2. Are All Men Truly Evil?

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In an interrogation room, Jungkook sat opposite a man who was handcuffed to the table.

"Why did you kill Mr. Choi Beom Seok?" Jungkook's voice was soft, but the underlying threat was unmistakable.

The man shot back, desperation evident, "I've told you again and again! The Stark Corporation's chairman forced me!"

But Jungkook leaned closer, his smile chilling, "People whisper, you know. They say you had your own reasons. Personal vendettas. And that you took pleasure in it."

The man's eyes flared with anger, "You're trying to twist this, to pin all the blame on me!"

Jungkook's smirk deepened, and he uttered, "Maybe. But here's the real deal. Admit it was personal, and perhaps, just perhaps, I might ensure your mother's safety. If not, in your absence, who knows the hardships she might endure?"

The man's voice trembled, a mix of disbelief and fear, "How can you even utter such threats? You're a police officer!"

Jungkook leaned back, the room's lighting casting an ominous shadow on his face, "Titles mean nothing. Results do. You have a choice to make, and the clock's ticking. Your mother's well-being or your stubbornness, choose wisely."

Tears welled in the man's eyes, revealing his breaking point. "Fine, fine. I'll do whatever you ask. Just... please, don't lay a finger on her."

Jungkook leaned forward, the corners of his lips curling into a satisfied smirk. "That's what I wanted to hear. So, tell me the 'truth' now."

The man took a shaky breath, "I killed Mr. Choi Beom Seok for personal reasons." The words tasted bitter on his tongue, but the thought of his mother's safety compelled him to say them.

Jungkook leaned back, triumphantly. "Was that so hard? Remember, it's in your best interest — and hers — that you stick to this story."

After their chat, Jungkook stood up, ready to leave the room.

Outside, Park Jimin approached with a concerned look. "Did you get what you were after?"

Jungkook gave a small, tight smile. "He'll say what we need him to."

Jimin, eyes filled with worry, asked, "What did you tell him?"

Jungkook leaned in, his voice low, "Sometimes, Hyung, you have to play tough to make things right."

Just then, a younger officer hurried over. "Sir, the chief wants to see you."

Jungkook looked deep into Jimin's eyes, a hint of the old warmth there. "I'll be back, Hyung," he promised, then walked away.

Jimin stood still, watching his friend go. His heart ached. The once joyful and kind-hearted Jungkook was now hard to recognize. Jimin felt a deep sadness thinking about the choices Jungkook was making, but he also understood they were rooted in painful events from his past.

Jungkook POV:

"May I come in, Chief?" I asked, knocking on the cabin door of the chief.

"Yes, come in." Hearing the chief's response, I entered, finding him engrossed in his laptop. As I approached, he sensed my presence, glancing up and acknowledging me with a brief nod and a warm smile.

"Jeon Jungkook, please sit. We have a very urgent matter to discuss," he said with a seriousness that hinted at the gravity of the situation.

Anticipating his words, I responded, "He's going to confess. He'll say he killed Beom Seok, and that no one else was involved – just like the Stark group wanted."

The chief leaned back, rubbing his temple. "That's good to hear, but it's not why I've called you in. We have a more pressing case." He let out a slight smirk, piquing my curiosity. Suddenly, he stood up. I looked at him, confused, and also stood up. Understanding my confused state, he said, "We need to get somewhere. I will tell you about the case on the way." I nodded my head and said, "Yes, sir." He made his way to the door, and I walked behind him.

"So, what is the case, sir?" I asked the chief as we had been traveling in his personal car for about 15 minutes.

"You know Kim Tae-hoon, the Chairman of Chars Corporation?" I nodded my head; of course, who wouldn't know him? He owns half of the city. The chief continued, "And Jang Ki-yong, our minister." "What about them?" I asked, as he continued, "It's not about them. It's about their kids. They caused a problem, and they need our help—more like your help—to solve the crisis. Trust me, Jungkook, this is going to change your life." I nodded my head without any hesitation. I have done worse; what could possibly be different this time?

As we reached a villa, I knew for sure it wasn't either Kim Tae-hoon or the minister's house. They had chosen this place to keep the meeting a secret. A rape case—that's what the chief told me about the case. I knew that helping these people with this case would earn me another ticket to hell. But do I care? No, I have come too far to regret something now.

As I was lost in my own thoughts, I heard someone say, "So, this is Officer Jeon Jungkook." I looked at the minister and Chairman Kim Tae-hoon. I extended my hand to the minister, who had spoken earlier, and then to Kim Tae-hoon, saying, "Hello."

The minister remarked, "I've heard a lot about you, Officer." Kim Tae-hoon added, "Yes, I've heard about how you help people like us," he looked at me and smirked, "cleanly." I returned the smirk, savoring their indirect appreciation.

Minister continued, "We have a delicate situation on our hands, Officer Jungkook. A case involving our children that demands discreet handling. We've been informed that you excel in dealing with such matters."

Kim Tae-hoon interjected, his eyes glinting with a certain cunning, "And we also heard that you don't mind getting your hands dirty for the right price." The insinuation hung in the air, emphasizing the darker side of my reputation.

With a subtle smirk, I replied, "I'm here to solve problems, no matter how messy they might be. As long as the compensation is adequate, consider the matter already discreet"

"They filed a case, but for now, they don't know what actually happened to the girl or who did that to her," the minister explained. "As the informant told me, that girl is still unconscious and can't tell when she will wake up." He turned to me with a serious look and said, "They can't reach our son. For that, we need you, or do whatever it takes to make everything clean. You can use any method; just the result matters."

The atmosphere grew more intense as the gravity of the situation sank in. Chairman Kim Tae-hoon added with a touch of viciousness, "We don't need details; we need the problem to disappear. Permanently."

Their demands echoed with a sense of ruthlessness, emphasizing that in this world, where power and privilege intersect, the definition of justice was negotiable, and I was the one they had chosen to negotiate it.

"So, where is your son?" I asked, a lump forming in my throat. "I need to meet them and have to know everything that happened. Then, I can find a way to save them from this."

Chairman Kim responded, "They are somewhere else," pausing as if controlling his anger. "That girl really put up a hell of a fight, that's why they have some injuries, so they are taking care of that."

"The audacity of that bitch to think that she can fight a man, not just one man but two," the minister said, and I cringed at his callous remarks. It was unsettling to hear such disdain from someone in a position of authority who should be serving the people.

"Okay! But I have to talk to them as soon as possible," I said, looking at both Chairman Kim and the Minister. The Minister replied, "We will let you know when they are ready. For now, we are counting on you."

"I assure you, Minister, Chairman Kim, I have a knack for making problems disappear. When I'm done, there won't be a trace left for anyone to follow. Consider it done."

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