1. Another Victim

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In a dark forest, a scared girl was running as fast as she could. Trees scratched her face and arms as she passed them. She was bleeding, and her once white dress was now torn and stained with blood. She could hear someone chasing her

Just as a shadowy figure reached out and grabbed her, Jungkook woke up with a start in his bed. He was sweating and breathing heavily, trying to shake off the terrifying dream.

Jungkook sat up, trying to calm his racing heart. The dream felt so real, so intense. He didn't understand why this particular dream disturbed him so deeply. Who was that girl? And why did he feel such a strong connection to her even though he hadn't seen her face?

The forest, the chase, the fear - everything felt eerily familiar, yet distant. As he pondered the dream's meaning, a feeling of unease settled in him. Why was he dreaming of a girl he was certain he had never met before? And why did it feel so terrifyingly real?

Shaking his head in an attempt to rid himself of these thoughts, he lay back down, hoping to find some rest.

The next morning at Seoul's Take Care Hospital, a man hurried through the hallways. His rapid pace and disheveled appearance hinted he hadn't slept or eaten in days. As he neared the ICU, he paused abruptly before two individuals seated in chairs, their sunken eyes and solemn expressions mirroring his own torment. With a mix of desperation and fear in his voice, he almost pleaded, "Where is she? What happened to my daughter?"

The two slowly rose from their seats, their eyes filled with tears. After a heavy moment of silence, he pressed again, voice breaking, "Felix... Jennie... please tell me."

Felix's eyes were a raw, red mess as tears streamed non-stop. He struggled to find his voice, choking on his own emotion.

"Dad," he whispered, his voice trembling, "I should've been there. Why wasn't I there? My Noona... she's so hurt."

His voice broke, barely above a whisper now, "Why did this happen? Why her?"

Felix sobbed, "She needed me. She always looks out for me, and the one time she needed me most... I wasn't there."

Jennie hesitated for a moment, her heart racing as the haunting images played over in her mind. She grappled with how to convey the gravity of the situation without plunging into the full abyss of what she witnessed. Her hands trembled, and she clenched them tightly to still herself.

"Uncle," she began, her voice trembling, "I found her outside our Lux. She was unconscious and bleeding heavily." Jennie paused, swallowing hard, avoiding the most traumatic details. "I... I immediately called for help. She's strong, she has to pull through." The raw pain in her eyes was evident, revealing the depth of her fear and concern.

While waiting for doctors for any news, Felix turned to his father, asking, "Mom and Hyein, where are they?"

His father replied, a heavy sigh escaping his lips, "They are at the house. They only know we found Y/N, nothing more."

After 30 minutes, a lady doctor emerged from the operation theater. As soon as she stepped out, the three of them approached her. Y/N's father hastily asked, "How is my daughter?"

The doctor looked at him and asked, "You are the patient's father?" He nodded in response. She then suggested, "Let's discuss this in my cabin."

Jennie interjected, "I'll wait here, Uncle. Felix, you should go with the doctor." Following her suggestion, the father and Felix trailed behind the doctor.

Inside the doctor's room, the soft light made everything feel quiet and serious. The walls had many awards and papers, showing the doctor knew her work well. On her desk, there was a sign with "Dr. Kim Jisoo" written on it. Felix and his father sat down, their faces filled with worry and hope.

Before delving into the details, Dr. Jisoo asked, "Before we proceed, can I please confirm the patient's full name?"

Y/N's father, his voice shaking slightly, replied, "Her name is Lee Y/N."

Dr. Jisoo took a deep breath and began, "Mr. Lee, I regret to inform you that Y/N has been through a traumatic ordeal. She has been... brutally raped. We're doing everything in our power to ensure her physical recovery."

Y/N's father was crushed by the words, each one causing his heart to ache more and more. Tears streamed down, filled with regret and a burning anger. "How could this happen? I should've been there for her," he murmured, his voice barely audible, choked with emotion.

Clenching his fists, he tried to speak, his voice breaking, "She... she's our strength, our little light. How could this happen to my little girl?"

Beside him, Felix's face contorted in agony. His eyes darted around the room, disbelief evident in every glance. He clenched his fists, trying to make sense of the reality, but it was too much. "No... no, this can't be true!" Felix exclaimed, almost hysterically, his voice rising with desperation. He looked like he was on the edge, his emotions spiralling out of control, "I was supposed to protect her! Why?!" The room was filled with the raw pain of two souls, shattered by the devastating news.

Dr. Jisoo, sensing their profound pain, leaned forward with compassion in her eyes, "I can't imagine the pain you're going through. But right now, she needs you both to be her pillars of strength. She's fighting, and she needs you to fight alongside her. Keep the faith, and together, we'll help her heal."

Dr. Jisoo looked at them with deep concern, "Y/N's condition is extremely serious. She lost a significant amount of blood, and we've been working hard with transfusions. Along with numerous injuries across her body, she has sustained severe injuries to her private areas, which is deeply concerning. Additionally, her head injury and the swelling in her brain are particularly alarming. We've managed to get her stable for the time being, but the next 48 hours are crucial. If she doesn't respond in this time frame, there's a risk she could slip into a coma. We're doing everything possible, and hope remains our biggest ally right now."

Hearing Dr. Jisoo's words, a deep ache settled in Y/N's father's heart. His eyes filled with tears and he looked straight at the doctor, his voice breaking, "You have to save her, doctor. Please." He leaned forward in his chair, almost begging. His hands clenched in desperation, and the room was thick with his pain and hope. The weight of the moment was clear: a father pleading for his daughter's life.

Dr. Jisoo met his gaze, her own eyes filled with compassion and determination. "I promise you, we're doing everything in our power to help Y/N," she said softly, her voice steady despite the emotional weight of the moment. "Every single person on my team is committed to her recovery. I understand how you feel, and we won't give up on her." She reached out, placing a reassuring hand on his arm, trying to offer some comfort amidst the storm of emotions.

She continued, "It's protocol to inform the police about such cases with the consent of the patient or their guardians. But given the extreme brutality involved and the severity of Y/N's injuries, we had to immediately notify the police."

Felix, who had been silent, swallowed hard, his voice thick with emotion. "Dr. Jisoo, she's everything to us. Please, you have to bring her back to us. We can't... we can't lose her." His eyes, red-rimmed and teary, pleaded with the doctor, reflecting the pain and desperation of a family on the brink of losing someone they cherished deeply.

Dr. Jisoo nodded, her face showing the weight of the responsibility she felt. "I truly understand the depth of your pain and concern," she responded, looking between Y/N's father and Felix. "Please know that we're using every resource, every piece of knowledge, and every bit of expertise we have to care for Y/N. I promise to keep you updated every step of the way. Right now, the best thing you can do is be there for her, send her your strength, and believe in her recovery."

Dr. Jisoo stood up, her voice firm yet gentle, "Stay strong for Y/N. She's not alone in this fight." The gravity of her words settled, casting a solemn stillness over the room.

In a big, fancy house, three men talked in hushed tones. The oldest, with a mean look, said, "Our sons made a mistake with that girl. We can either fix it or make sure the girl is out of the picture." He laughed in a way that felt creepy.

The next man, looking serious, added, "The girl is just a small problem. We need to keep our family's name clean. What do you think, Jeon Jungkook?"

Jungkook gave a sneaky smile in response. The other two laughed with him, and the mood felt heavy.

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