Chapter 7 {Fight & comfort}

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Important Keys:

(Y/n) = Your name

(F/f) = Favorite Food


~ No one's POV~

Leo and Raph were glaring each other down. 

"They whispered something, and it was definingly about me," Raph hissed trying to step around Leo to get to (Y/n), only to have Leo step to the side blocking his path once again.

"How do you know for sure it was about you," Leo growled he looked like he was ready to pull out his katana right then and there.

"What else could they have said!?" Raph almost yelled.

"I said I missed a certain friend," you mumbled barely audible.

"What ya say, you piece of-" Raph started. You flinched knowing what would come next.

"RAPH!" Leo scorned.

"I said I missed a certain friend," You mumbled again a little louder this time.

"Raph, why would you think she was talking about you?" April asked still beside Mikey who was still recovering from being thrown across the room.

"I uh AGH" Raph growled and stormed out of the room.

The room was entirely silent except for the quiet remarks coming from Mikey who was talking about how funny it was that it was completely silent. Donnie was pinching where his nose bridge would be, April was helping Mikey to his feet now, and Leo turned around and was looking you up and down making sure you weren't hurt.

"Are you okay? I am so sorry about Raph he can be quite impulsive." Leo said looking deep into your eyes.

"I am fine. It's alright anyway I'm used to impulsive behavior." You smiled, but you knew the reason you were used to that kind of impulsive behavior.

"Alright. You should get some rest; we will leave you be" Leo smiled and ushered everyone out.

~ Your POV (and time skip) ~

I woke feeling well rested and the pain in my side just barely there. I sat up in the makeshift bed thinking about what happened and processing that I am now just casually inside somewhere I don't know and not to mention I met and am for some reason having trouble hiding my emotions, specifically to one in particular. As I thought about Leo, I felt my heart skip a beat, I thought about how he saved me from the Kraang then yet again helped me with my wound without asking for anything in return. The way his mask tails flicked from side to side slightly as he turned his head, how his eyes boar into my soul like he could read me just by watching how I move. He seemed conflicted too like he wanted to trust me but shouldn't at the same time. A voice snapped me from my thoughts.

"Oh, you're up!" Leo smiled while walking in with a little bit of (F/f)

"Hi," I smiled warmly back.

"I brought you some (F/f) since it's a little past dinner time now. You slept most of the day off" he said placing the food next to me.

"Thanks!" my smiled quickly disappeared as a sudden thought struck me "Jewel!" I yelped trying to get up, but a sharp pain coursed through my torso.

"Whoa say sitting you're not fully healed yet," Leo said concern written all over his face.

"But Jewel-" I started trying to get up, but Leo gently, but firmly, held me in place by the shoulders.

"You need to keep resting, what is this Jewel anyway?" Leo said confused but concerned.

"Jewel is a who, and she is my closest friend. She would be so worried about me since we have no way to contact each other." I explained, worry written all over my face.

"I am sure she would understand why you couldn't go once your better" Leo soothed rubbing comforting circles on my back. I relaxed a little but still slightly tense since I wasn't used to being comforted physically and emotionally.

"Thanks Leo" I said genuinely smiling up at him.

"N-no problem" Leo said looking away and rubbing the back of his neck, what i failed to see was the slight blush that graced his face.

I started to eat (F/f) relishing the taste.

"Mikey made it himself he does most of the cooking around here." Leo said.

"He is really good at it!" I smiled.

"I'll be sure to tell him you liked it," He chuckled getting up," I best leave you to rest now see you."

With that he left. Leaving you blushing a little, you felt you heart flutter in your chest. Maybe you could trust them, but this wasn't the end, and you knew it.

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