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"Jeon Jungkook, a man defined by his selfish ambitions, has worked tirelessly to achieve his current position as a police officer, one willing to bend morals for money and power. His career had him handling various high-profile cases, but none quite as chilling as the recent one involving the son of Korea's minister and a prominent businessman's offspring, both implicated in a gruesome gang rape. Though this was the first time he's faced such a dark case, Jungkook's humanity had been buried deep within due to past traumas. But confronting this case was different. It wasn't just the horrific details that shook him but the sight of a victim he'd never met before: a young girl in a coma, lying in a hospital bed, looking so vulnerable with bruises marking her battered body. This image challenges everything he's become, forcing him to grapple with emotions and conscience he'd long ignored." 

"What intensified the pain was that she wasn't just any girl. She was a treasured daughter, who had always made her parents beam with pride through her achievements and unwavering kindness. To her siblings, she was more than just family; she was a role model, someone they constantly looked up to. Outside the hospital, a crowd of over a hundred people from all age groups gathered — all her friends. It's astonishing to think that each one would risk everything for a mere nod from her. They believed in her strength, considering her a warrior who would emerge from this coma. She was their beacon of hope, their leader who never hesitated to stand by them, always fighting for the rights and justice of others. What many didn't realize was that this very spirit of hers would lead her to the tragic state she was in now."

As he delved deeper into her history, the intensity of his emotions surged. Jeon Jungkook found himself overwhelmingly drawn to her. Even in her unconscious state, he felt an overpowering love and a fierce possessiveness for her. The kind that made him wish he could cocoon her in a protective bubble, away from the evils of the world. The urge to protect her, to keep her safe, dominated every other feeling.

But alongside this growing love and possessiveness, an uncontrollable anger and aggression welled up within him. Every detail he learned about those who had done this to her ignited a rage that he had never known before. The audacity of these monsters, protected by their statuses as sons of a minister and a prominent businessman, made his blood boil. He swore to himself that he would make each one of them suffer, make them pay for every ounce of pain they inflicted on her.

Yet, among all the surging emotions, there was a lingering uncertainty. He dreaded the moment her eyes would flutter open. How would she perceive him? Despite the deep connection he felt to her journey and her pain, he realized that to her, he'd be a stranger. The thought of those eyes, which he'd thought about endlessly, meeting his for the first time filled him with both hope and apprehension. Would they reflect recognition or indifference? His heart ached at the thought.

As he sat beside her, watching her breathe, a solemn promise formed within him. He whispered softly, words meant only for her ears, "I vow, with all that I am and every emotion you've stirred in me, those monsters will pay dearly for what they've done." The fierce determination in his eyes was palpable, his resolve unbreakable. In that silent hospital room, a vow was made — a promise of vengeance and a testament to an unexpected love.

In Her Wake || Jeon Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now