Chapter- 16.

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Brittany's POV: 

I laid in bed wanting the nightmares to stop, but nope they kept replaying in my head. The day he left freshest in my mind. I tried to think about something else, anything else but nothing worked.

" It was the day Trevor was leaving for his 6 month tour and i woke up barely even wanting to get up. 

"Brittany, what are you doing? Trevor leaves in less then 4 hours, get up!!" my oldest sister sam shouted as she barged through my door. 

"I don't want him to go." i admit shyly as i pull my doona back over my head putting my face into my pillow. 

"You know it's not too late to tell him, boo." Sam told me as she sat on my bed rubbing my back lightly.

"And crush his dreams, i can't do that," i tell her shyly as i peak out through my covers and look at her. 

"This will crush you though, he might like to know his going to be a dad hun..' Sam tells me softly as she looks over at the photo of me and him on my bedside table with my little cousin.

"You look like a little family there, you're going to have that in 7 months time hun.." she tells me as she picks up the photo and i sit up slowly grabbing it. 

"I just don't think i can, with the support of you and our parents and jen i'll be fine..' i tell her grabbing the photo slightly smiling at it when my phone rings. 

A goofy photo of Trevor pulling a stupid face popped up onto my screen and Sam noticed giving me a sympathetic look before hoping up and slowly shutting my door as she left.

I picked up my phone and answered quietly, a few moments of silence of none of us not saying anything until Trevor finally spoke up "today's the day baby." he spoke sympathetically from his end of the phone. 

I gulp as tears formed in my eyes, him calling me baby, him not knowing, him leaving all of it is so much. 

"I know t, who would have thought so soon huh?" i tell him with a fake laugh trying to sound positive but it was so hard to.

"Baby, don't cry. It's 6 months we can get through this." Trevor tell's me quietly as he sighed from his end of the phone. I knew it wasn't easy for him leaving everyone and me behind, i couldn't make it harder for him by telling him. 

"Hopefully we can.. I'm proud of you remember that Trev,' i tell him as i quickly begin rushing around my room to get ready, trying to find a loose dress so he didn't suspect a thing. 

I was no where near showing but i guess i felt big in a way, i hadn't really even put on any weight but the fact i had another child growing inside of me made me feel 10 times more insecure than ever before and i didn't want Trevor to think otherwise. 

"I love you always Britt, see you soon baby," he tells me quietly as i hear talking in the background and Trevor's mum shutting the door. 

"I love you too.." I mumble before we end our call. 

My morning sickness was bad already, i felt so sick all the time but i knew eventually it would have to stop. I just couldn't be sick this morning, not today as it was my last day with Trevor and i wanted to be able to enjoy it as much as i could without vomiting and feeling sick the whole time.

I got ready into a white off the shoulder dress with pom pom's on the end, nice and flowy and i put on a tone of water proof make up and tried to cover the acne on my face, one thing i had noticed was how bad my skin got in a short amount of time. Instead of my usual one or two spots i currently i had five, i don't know if it's because of the pregnancy or what. But i didn't like it. But trevor wouldn't care, i curled my short blonde hair and stood in front of my long length mirror where there were pictures taken on my mint green polaroid that Trevor got me as a random gift hanging up. 

I smiled as i touched my not even noticeable bump,  where a  baby was forming and whispered to myself in the mirror. "Today's the last day Mummy get's to see Daddy, okay? Please just don't make me feel sick." 

My older sister Sam, popped her head in. "Britt, hun, it's time to go." she whispered as i took a deep breath in, grabbing my black faux leather backpack and popping it onto my back before making my way to see Trevor, for the last time in a little while at the very least. 


I woke up screaming for Trevor as my best friend Jennie turned on the light, sitting herself on my bed. "Britt hun it was just a dream, everything's okay," she tells me quietly as she begins to rub my back.

I pull her into a tight hug and begin to sob "I think it's time i tell Trevor the truth," i choke out in between sobs as i keep thinking about everything. 

"I think it's time you do, too" She tells me sweetly and reassuringly as she continues to hug me. 

I think it's time he knew the truth...

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