Chapter 10 {Attacked}

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Important Keys:

(Y/n) = Your name

(H/c) = Hair color


~Leo's POV~

Me and my brothers were on patrol. We leapt from rooftop to rooftop under the shimmering sea of stars in the sky. I couldn't help but notice that (Y/n) had stopped walking in general. I didn't see them at all when patrolling, and it has been a few days now. Suddenly we all stopped on a roof with Raph saying.

"Ugh, why can't we split up?" He whined.

"Raph y-" I started.

"I kind of want split up too" Donnie interrupted.

"Me three!" Mikey said excited.

"..." I hesitated, then finally spoke," fine BUT if you see any trouble press your SOS button. Got it?" I finished looking pointedly at Raph.

"Fine" Raph grumbled.

"YES!" Mikey yelped even more excited.

We split up and started bolting along the rooftops keeping my eyes trained for anything out of the ordinary. This went on for a few minutes, until I saw something that made me stop in my tracks and hide in the shadows, curious.

Why is (Y/n) here?

~Your POV~

I sat on the edge of the rooftop staring at the stary sky, and the slightest breeze blowing my (H/c) Hair, as I looked down at my Crystal Double Bladed Staff (see A/N at the end) and lightly brushing the surface. There was a slight layer of sweat glimmering in the moonlight, because I had just finished a training session with Jewel. 

I looked down at my wrist, there was a slight cut in it from my parents, but it didn't hurt enough to stop me from training, not that I would have stopped training. I love training with Jewel, she made it fun and knew when I was pushing myself too hard, giving me breaks when especially needed as well.

It was a really nice relief to from the stress of home and school and sometimes me and Jewel would just joke around while also getting a good amount of work done. I have never felt less stressed than from when Grandma and Grandpa would let me stay with them for a bit.

I sighed and looked down at the street, it was eerily calm the complete opposite of what it was during the day. I remember Leo, I wonder what he was up to.

There was a very quiet scrape on the hard concrete roof, but I heard it, I whipped around, and my grip tightened on my weapon, since my senses were also heightened during training and Jewel doesn't really know why. Nothing was there. only shadows.

I looked around a little longer before relaxing slightly and turning back and looking back up at the stars, letting myself slip into my thoughts. It was a few moments before I heard a familiar voice shout in my mind:


~No one's POV~ 

You whipped around weapon at the ready to block the incoming blow. A loud clang broke the silence as your Dístomos Staff collided with a sharp dagger. You immediately sprang into action, your mind identifying them as a threat, and quickly pushed hard on the collided blades, causing them to lose balance and you took the chance to get to a safer distance away from them.

They were clearly thrown off guard from my sudden movements, so you took the opportunity to 'assess the threat' as you liked to call it. It was some kind of mutant tiger, well built, had an eyepatch around one eye, and two stun guns strapped to their belt. It was Tiger Claw.

"didn't expect ya to fight back, but I can get passed that" Tiger Claw Smirked

"Who are you and what do you want," You growled your voice getting dangerously low, but inside your thoughts where all over in a panic.

(Y/n) focus on my voice don't let him get to you. The familiar voice said.

JEWEL?! I thought.

Good you are focusing on me. Jewel said.

"Doesn't matter who I am, all that matters is getting you to the shredder. You have seen some certain turtles have you not?" Tiger Claw said as you both started circling waiting for the other to make the first move.

"Like species? cause there's like terrapin, snapping, I find red eared sliders a little cute," You shot back still circling and carefully avoiding the fact that you indeed know who he was talking about, but you made a promise and you intended to keep it.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" He hissed getting a little aggravated.

Who the flip are these MUTANT TURTLES, and CAN I MEET THEM! also, YOU KNEW ABOUT THEM AND DIDN'T TELL ME!?! Jewel said in a playful aggravated tone.

Uuuhhhhhh, in my defense they asked me not to tell anyone about them, I thought back.

Well technically you're not telling me about them right nowwwww. Jewel hinted.

Jewel you little scheming-, I thought before I notice I was silent for a hot minute, that would get the tiger guy suspicious, so I quickly replied,

"Types of turtles right, you don't really see turtles in New York though unless they are someone's pet, are you looking for your pet turtle!?!" You exclaimed making Tiger Claw even more aggravated. 

HE HAS A TURTLE EEEEE I WANNA SEEEEEEE!! Jewel squealed excited.

No. Jewel. I am pretty sure he doesn't I'm just covering, I thought a little amused wanting to laugh, but that would be pretty awkward to explain why I laughed.

Awe. Jewel said sadly before quickly popping into an alarmed tone, INCOMING!

He lunged at you, and you quickly dodged and brought your Dístomos Staff down on his arm making a clean and semi deep cut in it. Tiger Claw hissed in pain taking another swipe, which you dodged.

"Swiper no swiping," you teased as you leapt off the wall landing a hard kick on his side before backing up again.

Was that a Dora Quote? Jewel said amused.

Shell ya!


Sushhhhhhhh fight now questions later. I thought, causing Jewel to laugh.

"I'm no fox, foxes are deceptive and cunning." Tiger Claw hissed back, lunging forward and landing a good blow on your jaw.

Acts like one. Jewel mumbled, a little mad that you got hit.

Back with Leo he was staring, stunned, as the scene played out. He never knew you could fight; your moves were a little sloppy though so maybe your new to it? is that where you have been the past few days? Plus, he was glad you were actually keeping your promise, but also worried for your safety as he now has landed a cut on your arm as well.

He watched as you spun your Dístomos Staff to block another blow from Tiger Claw. He knew you would need help, there was no way you could defeat Tiger Claw on your own, so he pressed the SOS button on his T-Phone.

As he was waiting for his brothers to get there, you were still battling Tiger Claw. He suddenly pulled one of his guns out and shot it at your leg, giving you an electric shock making you yelp out in pain, and distracting you from Jewel's voice. 

Tiger Claw immediately lunged at you and pinned you to the wall his hand on your throat.


A/N: I don't really want to write Double bladed staff all the time, so I got Dístomos Staff instead, Dístomos means double blade in Greek.

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