Chapter 8.

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Brittany's POV:

3 days have passed and i haven't seen Trevor not once. Jennie went out last night with them all but i didn't go, and i guess Trevor was thinking the same thing as me since he didn't go either.

I picked up the box i gave Trevor on his 18th Birthday and opened it, tipping out all the contents of years we shared onto the bed.

I sat crossed legged on the queen bed with my phone beside me and my tea in one hand, as the ocean view beamed through the window.

I found one photo that made me smile like no other, as it replayed in my mind. Trevor and my baby cousin playing together. 

"Doesn't my boy look cute." i joked as Trevor was holding my little cousin in one hand as i sat on the brown leather chair watching them sit on the other.

He was a natural with kids, and someday i knew he'd make a good dad.

"You're good with kids." i comment shyly.

"There just so cute." trevor tells me with a dimpled smile as my baby cousin starts giggling as  he starts to tickle her.

"Yeah, but so are you." i reply cheekily giving him a little smirk.
"Oh i know you are, i'd give you a kiss but uncle duties are calling." Trevor says as he picks up my baby niece and pat's her on the back, soothing her.

"Uncle?" i reply a little confused, although i found it mostly cute.

"Well, one day we will get married so that will make me her Uncle, B.'' trevor explains.

"Maybe trev, maybe." i reply with a little laugh.

I blush alot, i found it cute how Trevor saw his future with me in it. And although i did see him in mine too,  the future still scared me a little more then it scared Trev.

I watched them play contently for atleast a good hour when my older sister Sam, sat beside me on the couch glancing over at them enjoying themselves.

"His so good with kids." my mother comments from behind us as she takes food to the dinning table.

"He'd make a good dad one day." Sam says sweetly as she smiles.

"I guess he would huh." i reply sheepishly trying not to make it obvious i was thinking the same.

"But get no ideas Britt, you're too young yet darling." Sam tells me giving me a gentle nudge.

"Hey! You're first." i reply slapping her on the arm.

She was the older one, haha.

"Please, you have been watching him for an hour. It's obvious you think the same as Mum & I.." sam joked.

"I wasn't even thinking that.." i protest.

"Britt, you were." Sam says standing up and taking a seat at the dinning table.

"Dinners ready." mum calls out as she places one last pot onto the table.

"C'mon cutie. Lets get you fed missy." Trev says as he picks my cousin up and places her into the high chair and airplane feeds her the baby food out of her little bowl.

After dinner was finished and my cousin was fast asleep, i finally got some time with Trevor.

I was lying on the  same couch as earlier and he came and sat down lifting my head up so he could sit and i could rest my head on his chest, which i did. As trev placed his leg's on the ottoman infront of the living room table.

"Uncle duties done and dusted. My little princess is fast asleep." trevor replies sweetly giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey! Your princess has been hear waiting for you for the last 45 minutes." i say slapping him lightly.

"You'll be my queen some day. Just imagine us in the future." trevor says sweetly.

I laugh. "Finally some alone time." i sigh as i put my phone down after texting with Jen for the previous hours.

"Someone jealous of a baby?" trevor jokes running his fingers through my hair.

"Shut up! Am not!' i reply defensivly hitting him on the chest.

"Oh whatever." he says planting a kiss in my forehead.

"Hey B, can i ask you something?" he asks me as i continue playing with his hands.

"Yeah?" i reply quietly.

"I heard you and sam talking." he replies with a little laugh.

"I'd be a good dad, would i?" trevor says jokingly mocking the conversation from earlier.

"Never said that." i deny.

"You did, nothing to be ashamed of. I mean i would be a pretty good dad since im such an amazing boyfriend." Trevor says laughing yet again.

"You're alright." i reply still playing with his hands that are near mine.

"Please. You think i'm amazing."  trevor replies laughing.

"Okay fine you'd make an amazing dad, but we're too young." i reply quietly.

"But the future could include a little us." trev says stroking my hair.

"The future is so far away, " i reply laughing.

"How can you be so sure?" i ask trev with a little sigh.

"Because im certain of it." Trevor says locking his hands with mine. 


Back then, if things like worrying about the future was so much different to now. Here i am knowing i was right all along, Trevor and i weren't going to get married. Nor were we going to have a kid, heck, we aren't even friends. He wasn't that uncle figure he use to be, and i missed that alot. The future is a scary thing, but knowing his not by my side is even scarier.

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