7. Monsters Disguised in Human Form

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Jungkook pov

"We met her, we fucked, everything in the same day, in the Night vibe club," Jang Dong-yoon chuckled, his tone flippant and devoid of remorse.

His words struck me like a blow to the gut, igniting a surge of rage within me. How could they speak of such atrocities with such callousness, as if it were nothing more than a casual encounter? I struggled to contain the fury coursing through my veins, my fists clenched tightly at my sides, every muscle in my body tensed with the effort to restrain myself from lashing out.

It took every ounce of willpower to maintain my composure, to resist the overwhelming urge to unleash the full force of my anger upon him.

He continued, his tone dripping with disdain, "I don't even understand why she was there in the first place to help that bitch. But whatever it is, she is the best one I ev..."

I cut him off abruptly, my voice sharp and cold, "What do you mean by that, and who are you talking about?" My gaze bore into him, demanding answers, my anger simmering just beneath the surface, ready to erupt at any moment.

I looked at both of them, noticing their exchanged glances, a silent communication passing between them. With a lazy sigh, Jang Dong-yoon began to speak, the air thick with tension as his words hung in the air.

Few days before the incident (Flashback) - Authors Pov

"Come on, Yeri, you don't want anyone else to find out about our dirty little secret, right?" Jang Dong-yoon whispered into Yeri's ear, his grip tightening as she squirmed uncomfortably.

"Why are you doing this to me? Please, let me go. I won't tell anyone about you and your friends, about the drugs in the computer labs. Please, just let me go," Yeri pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and desperation as she begged for mercy.

But to Jang Dong-yoon, her pleas were nothing more than music to his ears, a twisted symphony of power and control as he reveled in her fear and helplessness. "And what exactly do you think you're going to do about it, Yeri? You know about the photos. Think about your family. What do you think they'll do if they find out about your dirty deeds with me?" he said with a smirk.

Jang Dong-yoon's laughter rang out like a sinister melody, filling the room with dread. "You'll come to the Night Vibe Club Saturday night at 8 o'clock, Yeri, or those photos will be all over the internet by morning. And trust me, once they're out there, there's no going back." With that, he left the girl broken and crying on the floor of her hostel room-a place forbidden for men to enter. But money and power don't need to obey any rules.

Saturday night at 8

"You know, Yeri, for a second there, I thought you wouldn't come. But you're not that dumb to ignore my warning," Jang Dong-yoon said as Yeri entered the private VVIP room in the club.

Yeri looked around and visibly trembled upon seeing Kim Young-dae sitting on the couch. Without thinking, she took a few steps back, but her back collided with Jang Dong-yoon, who was standing behind her. Startled, she turned around, only to be met with Jang Dong-yoon's evil smile, fear and tears welling up in her eyes.

Yeri's heart pounded with terror as she made a frantic dash for the exit. But before she could reach the door, Jang Dong-yoon grabbed her hand, halting her in her tracks. With a swift, brutal motion, he delivered a hard slap across her face, sending shockwaves of pain through her trembling body. The force of the blow knocked her off balance, and she collided with the floor, dazed and disoriented.

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