4. A Selfish Man

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"Seriously, Dad! You didn't have your BP tablet?" the girl asked with a stern voice, her concern evident as she watched her father buried in a bunch of documents.

"I'm going to, champ, just five more minutes," the man said to his daughter, who was glaring at him, her worry transforming into frustration.

The girl sighed, frustration turning into action. She stepped forward, closed the documents her father was studying, and handed him a glass of water along with a tablet. "No more excuses, Dad. Just take this tablet, and after that, promise me you'll take some rest."

He reluctantly accepted the tablet, "Alright, alright. I'll take it, and then I'll rest, I promise," he reassured her by patting her head so lightly, grateful for her persistence and care.

She nodded, her eyes softening with relief. "Good. You need to take care of yourself, Dad. You can't just keep neglecting your health like this."

He smiled at his daughter, touched by her concern. "I know, sweetheart, and stop nagging at me like this. You're my daughter, not my mother. But hey, thanks for keeping me in check."

She returned the smile, but her eyes still held a hint of worry. "When you start caring for yourself by taking your meds, eating your food, and resting properly, then maybe I'll ease up on the nagging."

He chuckled, "Why would you stop? You know without your nagging I can't function. It's like my daily reminder that you care."

The girl playfully teased, "Well, I'm not going to be here forever to take care of you, you know?" She winked, lightening the moment with a touch of humor. But then, seeing her father's sad expression, she softened, "Come on, Dad, where would I be without you guys? I can't imagine my life without you." She hugged him tightly, letting him know that her nagging came from a place of love.

But he was startled by the sound of someone calling 'Dad...' as he opened his eyes, realizing the painful reality.

"Dad, this is Officer Jeon Jungkook. He is going to investigate Noona's..." Felix stopped, his voice trembling, unable to complete his sentence. Jungkook glanced at the person before him, who appeared to have just awakened from something he wished he hadn't. 

Lee Min Ho was still trying to process the fact that it was a dream. But soon he pulled himself together, knowing he should be strong for his daughter.

Min Ho extended his hand to Jungkook and said, "Hello, Officer. I'm Lee Min Ho, Y/N's father."

Min Ho's sudden change in behavior brought Jungkook out of his thoughts. He replied, "Hello, Professor Lee Min Ho," and they nodded their heads as Jungkook continued, 'So I know that whatever you and your family are going through is something I can't fully understand, and I'm not saying I do. But one thing I promise you is that I will put every person who did this to your daughter behind bars!' He declared this even though he didn't mean a word of what he said.

Listening to what the officer in front of them said, both Min Ho and Felix nodded their heads, unable to hide the rage for the people who did this to her. Their life, their pride, their happiness—everything that no one can ever change.

Despite realizing the sudden change in the situation, Jungkook needed to proceed with what he came here for. However, he understood that these people were not very well-off—neither particularly wealthy nor with political or influential backgrounds. Yet, they were not poor or easily manipulated. He knew that he couldn't make them withdraw the case by offering compensation. Instead, he understood that he needed to make them believe he was on their side.

He would investigate the case thoroughly, collect all the evidence, and then, as usual, leverage it to trade for something he desired. Minister Jang Ki-yong, knowing he was the only one who could provide what he needed, would be his key in this endeavor, and he was determined to use it.

"Can you tell me who was the first person to find her and where?" Jungkook asked.

Felix replied, "Jennie noona found her. She's noona's friend."

"Okay... and where can I meet this Jennie?" Jungkook inquired. Before Felix or Min Ho could respond, someone answered from behind, "I'm Jennie. You can ask me whatever you want."

Jungkook turned in the direction of the voice and found the same girl who had been staring at him before he entered the ICU. As he looked at Jennie, he felt a strange sensation, as if she were seeing right through him.

He broke the awkward silence by asking, "Okay, first I need your statement, and before that, I need to know everything that happened that day related to Y/n." He looked at the other two people who were there, and before he could continue, Lee Min Ho said, "Jennie, we will be fine here. You go with the officer and talk to him," showing his understanding of the situation.

Jennie nodded to both Min Ho and Felix, and mouthed to Felix to take care of everything before she left.

Jungkook and Jennie sat in a hospital cafeteria. Jungkook leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Jennie, as he asked, "So, where did you find the victim?" His words hung heavy in the air.

Jennie, startled by his sudden choice of words, couldn't help but ponder, 'A victim'—is that what Y/N is now in the eyes of the world?

Taking a moment to collect herself, Jennie replied boldly, "She would never call herself that."

Confused, Jungkook looked at her and asked, "What do you mean?"

Responding with the same boldness and a sweet smile, Jennie clarified, "'A victim'. Y/N would never call herself that, nor would the people who ever knew her." Staring at him, she continued as if she wanted him to understand Y/N not as a victim, but as the person her family, friends, and loved ones knew her to be.

Jungkook sighed and said, "Okay. Well, she is a rape victim, and my job is to find the culprit. For that, you need to answer my damn questions," he asked, irritated, not really knowing whether his irritation was directed at the girl in front of him or at himself. He continued his questions, pressing, "Where did you find her?"

Jennie looked at the man in front of her, her eyes holding something Jungkook couldn't quite understand, and then she closed them. The small smile she had when she was talking about Y/N was replaced with a terrified look as she trembled, recalling something she never wanted to see again.

After a moment, she continued speaking, "All I want is justice for my best friend. So, before I tell you everything I know, can I trust you?" With the last sentence, she opened her eyes and stared directly at him.

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