6. Into the Heart of Darkness

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Jungkook pov

Two years, it's been two damn years since I last came here. My home, the place where I was born, where I learned to walk, a place where all my childhood memories lie, but now it's just bricks and stones, a place where none of my loved ones exist. Just me and the memories I cherish, even though they fade with time. Everything is just as it was before, nothing has changed; even the walls look the same, not even a faltering paint. I was lost in my own thoughts when I felt someone behind me.

"So Jisoo wasn't joking about you being in town," a voice came from behind me, and without even looking back, I knew who it was.

"Are you even planning to meet us, or are you just gonna leave like last time without meeting any of us?" Hearing him, I just looked back at him and said, "Nice to meet you too, Taehyung."

I turned fully to face him, taking in his familiar features; he hadn't changed much. But then again, neither had I, at least on the outside.

As I spoke, Taehyung's expression softened, a mixture of relief and frustration evident in his eyes. "Yeah, it's been too long, Jungkook," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of hurt; I know that look.

"Yeah, sorry about that," I muttered, feeling a pang of guilt wash over me. "Things have been... complicated."

As I spoke, Taehyung's expression softened and he said to me "Yeah, I know, how is everything going on".

"No progress, but I think I found a way to make things right, to get back everything I lost" I said looking straight at him.

The tension in the air was palpable as he gazed at me, his eyes filled with an unspoken urgency. "Any updates about her?" he inquired, his nervousness evident.

My heart sank as I responded, feeling the weight of disappointment settle heavily upon me. "No, hyung, I'm trying," I admitted, my voice tinged with frustration. Each passing moment without news about her only deepened my sense of failure.

Author's Pov

Taehyung looked at the younger one in front of him, the once happy and cheerful Jungkook now absent. He could only see an emotionless man, willing to go to any lengths to get what he wants, without caring about the outcomes. But can Taehyung blame Jungkook? No.

To lighten the mood, Taehyung attempted to steer the conversation away from the heaviness that hung between them. "So, what about Jimin?" he asked, injecting a hint of brightness into his tone. "You should have brought him along too."

"I'm here for a case, hyung," Jungkook responded, his voice tinged with a hint of fatigue. "And Jimin hyung will be joining us shortly."

"Yeah, Jisoo filled me in on the case. Is Jimin also here for it?" Taehyung queried, seeking to engage Jungkook in a more lighthearted exchange, if only momentarily.

"Yes, it's the same case," Jungkook confirmed with a nod, his tone neutral but carrying an undertone of seriousness. The acknowledgment of their shared mission brought a sense of unity, however fleeting, amidst the underlying tension.

"Oh, okay. Wait, today Namjoon hyung is throwing a party for winning a case, as usual. You should come too. It's been such a long time since you last saw everyone," Taehyung suggested, a note of warmth in his voice as he extended the invitation to Jungkook.

"I don't think I can attend today. I have some meetings based on the case, so..." Jungkook trailed off, his voice tinged with regret. "But if I get time, I'll surely come. The party is in Namjoon hyung's villa, right?" Jungkook inquired, indicating his willingness to join if circumstances allowed.

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