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Important keys:

(Y/N) your name


~No one's POV~

A 5-year-old child sat alone in her bedroom. Tears streaming down their face, just earlier their parents yelled, and their mom punched them, because their parents thought they had been rude to their guests, they didn't have any guests over. They were now screaming at each other blaming each other for getting drunk. their cheek started to bruise, and they just couldn't take being in the house anymore. they soundlessly slipped out of her room, not like it mattered to be quiet since their parents wouldn't even hear anything over the racket they were making.

They had made it outside and quickly bolted down the street till they reached their grandparents private land, that their parents inherited but didn't want anything to do with, so they just forgot it existed. They jumped the fence and walked out into the forest, they had no idea where they were going, they were just letting their feet take them anywhere other than home.

They kept walking through the forest calming a little while breathing in the fresh clean air and enjoying all the shades of green that there were in the gradually growing darkness of the mysterious forest.

They kept walking through the forest calming a little while breathing in the fresh clean air and enjoying all the shades of green that there were in the gradually growing darkness of the mysterious forest

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                                                        Example of what the forest looks like

They continued to walk turning from time to time until they stumbled upon the gaping mouth of a cave with stalagmites and stalactites that looked like teeth. Vines draped over the mouth making it almost invisible to the naked eye. Curiosity taking control they stepped into the cave.

Their steps echoed off the cave walls as they walked further and further into the cave. Soon there was the sound of dripping water which soon turned into a trickle of water. The cave started to get a little brighter and wider eventually opening into a large cavern entirely lit by A large glowing crystal tree that had a backwards flowing stream of water flowing up and around it.

 The cave started to get a little brighter and wider eventually opening into a large cavern entirely lit by A large glowing crystal tree that had a backwards flowing stream of water flowing up and around it

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(this is kind of what it looks like but lusher and there is a backwards flowing stream flowing around the tree, and there is only 1 tree)

They stared in awe at the sheer beauty of it.

You know it's rude to stare. A young and soothing voice chuckled; it sounded about 5 years old as well.

The little child swifty turned in circles trying to find the source of the voice, earning for giggles from it. They then realized; the voice was in their head.

"W-who are y-you" They stuttered wondering what kind of magic this was. They had always believed in magic, since they were 5. They were still furiously looking around trying to find the source.

Hehehe look at the tree silly, the voice giggled.

"you're the tree!?!" The child exclaimed surprised.

Bingo! now why are you here? I thought my guardians had died 2 years ago. The voice was for serious.

"I needed to get out of my house for a bit and this is my grandparents land that my mommy and daddy got from them after they died.... 2... years.... ago" they said starting to piece this together in their mind.

GASP! YOUR (Y/N) AREN'T YOU!!!!!! the voice shrieked in pure joy in their mind making them, uselessly, cover their ears.

(Y/N) nodded.

Your grandparents told me so much about you! They told me you were always so sweet, kind, smart, and quiet yet loyal! If this voice was a person, they would be bouncing off the walls of the cave.

(Y/N) was shocked, that was exactly them! They looked at the tree seeing this was way more than just a tree. "You're not a tree, are you?" They asked tilting their head.

Actually, technically, I am. I'm a Crystal Tree, one of the last and the youngest. I'm 5 years old but I'm so big right now, and getting bigger, because my kind grow faster and are a little sentient as well. The Tree explained.

"Oh, I am the youngest as well, but my older siblings have already moved out of the house. They weren't always the nicest b- er sorry I'm rambling" (Y/N) stopped talking scratching their neck.

What do you mean sorry? I love hearing voices! The silence gets so boring over the span of 2 years. The crystal tree said happily.

"Oh, my parents don't really like my rambling, so I assumed..." (Y/N) trailed off.

Well by the tone of your voice and how you are such an awesome person, they can shut their traps! The tree said angerly.

You smiled.

By the way it's getting close to dusk you should head back now so you don't get hurt or something. The tree pointed out.

"Right," you turned to leave then stopped, "wait I never got your name."

O-oh I um well uh, don't really have one. They mumbled the last part.

"... how about I call you Jewel?" You inquired.


"I guess I'll see you again Jewel" You smiled. 

Wait you'll come back!?! YAY! byee I hope to see you soon! Jewel said excited.

"bye" you said smiling and left to home.

You no longer dreaded going home, because you had a feeling this was the beginning of an amazing friendship.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Important note:

None of the pictures are mine

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