Like, how did it make you feel?"

"I don't even know, honestly. My heart was already racing because of the bike, and then it raced even more when he was touching me. I didn't have any time to think. But when we were leaving... I was playing out a scenario in my head of him grabbing me by my waist and pinning me against my car, so..."

"I'm honestly surprised that he didn't. He was definitely flirting with you. Speaking of, where even is he? I noticed his room was still empty."

"Yeah... I don't know. He said he was going for a ride by himself, and to not wait up for him."

"Oooh... I bet he just needed to clear his head because he was thinking about you too much."

I roll my eyes and scoff, "Tch, please. Pretty sure I'm the only one who has fantasies that make me completely delusional."

"He literally said that he wanted you."

"No, he said that he wanted something else. Doesn't mean he meant me."

She scoffs, "Okay, now you're being delusional. You knew what he meant."

"Well, it doesn't matter because–"

I stop speaking mid-sentence when the sound of people speaking and laughing echoes from the hallway.

"What the hell?"

Kat and I both get closer to the door that was left slightly open, and peak out eyes out of the crack.

"Tristannn..." A woman's voice giggles.

"Come on, baby. My room's this way."

We both back away from the door and she closes it as I walk back to my bed, plopping down.

"Oh, man. I'm sorry, V."

"Don't be. I'm fine."


"This is who he is. Who he's always been. He hooks up with girls all the time."

"Yeah, but you've never really had to witness it before. Or hear it. Ugh, and my room is right next to his. Guess I won't be getting much sleep."

"You can sleep in here if you want."

The faint sound of moaning is heard from a few rooms over, and both of us groan in unison.

"Well... at least you'll get a glimpse into what it's like to have sex with him."

"You are so not helping."


The next morning, I decided to be petty and only make breakfast for Kat and I. It was past ten, and Tristan had yet to come out of his room, so I wasn't going to worry about feeding him.

"What else do we have planned for today?"

"I don't think anything. It's still early."

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