13. The Guilt We Bear

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Author's Pov

"So you're saying they handled Yeri and she will never talk about Y/N or whatever happened that day?" Jimin said to Jungkook.

They were now sitting in a restaurant located by the beach. After leaving Y/N's house, they had driven straight to their favorite spot for some food.

"Yes," Jungkook replied shortly.

"And are you sure that she is okay?" Jimin asked, feeling a pang of guilt.

"I don't know, hyung. They said they threatened her. They have something on her, and because of that, she keeps her mouth shut," Jungkook said, irritation and self-directed anger evident in his voice. He continued, "Even without all the threats, I'm sure she won't come out. That girl is a coward. She didn't even care about Y/N, who risked everything to save her, but she only thought about saving herself."

"We don't know that until we meet Yeri," Jimin countered.

"No need for that. She isn't important. If they said she's been handled, we have more pressing tasks to focus on," Jungkook said, though Jimin could sense the uneasiness in him, something he had never felt from Jungkook before.

"What happened? Why do you look so dull?" Jimin asked, concerned about Jungkook's gloominess.

"Nothing, it just feels like something is wrong," Jungkook admitted. "I feel like I'm doing something wrong with Y/N, her family, her friends, and now Yeri. I know I am, but I can't help it. If I want to find her, then I need to protect those who wronged y/n."

Jimin just looked at the maknae, his heart heavy with the same burden. He didn't say anything because he felt the same way. He couldn't help it either because he, too, wanted nothing more than to save her. Even if it meant doing wrong to the world, he didn't care, as long as he could find her.

"We're already in a pit, Jungkook, tangled in a web," Jimin said, his voice heavy with guilt. "We've already dirtied our hands. There's no turning back now." He knew they didn't have any other choice-this was their last resort.

"I know, hyung," Jungkook replied, his voice tinged with frustration and sorrow. "Even if I wanted to turn back, I know I can't. It's just this feeling that I can't control."

Jungkook's phone rang, and he quickly checked the caller ID. It was Yeonjun. Answering, he said, "Tell me, Yeonjun."

Yeonjun had been assigned the task of finding JB. "Sir, we are right now in Marine Town near JB's hideout. He's here," Yeonjun reported.

"Okay, don't do anything. Just guard the area until we get there. Follow him from a distance if he moves," Jungkook instructed, cutting the call as soon as Yeonjun responded.

He got up from his seat, turning to Jimin with a cold and wicked glint in his eye, shedding his earlier gloom. "It's time for the hunt, hyung."


In Marine Town, Yeonjun and Chan were positioned in an old building, keeping a lookout on JB's hideout. They were carefully hidden, observing anyone entering or exiting the building. However, for the past 40 minutes, there had been no movement at all.

Jungkook and Jimin arrived at Chan's position on the side of the building. Jungkook nodded to Yeonjun, signaling him to get ready. He then gestured to Jimin and Chan, instructing them to surround the house.

As they approached the entrance, everyone drew their guns. Jungkook signaled Chan to knock on the door. Despite knocking several times, the door remained closed and locked, suggesting that someone was inside.

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