3. Meeting Her

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"Lee Y/n, a law student, is the eldest daughter of Lee Min-ho and Lee Da-hee. Both of her parents are esteemed professors at the Korean National Institution. She has two younger siblings: Lee Felix, who is currently studying art in college, where their parents teach, and the youngest, Lee Hyein, who is a high school student. Other details are in this file sir." The police officer who is explaining handed over the file to Jungkook by telling that.

"Chan!" as the younger heard his name he turned to his senior "Yes Sir"

Jungkook asked him "who filed the complaint"

"From the hospital," Chan said to Jungkook, who was studying the photo of the victim. "Probably a stalker; nowadays, these kinds of cases are everywhere," the other officer driving the car, Yeonjun, chimed in. "Yes, Yeonjun, you are right. This girl is really pretty! It's probably some stalker." Jungkook sighed, listening to the younger officers.

"We don't know anything for now. Let's find out through the investigation. First, go to the hospital, meet her parents, get information about her medical condition and all that stuff," Jungkook said as he leaned his head back in the seat and closed his eyes, feeling an unsettling sensation in his heart, the reason for which he couldn't pinpoint.

"What the hell! Are there any celebrities or politicians in the hospital? Why so much crowd?" Yeonjun exclaimed as he drove through the main gate of the hospital. "Wait, what are those posters? 'Y/n, get well soon.' Why are there so many? Is she a celebrity?" Chan asked, shocked to see people standing with lots of posters.

Jungkook studied the area and said, "She's an activist! And these people are probably the ones who work with her or maybe whom she helped."

"How do you know that, sir?" Chan asked Jungkook.

"From the file you gave me, and you too would know if you had paid attention," Jungkook replied to Chan intimidatingly. Chan said, "Sorry, sir."

As they made their way through the hospital entrance, the buzz of concerned voices and the sight of well-wishers holding the posters intensified. Jungkook couldn't help but feel a strange mix of curiosity and unease. The situation seemed more complicated than he had anticipated.

"Doctor, an officer is here for the case of Y/n," a nurse informed Jisoo, who was busy checking something on her computer. Jisoo nodded her head without looking at the nurse and said, "Let the officer in."

After a while, Jungkook knocked on the door of Jisoo's cabin and said, "May I come in, Doctor?" Jisoo replied, still looking at the computer screen, "Yes, come in."

"Hello, Doctor," Jungkook greeted as he entered Jisoo's cabin. Jisoo immediately looked at the person who just spoke. "Kook!" she exclaimed in shock. "Wait, you're the officer! Tae didn't tell me anything about you being here! When did you transfer here?"

Jungkook responded, "Just arrived today, and Tae isn't aware yet. I haven't had the chance to share the news or meet anyone. Still getting settled in."

Jungkook continued, "I'm here for the case I got after joining today, involving an activist named Lee Y/n. I need to gather information."

Jisoo's expression shifted to a more serious tone. "Yeah, Lee Y/n. It's a clear case of a brutal gang rape. Do we have any leads or information about the perpetrators?"

Jungkook's eyes narrowed at the revelation. "Not yet! I'm just starting from here. First, let's gather information about her medical condition and all the evidence, like fingerprints and more.".

Jisoo sighed, "The dress she's wearing and all other items have been submitted to the police, as you may already know. Y/n's medical condition is really critical; she's currently in a coma due to a head injury caused by a concussion. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to get a statement from her. Her parents are devastated, and the whole situation is quite sensitive."

She paused and looked at Jungkook, who was listening attentively. With a sigh, she closed her eyes, suppressing her emotions, and continued, "Whoever they are, they are not humans! Y/n has internal bleeding, and we removed some glass particles from her lower region. But, above all the other physical injuries, that girl is fighting for her life till now."

'As everyone's anxiously waiting outside for her to wake up, you can really feel how much they care. It's like they all know she's got this incredible strength, way beyond her years, you know?' Jisoo finishes, glancing at Jungkook, who's clearly affected. He takes a deep breath, letting go of those emotions, and just says, 'I've got to see her.' Jungkook said, his anger simmering not just at the people who had done this to a girl but also at himself, a sense of disgust creeping in for what he was about to do.

"Oh, sure! Come with me," Jisoo said as she stood up.

Studying Jungkook's disturbed expression, Jisoo remarked, "I can't even imagine the terrible things she's been through, or the pain her family is facing." They continued their conversation while walking through the hospital corridors until Jisoo stopped abruptly and said, "Here." Jisoo opened the door to the ICU.

As Jungkook approached the ICU, he couldn't ignore the heart-wrenching scene nearby. Two middle-aged figures, presumably Y/n's parents, sat with a teenage girl, her head nestled in her mother's lap. They looked utterly drained, their exhaustion etched deep into their faces, evidence of days without proper rest or sustenance. Nearby, a girl and a boy, likely college students, mirrored the same weariness. The weight of emotion hung heavy in the air, painting a poignant picture of the toll this ordeal had taken on everyone involved. But suddenly, the girl's eyes met his, and she stared at him for a moment. Jungkook also stared, his expression filled with confusion, before he entered the ICU.

Jungkook hesitated at the entrance of the ICU, his eyes fixated on Y/n's fragile figure lying unconscious in the hospital bed. The room, bathed in the sterile glow of artificial light, felt heavy with the unspoken weight of her pain. Her bruised body and delicate face told a story of torment, leaving an indelible mark on Jungkook's conscience.

The sight of her vulnerability struck a chord deep within him, a sudden swell of empathy that he hadn't anticipated. Her frailty seemed to amplify the harsh reality of her situation, and for a moment, Jungkook's tough exterior crumbled. His heart, typically shielded, felt an unexpected pang as he grappled with the realization that, despite his own dark inclinations, this girl's suffering had penetrated his defenses.

As his gaze lingered on her battered form, the room seemed to shrink, and the silence was deafening. The connection he felt with her transcended the boundaries of his role or reputation. In that poignant moment, Jungkook found himself caught in the crosscurrents of compassion and conflict, a reluctant witness to the raw vulnerability of another's pain.

Jungkook's gaze fixated on Y/n's face as if time itself had frozen. The world around him faded into a distant hum, and he was oblivious to Jisoo's words. His attention was solely on her, every bruise and every mark telling a story of unimaginable suffering.

In that suspended moment, the gravity of the situation seemed to press upon him, and the chaos within his own mind momentarily stilled. The lines between hero and antihero blurred as he grappled with the overwhelming empathy that surged within him. Y/n's face became a mirror reflecting the pain he hadn't known he was capable of feeling.

The room, the conversation, everything else became secondary as Jungkook confronted a reality that transcended his usual world of shadows. For a moment, his own struggles and the dark path he walked seemed inconsequential in the face of the profound injustice laid bare on Y/n's bruised and fragile face.

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