Chapter 12 {Beat}

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WARNING: Slight blood, bullying, and mentions of abuse

Important Keys:

(Y/n) = Your Name

(F/s) = Favorite subject


~Your POV~

Jewel stalled the explanation till I eventually gave in and said that she would have to explain more tomorrow before training. I was about to leave when April came up onto the roof,

"Who are you talking to?" She asked giving me a puzzled look. Shards, how much did she hear!? I thought frantically.

"Er- m-myself." I said hopping it would convince her.

"Alright..." She said a little unsure. 


"I'm working on it," I growled quietly through gritted teeth to Jewel.

"What was that?" April asked. SHOOT I SAID IT OUT LOUD. I panicked.

"I was wondering why your here." I said smiling to hide my panic.

"Oh, I heard from the boys that they helped you and they didn't see you leave the rooftop, so I came to check on you" She smiled back. I internally sighed with relief that she didn't carry on with the 'Me talking to myself' subject.

"Oh, I'm doing great! Just thought I could stay out a bit longer before heading back home." I said warmly.

"Makes sense mind if I join you. Casey can be so tiring at times." She laughed.

"I bet," I chuckled softly and patted the spot next to me.

Awe I was having so much fun talking to you thoooouughhh. Jewel whined.

We were arguing the whole time, I internally laughed.

"So how has school been treating you?" I asked. April looked at me surprised that I was the one to first initiate the conversation.

"I have been going pretty well. I have been having problems in (F/s) though." She replied after recovering from her shock.

"Oh, (F/s)? that's my favorite school subject! I could tutor you on it a bit if you like." I suggested.

"Really!? I would love that! Thanks!" April yelp hugging me, taking me by Suprise.

I sat there and blinked for a second then slowly hugged back.

Your finally making friends AND IM WITNESSING IT!!!! Jewel squealed.

you sound like an excited parent. I thought amused. The thought made me smile.

I felt my phone buzz and I looked at the text.

It was from mom,

Get home.


That can't be good. Jewel said worry lacing her voice.

"April I gotta go my parents want me home" I smiled hiding the pure dread I had. I was far past late coming home, that could not end well for me.

We said our goodbyes and as soon as I was far enough where she couldn't see or hear me and nobody was around, I freaked out.

"SHARDS! I'm so dead! I'm so dead! I'm so dead!!!!!!" I shouted the first part.

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