Chapter 19.

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Trevor's POV:

The past 2 weeks have been different, i found out i was going to be a dad, i in a way reconnected with Brittany again and the cruise ended yesterday. Here we are sitting at her Mum and Dad's house waiting for Sam and Dylan to arrive so we can all talk.

I have no idea what happened to our child but i knew i shouldn't ask because Britt will tell me when she's ready, we aren't back together but we've made progress. I guess i haven't even had a chance to get mad or be happy that i indeed do have a child with the girl who i love, it's just different finding out later on in life and not being there to support Britt through it i guess in a way i feel guilty. 

Maybe Britt wasn't the selfish one in high school, maybe it was me. 

Foot step's and conversation snapped me out of my thoughts as Dylan, Brittany, and Sam walked into the living room. I gave Dylan a bro hug and then Sam a long hug along with a kiss on the cheek after all she was like a sister to me. 

Brittany sat down beside me and put her hand in mine which in a way was comforting, as Dylan and Sam sat on the sofa across from us along with Paula and John sat in his "chair". 

"How was the cruise honey?" Mum asked quietly as she smiled at us. Her mum was always very proving of Brittany and i which i liked. 

"It was good mum," Britt said beaming at me giving my hand a gentle squeeze. 

"And you two are back together?" Britt's dad asked giving me a disapproving look which kinda scared me in a way 

"Well no, not exactly, but we would like your blessing to date again if that's okay?" Brittany asked sweetly causing me to give her a confused look. 

"YES." Sam squealed and dylan gave her a tight hug causing her to quiten down and Britt and I too laugh. 

"Your grown up now Britt you can date whoever you like, isn't that right darling?" Britt's mum turned to face her  husband who gave me a look. 

"If you hurt my little girl again. It will be the last time, i will band you from seeing her you hear me Tjordman?" her dad spoke sternly causing me to chuckle. 

"Understood, sir." I reply smiling as Brittany gives me a kiss on the cheek before hugging her dad and thanking him. 

Brittany's POV: 

Trevor and i were laying in bed beside each other in the room i lived in till i was 18, so many memories and so much love was in here for the both of us. All of my room was the exact same, photo's of trevor and all. 

Trevor left trails of kisses on my neck as he crawled in bed beside me, when i stopped.

"Trevor stop." I tell him sitting up and fixing his shirt which i was wearing. 

"What's wrong B?" He asked me quietly a little unsure of what he did wrong. 

"It's too soon, i'm sorry," i mumble quietly as i get up out of bed.

"Where are you going?" he asked me quietly turning his head to face me and pulled the blankets up over him, turning on his laptop. 

"To get a glass of water, i"ll be back," i tell him shyly as i make my way downstairs and get a glass of water listening to the thunderstorm outside. When Sam walk's down in her pajamas and wrap's her arm around me. 

"Sit down Britt, you need to vent," Sam tells me as she takes the jug and poor's herself a glass of water from the jug before sitting down beside me. 

"It's Trevor," i mumbled quietly as i fiddled with the ring he gave me on my 16th one of the many that his given me, but the one that hold's a lot of meaning to it. 

"I can tell by your neck," Sam replied with a little chuckle, i ran my hand over the hickey as i sighed loudly again "What's up poppet, talk to me." Sam spoke sweetly as she put a hand on mine. 

"I love trevor i do, but i feel like it's too soon to be doing anything again," i mumble quietly as i look down at the ring. 

"Tell him that babe, he won't get upset by it. Have you told him about the baby?" Sam asks quietly as she squeezed my hand a little bit tighter.

"Nope." i gulp nervously. 

"You need to and you need to talk to him about any doubts you might be having." Sam tells me as she gives me a kiss on the forehead before making her way back up to her room.

I sigh knowing i need to, i head back up to bed where Trevor is laying with the babies bear in his arm's holding it. I cuddle in beside him and hold onto the bear, seeing tears fall in trevor's eyes. 

"I'm so sorry britt. it was too soon, and for well everything." trevor mumbled quietly as he let tears fall down his cheeks causing me to cry too.

"Can i take you somewhere tomorrow?" i asked him quietly as i wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Yes you can." He tells me giving me a kiss on the forehead and placing the loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"I love you." i look up at him and give him a kiss on the lips. 

"I know and i love you too," he tells me giving me a gentle kiss. 

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